Netflix Goes Full Socialist, Buys Film STARRING Ocasio-Cortez for $10 Million

Netflix Goes Full Socialist, Buys Film STARRING Ocasio-Cortez for $10 Million, lets find a way to troll this bitch back to the stone age. I'm SICK of her ( yes I know I made a thread)
stupidity like this should never be rewarded..........

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Troll her? user, she is our QUEEN!!!

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Stop posting this fucking bitch

We have to protect her smile

AOC Derangement Syndrome is a serious disease and must be treated immediately. Please try to stay away from Fox News until you've had a chance to see a doctor.

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>Hide all AOC threads
>Ignore all AOC posts

>goes full socialist by performing a capitalist transaction

She doesn't look like Nasim to me.

anyone that actually works for a living can't stand this tard, she has no power


No, jackass, it isn't.

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I work and I think she's charming.

ahahahaha it's in fucking spanish

Buddy, 60% of republicans support her politics. Justice dems have bipartisan support for the core issues with voters.

She's the best thing to happen to American white people since Trump. She is an openly anti-white, pro-latin ethnonationalist. She's a huge liability for the old DNC crew that's holding the party together and an extremely visible sign to everyone that the Dems are the party for non-whites. A lot of her stances are making (((them))) shit their pants, too.

Why would I ever want to stop her? I support her. She's a bull in the Democratic china shop.

They know what they're doing

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Theyre not socialists theyre black supremacists.

source for 60% support claim, please.

troll her by giving her free advertising, brilliant!

She's a jew

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kek republitards

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Nice LARP, Shlomo

>if I ignore her she'll go away!

What a time. Retards can be politicians...

I can't work out if she's hot or not.She kind of looks like a donkey.

>Netflix goes full Socialist
In other news, Water goes full wet.

she is a walking, talking "millennial-face", marxist caricature. A literal and proverbial 21st century, completely self-absorbed gaff-machine that will gift Republicans with optical propaganda victories untill Democrats destroy her character or she voluntarily quits for "stress related" reasons.

Democrats last, best and only hope for any future elections is to attack the electoral college. They must deploy the American-Jewish media to incessantly attack the electoral college day and night, 24/7 and attempt to create doubt in the mind of hypnotized children, furious women, and un-educated rabble roused minorities.

This will be the primary Democrat strategy moving forward, as the appearance of their new leader, Occacio Cortez and her revelation of the TRUE democrat agenda to the public pigeon holed the party into an inexscapble cycle of doubling down on further and further leftist insanity.

Occasio cortes is proof positive that the Democrat party is D.E.A.D, dead when their new generation led by people like Occasio cortes takes over. Cortes and every 'millenial' democrat is the rotten fruit of 3 decades of hardcore-unadulterated liberal indoctrination which has produced subhuman-brown slugs incapable of anything other than regurgitating half digested propaganda. The democrat party now relies on hypnotized children, furious minorities and conditioned women as its present and future. Any refutation whatsoever of Cortes by any senior democrat, is a refutation of the entire platform as a whole, and would basically admit their entire poltical party is built on 100% fantasy, lies and identitarian rabble rousing with no goal at all, other than division for divison sake.

in 2020 they are going to have to settle on a single message. And then the tension between their pragmatic side and the increasingly unhinged socialist side are going to have a showdown that will make Sanders v Clinton look like child's play.

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She's only popular because she is young and attractive

Her very success is proof of how broken the system is

The irony is.....

Tell you what else has bipartisan support? Aid to Israel.

The thing that scares me about her is she sounds JUST like the girls in my community college political science and economics classes last year. Speaks the exact same way, public speaking class taught mannerisms and techniques. She doesn't stand out at all compared to the typical know-it-all ignorant college girl. Shes accomplished nothing in her life yet. So how the fuck did she get elected? And why is she a star? There are literally millions of young women out there exactly like her. If they all start to run for office because of her they will 100% run the country. I could easily see congress becoming 90% millennial women within the next decade. The media (and in particular- social media) have completely fucked the future of our country. I don't see how its possible to un-fuck this situation.

God, she is so beautiful

At first your team spamming the board was annoying. Now, I enjoy these shill threads. Watching you guys get your shit pushed in is hilarious. Seeing you fail so epically is entertaining. I can only imagine the strategy sessions and the discussions as each of your threads get btfo and everyone calls out your shit. How you will convince your benefactors to continue their support for this campaign would be fascinating to know.

Why the focus on the EC?
I get that the EC is an exploitable institution but it'd take more effort to dismantle it than it would to just use it for your own ends.

Put your dick down, Raul. This isn't /v/.


