Is anime racist?

Is anime racist?

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in the future, white people are only going to exist in anime as a fictional race


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that's not racism, fake tans are popular among youth in japan
it's a style thing

yes(and that's a good thing!)

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why are Holy mages/white mages/healers always white? (blond blue eyed)

Legend of the shield hero (currently airing) is pro-slavery and anti-roasty. If the anime goes on to where the manga's at currently, you niggers are going to love it. Spoilers below

Spoilers: The main character gets falsely accused of rape by a roasty, everyone believes her. Eventually the hero proves he is innocent, and officially renames the roasty to "bitch". Everyone in the kingdom can only refer to her as "bitch" or else they get arrested, and her name in the show as referenced by every character becomes bitch as well. Meanwhile the main character has a qt 3.15 raccoon girl slave.

>MFW Goblin slayer's most powerful ability is locking all the green-Jews in their cave and burning them alive

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everybody knows aryans are superior, Japs are confident enough in their own civilization to give them praise unlike shitskins

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I think a lot of japs want to be white it makes my pp big

In the web novel, her fate is much worse.

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Japanese anime is what happens when you don't give a shit about political correctness or have some weird inferiority complex about your own culture

based and redpilled

>Nobody posted Mr. Popo yet
Dear lord you guys are slow.

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>No Jud Forest from the South Carolina Baptist confederate Congregation and knights of the hanging noose

thanks doc