Thanks America for placing profits over nature and dooming everyone including yourself.
>inb4 blaming only America
You're setting the terms on world economy and everyone has to follow.

Attached: insektensterben.jpg (1600x900, 128K)

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You're welcome

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Fuck off Switzerland. Drink some hot chocolate and shut the fuck up.

I see bees all the time.

Who cares they got robot bees now anyway... nature is gay.

could care less

>dog/cat eating subhuman has an opinion

You are welcome!

Isn't it better if it ends this way? I'd sleep pretty soundly at night knowing the human species is going to follow the white race to the grave and the dark skinned masses will be powerless to stop it.

Its the Guardian. How about couldn't care less

I've noticed this too. barely any bugs around anymore.


I can’t wait until people are choking to death on undrinkable water and killing eachother.

Thai reminds me a lot about the last episode from dinosaurs. Everyone wait for the migration fo some bug, and all goes to shit when the bugs are nowhere to be found

Blame the banks/economists who convinced The Retarded Consumers that "economic growth" is the only thing that matters.

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get ready anons, 30 years from now the mass purge will be well underway

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dude it's fucking ridiculous my old town, ALL of the forest has been completely mowed down for new strip malls and more Walmarts, Walgreens, and GNCs

it's really ridiculous. these people won't stop until they've turned every square inch of the country into a parking lot for their corporate block store.

plants grow just fine without these parasitic faggots
just look at the venus flytrap
its like the plant is saying "its ok to kill these niggers bro"

But what you don't realize is that Walmarts and Walgreens are necessary for furthering society. All the bugs and shit can live in the air still. It's not like those buildings killed a bunch of insects moron.

This fucking pusses me off, it’s not just plastics, but every fucking thing that negatively impacts the earth. When is the west going to put on their big boy pants and demand that the rest of the world start following the draconian pollution standards of the west?

you're a fucking retard, society has already reached its peak. we are only regressing now.

Blame the "sustainable development" model the west (UN) has been foisting on 3rd world countries for decades.

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If everything goes statistically well, im shitting on my deathbed 30 years from now. Mass purge my ass.

Have you not seen the fucking Jetson's? Once we reach that point, we will have peaked. So until then stfu and let there be more buildings.

>you're a fucking retard
ya he is

Bees are not dying this is a myth.

Domestic bees had a massive die off a few years ago because of parasites and mold. Freaked out the people who keep bees but it was not the end of the world.

Wild bees were unaffected but the loonie left used it as global warming propaganda.

Signed a 20 year bee keeper.

This. Without AI or some other miracle helping us out of our misery, humans as a species are done. Good riddance, if you ask me.

Or we can let the third world niggers starve.

What standards? I see garbage all over town

I can't find the poo per square inch infographic a Strayan shared regarding the Pacific.

Oo, thx user, an even darker black pill. Very comfy

I've had the same thought, user. That we can get our revenge posthumously by leaving the shitskins nothing but a cinder. It's not a nice thought. You have to reach a point of heavy blackpilling to take solace in that.

we are already seeing the ramifications with the mass migration into first world countries by 3rd world Orcs and this is just the beginning. Those who stay in 3rd world countries will starve, famine, die, but everywhere else between inflation and demand/supply, niggers will be killing people for food and gas in the streets. Only the people trained to hunt and survive in the mountains and woods up north will survive.

It is not only about bees, Read and weep.

>tfw less windshield washer liquid is needed

Monsanto should be dismantled, and their engineers and executives should be jailed

Why the fuck do we need insects anyway? They are those annoying cunts who get in your ears, nostrils, and eyes. Fuck em

Lol, You don’t even know.

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fake news

there are billions of chinks

Good, I'm trained for that since I was born. But I'm 47 and that deathbed-post was not a joke.

>bees under attack by a parasite
>typical egocentric lefties plame mankind as the most important thing in the universe once again

Massively important part in ecosystems.

Eventually the first world will awaken and stop it probably when the violence starts effecting the powerful leftists..

Until then all we can do is support strong boarder policies and gather arms.

bees to spread pollen you dumb shit

its too late, its over, prepare for depopulation, you could have prevented this

Attached: rightto_bear_arms.jpg (274x184, 11K)

Or just let the shitskins die

>It is just crime, user. Nothing to see here

good, fuck bugs

Can you explain?
What the fuck is so important about fuckin pollen being spread? Unbelievable you guys on here fret about the littlest shit.

u must be subtle trolling else you're a true retard

Countries that export the most food
Countries that rely on food imports
>Most of the african countries
>a few middle east countries

Huge surprise that the same 10 countries basically babysit the rest of the planet, and the same 2 regions are just black holes that consume and destroy anything that gets sent to them. Definitely not a race thing though.

Neither. I truly don't know jack shit about insects and why they are important to the rest of the world.

If a based director did it right, this would make an awesome movie.

thank your stars for that user, we all meme here but the coming century is going to be brutal.

what this guy said
didnt you take science in school? no pollen means no plant growth, no plant growth = human race DEAD
there is a famous einstein quote about bees.

It's happening. Nature just flew over nintendo!

Humans are a cancer on the planet. Hopefully Mother Earth finds a solution soon

Bee population in the US have rebounded already.

Fun fact, honey bees are not even native to the United States. The reason they are associated as important pollinators, is because in places like California, massive commercial bee operations are hired to pollinate giant fields of monocrops

There is nothing natural about any of this. The commercial bee farmers had a huge problem with the verroa mite, and they were having trouble being profitable for a few years.

Its important to know that the bee population scare was an INDUSTRY created scare, when the bee farmers were having a bad time and wanted a bail out or at least to be heard.

There are many other pollinators in nature besides bees.

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My bees are immortal

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I thought science sucked because it wasn't straightforward at all like numbers and shit

I don't even think of it as revenge, just a final assertion that we were the foundation the modern world was built on and they only have their own hubris to blame for their demise. We warned them and they could have stopped this. They only had to listen.

unironically its A. borealis. this parasite is going to keep spreading.

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I genuinely believe if we just nuked all of China and Africa every global issue would be solved and life would improve for all.

And follow you will