MAGApedes presence on this board

Since 2016 this board has dropped in quality massively. Supporters of Trump have increased their shilling of Israel and zionist friendly articles and ideas here on Jow Forums creating the sense that the entire board supports Israel. This is mainly due to reddit coming here and creating a foothold in the form of "/ptg/" and various pro-Trump threads.

I'm also here to remind all /ptg/ threads and supporters that you will never get a wall, you accomplished nothing but memes and witty tweets once or twice. Not a single promise has been fulfilled and you will never get a wall. You lost the House and banned bumpstock. You will not win in 2020 despite polls being wrong from time to time.

I say it's time to end this safespace for the MAGAcucks and drumpfkins once and for all.

>inb4 shills, discord trannys
There's a place for you who do not belong here. It's called, "r/the_donald".

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Fuck off dotard

fuck off reddit spacer

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dotard That's good but I like `fusspot'

dull person, fogy, fussbudget, fusspot, fussy person, granny, old fart, old fogy, old geezer, old maid, old poop, square, stick-in-the-mud,
stuffed shirt

Yeah fuck drumpf! This is our board and only stuff we like can be on it.

my god, not even trying

>avgn gif
>calls other people reddit

avgn is great, kys

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Sorry buddy. Israel is good. The Muslim and African hordes are bad. Jews have had a positive influence in science, culture, and religion, but a very negative influence in politics. Meanwhile Africans and Arabs are literal retards.

we just need to go back to /mlpol/ for a month, and shit will sort itself out. It would also make me laugh to see journalists report on "hate speech" coming out of a anime horse fucker image board


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the fact you can even say that without a hint of ironic indicates you're retarded

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look at all these shills

>beep beep look it uz shalls!

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Reddit is cancer.
But it is pushed heavily and will not end until Muttland collapses.


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there are very few supporters of trump left. he lost that last of his toothless fools when he went all in on h1B at his SOTUA. i mean really? we need more immigrants? what a lying pussy drumph turned out to be. lol

You posted this thread earlier today. And everyone called you a dickless tranny .
You’re still a dickless tranny who needs to fuck back off to his pedo discord group.


No matter how many times a day he posts it, his dick won’t grow back. Just a few more generations til they’re bred out of existence.

>avgn is great
like 9 fucking years ago maybe.
