Deep State turns on the Democrats

Recently I mentioned the dangerous situation at the southern border and a terrorist crossing into Texas that occurred during the Oboma Administration. This event was a major, major reason the Deep State turned on the Democrats and Cortez was activated to help destroy the Democrat Party in its current state. Once the Deep State realized the Democrats could not be trusted to deal with illegal immigration and our National Security was not important to the Democrats, the decision that Trump was reliable was a short leap to make. So here we are now less than a week away from Trump declaring a National Security Crisis on the border, with actions by the FBI and CIA already underway in support of that move. Believe from what we are hearing he may get something from Congress, but not enough. Pelosi and the Democrats are painting themselves into a corner. With Cortez putting out one insane narrative after another, provided by the CIA, the situation in Virginia continuing to bleed, expect one more major revelation, and the border being another major open wound, the Democrats are going into a world of hurt. Look shortly for information to surface regarding a major Democrat and money funneled from a drug cartel in Mexico.

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Fuck off. Mueller is gonna expose Israel and then Iran is gonna wipe out the IDF.

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Two faggots trying to out-Q each other

KYS you utter reject. Israel will take a shit on your goats

You folks should do a little research into Cortez`s education background and see who she crossed path`s with in College. You might be surprised.

>Deepstate now likes Trump
Which DeepState? I can't see your CIA-nigger colleagues playing along

why not tell us instead? It would shut the kikes up

WTF I love the Deep State now?
>Seriously, learn to condense your ideas and greentext

Well you are right there are several. Fear is a great motivation to bring folks together. The situation at the southern border is that serious, and there are cells in several west coast sanctuary cities that are well frightening.

Oboma for one.

show proofs.

Is it true that Iran and Hezbollah are involved with the Migrant Caravan (terrorists among the Caravan)?

Are Russia, Iran, Syria and Hamas/Hezbollah involved in Venezuala at all?

Also what's the inside scoop on Venezuela, is it just Socialism gone wrong, or (((CIA))) involvement?

haha this

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It is in the public record. Figure it out.

Not so much Iran, but Hezbullah is involved in the Migrant Caravans and are a major player in cells in several west coast cities. Venezuela is just a shit show of greed. They are not in that bad of a shape but just another run of the mill regime change operation from our friends at Langley. They are having a hoot I hear.

Is the Shadow Government also panicking, or just the MIC/Banks/Big Money Deep State?

Also who is the Shadow Government?
What dirt do you glowies have on Obama, what did he do?

>spy vs spy

Is the Canadian Liberal party involved in any of this?

You've done it. You have successfully picked up where Q leaves off. You complete the equation by being totally Queer. Stick a chain saw in your masculine pussy.

>retarded state of larp
the thread

Fuck yourself nigger

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Here's hoping, my ferrow Canadian

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On Obama just run of the mill treason. His involvement with Iran and his trying to infiltrate the United States with a massive influx of Muslims to change the nature of the Country. That is why oboma was not really interested in defeating ISIS. He and Hillary were going to flood the country with refugees. The Deep state is multi=layered with competing interests. Behind the Deep State is one far more dangerous entity, that really pushes the buttons.

not to my knowledge

Surely this time larp will deliver.

With all that aggression you must be Ben Rhodes.

Well folks it has been interesting. Have to catch a plane for California. The border will be lit up this week. Not sure if I will be back. The success of these predictions and statements are far more dangerous than their being proved otherwise.

Was Sandy Hook real?
What happened with the Las Vegas shooting?
Was it CIA a operation gone wrong?

Can you answer who the Shadow Government are though?
Is it Israel? Saudi? Rothschilds? UN? The people behind the Toronto Protocols and the Zion one?

Please glow-man, give us a hint or something about the Shadow Government

Please answer, was Sandy Hook real and what happened behind Las Vegas Shooting?

Sandy Hook was real. A terrible tragedy. Las Vegas was a fucked up CIA Operation. There is more than one deep state. The dangerous one is not in the government that creates situations that are then reacted too. They generally stay hidden and are now involved in creating a major nuclear exchange. They have given up on the world as such and are creating a safe haven for folks in their shop. Their headquarters are in Switzerland and have tentacles in several governments around the world, primarily China and the United States. I believe their chances of success are about 90%.

Of course Sandyhook wasn't real. The fact that they insist so hard that it is without providing proof and while enacting censorship only further proves that. LV was a Saudi weapons deal gone bad.

Thanks and stay safe Mr Glowman

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You too. I am planning on hiding out in Colorado fairly soon and staying as drunk as possible while these morons destroy the planet.

>Sandy Hook was real
See, now I think you are full of shit.

So what you are saying is that we're all fucked. Well that's just fantastic. Thx for the info glownigger, hope you don't die.

Before you go, any dirt on Canada?
Anything at all, like how we're viewed, or our corruption, anything.

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Nope just a 90% chance. Who knows.

Sorry not much in tune with what goes on north of the border. Had an associate in the Canadian version of the deep state that shared with me your prime minister is Fidel`s son and he carries on with well should not go there. Let`s just say they are younger than him.

Obama ‘s education was paid by Saudi prince. I’m wondering who paid AOC’s education?

3rd post a bestie!

Not really sure. She was run by a company utilized by the CIA. Know she has a nice reward coming in 2 years if she does the Democrats in. She is in for one term and out.

LARP or not. I want to believe.

Anyway what should we the patriots do to keep alive during the shit hits the fan.

How bad is our (((deep state)))?

I knew he was Fidel Jr.
Is he carrying on some kind of Globalist plan to change our country forever?
Or is he a genuine retard that believes diversity is good?

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So, dude, I hope you are real. No way if you are hooked in at top levels, do you NOT know what was grabbed on the raid Feb 4th, 2019, 4AM, Wilshire Blvd and Lucas. Buildings owned by the lawyer doing NXIVM defense has ties to Central America, Med, Pharma, and more...Bullshit if you don't spill or you're Anon5 with a new wrapper.

Dood u shud jus smoak teh kind buds insted, praise jah