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>let's campaign a leftist female on Jow Forums!
Ostrich method won't work.

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Damn socialist corporations, with their hundreds of billions of dollars and vast free market success. First Apple, then Google, now Netflix. We need real capitalism step in a tell them to stop being so successful and making so much money. It's literally communism!

Nigga please. It's like you haven't heard of the third option.

>She's only popular because she is young and attractive

And she's pushing policies that sound good to her young audience, despite being laughably impractical.

are you a cuck? or are you a normalfag? or a shill/jew

Kikery simple, plain and ridiculously obvious


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What does the Third "Option" have to do with consistently accusing the most successful capitalists in history of being communist?

That those two things aren't opposites. :)

It shows how desperate the globalists are, sad.

Its her own media team creating this thread. They begin with a negative premise to disguise their message. Then they change ips and promote her, like everyone of their other threads. It not as sofisticated as they think

lol I wonder if anyone has not yet realized this AOC is a meme and psysop and not at all organic

Assuming that's true, she's still such a transparent zog puppet marketed towards retarded social media addicts that I don't even think r_thedreidal would fall for it. I hope you're right but you have to admit she's campaigning hard now, we need meme magic to combat such a beacon of Talmudic destruction

Well let me introduce you to a man named George W Bush. Retards have always been politicians.

secular talk brings it up many times, search for yourself.

This has to be the greatest movie of all time.

>This Spring:
>Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has no idea what she’s talking about.
>”I’m gonna be inaugurated”
>Yet she keeps on talking.
>”I’m gonna sign bills into law!”
>Democratic Sarah Palin
>The Cryptkeeper
>Gilbert Godfried’s grandfather
>A bunch of kikes and niggers
>Alexandria: What is Wrong with this Country?
>Coming soon to a theatre near you

I'm so fucking glad I canceled my membership years ago.

I can't wait till AOC gives the government 7 million dollars in tax money and donates the rest of the 3 million to poor immigrants and soup kitchens .

Lol 'democrata' is above democrat on poster but in smaller font.

>Buys Film STARRING Ocasio-Cortez for $10 Million
IRS should get 70% of that.

Trying to ignore the Queen is futile, she marches through the ranks she marches towards the white house a historic rise that will be remembered for eternity.
The moment a young women faced off against a den of snake like trash boomers.
You sucking cock off of a puppet shill like trump means little.

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Shouldn't we be supporting here? We couldn't even invent controlled oppo this good.

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>implying she's not a kike shill
Low energy, at least name your masters with "pride"

Is Netflix going to censor her nose?


Thats not how marginal tax rates work, I am sorry you are too stupid but its time to take a breather silverspoon.
Cant wait for trump to drop to his knees and take it on the chin from israel again, then make the American tax payers pay for israel letting Trump suck their dick.
So is everyone that might have had to watch a netflix movie with you.
Nice division job shill, how much you paid? Did Trump pull the israelly cock from his mouth and let ya have a suck? you fag shill.
"She is zog hurrr Trump isnt zog hurrrrr" oh fuck off shill change is coming you cant stop it silverspoon.
"Sad globalist want to make america better, I am with trump who wants israel better". shill
go rev up the tinfoil hats you alex jones tranny lovin traitor fuck shill.

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Socialism is what the elites want so it's planet shithole while they live like gods on mount olympus.

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Wait wait wait...
isn't capitalism great? People can make a film and make MILLIONS from it?

That and the
She's a brainlet.

You retards know that the production company gets the money right, not the fucking '' actors '' in a film? She's not going to profit in the sale of a film if she's already paid to be followed after a contract with the producers. Christ you Jow Forums fags are fucking sub 50 IQ tards.

At least she can string a coherent paragraph together unlike Trump. He'll she's clearly smarter than Trump, he claims he earned an MBA

These netflix "production deals" are nothing but a flimsy legal cover for bribery, payoffs and kickbacks.

They are exactly the same as the multi-million dollar "book deals" for books that go straight into 99 cent bargain bin and the million dollar "speaking fees" for 45 minutes of boiler plate platitudes.

I don't post on here much, but it really annoys me how know understands what socialism is. AOC herself doesn't know what socialism is. She's a social democrat, not a democratic socialist. Socialism is simply collective ownership of the means of production. Buying a documentary in the pursuit of profit is nowhere close to socialism.

>Trump isnt zog hurrrrr
Never said that, but she slurps zog balls as well, no one's falling for your lazy shilling

No one understands*

Smarter than trump? Okie Dokie Trump went to an ivy league.

Don't forget Hillary.

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She is so powerful. Brave. And Strong.

But more importantly, she is Smart.


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