Why aren't Latinas having babies anymore? The stereotypes are becoming increasingly untrue

Why aren't Latinas having babies anymore? The stereotypes are becoming increasingly untrue

Attached: hispanic birth rate.png (926x605, 33K)

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>when the degeneracy hits hard

Birth-rate among teenage mothers has decreased heavily. I expect a big proportion of teen moms are black or Hispanic.

>aged 20-29

it's because of the narcissistic society in America. The same circumstances that hinder whites from having kids do the same for all races. America is a place that turns adults into children who become preoccupied with childish behavior (toys = phones, candy = narcissistic supply)

Sorry forgot to include pic

This is stark.

Attached: teen birthrate dropping.png (740x740, 149K)

But why are these factors affecting Hispanics 4x more intensely than they are affecting whites?

it's probably more related to the childhood/teen obesity rate. Especially among hispanics and blacks.

That is an interesting proposition but the childhood obesity rate has only slightly risen. However, the birth rate has greatly dropped.

I think this is economic. Might also have to do with more Hispanic people being US-born.

Attached: childhood obesity rate.png (1284x966, 161K)


Hispanics (25.8%) and non-Hispanic blacks (22.0%) had higher obesity prevalence than non-Hispanic whites (14.1%).
because they are twice as likely to be obese as whites
this lowers fertility and testosterone etc

americanization hits every race hard. the spic birth rate has plummtted since they are now second generation and beyond.

it's certainly multi-factor but the same causes of obesity also directly and indirectly lead to lower fertility ie sedentary lifestyle, low nutrient foods, less social skills etc.

For whites it was more to do with social stigma (not having finances)
For poc it's more to do with 2 factors (males are preoccupied with entertainment + health issues) and (women are preoccupied with narcissistic supply + health issues)

the motivations are different between white/poc of why they have less kids

Because many 2nd gen Hispanics are millennials and buy into the no family propaganda.

the American lifestyle isn't suited to having children. you're pressured to work all the time so you can afford a nice house, a nice car, and other things, but you never get the time to enjoy any of it. this stresses people out so they don't want to have children because they hardly have any time for themselves, let alone time for children.

i think it has to do largely with the normalization of sex among teenagers. teenage girls being way bigger thots than they were in say 2007, growing up with smartphones and on the internet.
losing your virginity has way more encouraged than taboo and many girls have fucked lots of guys by the time they turn 18. so with this normalization it means as soon as they were 14 their cool wine moms would take them to get birth control cause you're a woman now sweetie time to go be a whore just don't get pregnant! those who did accidentally get pregnant probably got abortions too

They are assimilating into what the other people here do.

People having big families in third world countries are generally accustomed to poverty around them, if not directly affecting them as well, so I think their expectations in their own countries may be significantly lower, whereas moving to America or just living here gets people hyped up for the elusive search for the American Dream.

absolutely. American culture subtly tells you that if you have to choose between having children and having a career you should choose your career.

Still the highest.

They have entered the kingdom of darkness,

studies show the opposite of that. Teen gen Z is less promiscuous than previous generations. I think the occasional leaked nudes of their schoolmates scares them into being more cautious.

The media convinced all the chicks to burn their babies for moloch. What do you expect?