Normies believe we are some kind of beacon of untold truths

Seriously “The Chan” am I the only one who find believers in Q to be gigantic faggots? I mean come on. Q is nothing more than shit-posting anons. It’s like believing that a mall Santa Claus really lives at the North Pole with elves and flying reindeer. Fucking pathetic

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Other urls found in this thread:

So who wore green socks?

Q predicted this

Ok, I’m breaking my rule about replying to Ausfaggots but I think Q is a failed attempt by the leftists to fracture support among Trump’s base in the same way we meme warred young democrat voters into voting 3rd party by stoking anger over how establishment democrats ass-fucked Bernie. Q was put into motion by leftists, but because they’re idiots, they weren’t nearly as effective in swaying right wing opinion. The just caught the fringe of the right that’s as looney as they are.

>t.lame brained mongoloid
Letter 17 is Trump

Q is likely a LARP but what does it matter? As Based Belaggio once said, "Q promotes the meme war" (sic). Something like that. Q is there to get normies to ask questions and follow the rabbit hole.

So Q can be useful. A lot of it is a sort of "Controlled Anticipation" and cold reading of sorts.

You have to ask yourself often, "How do you redpill somebody who is already indoctrinated?" It's kind of tough because they have been taught to resist your redpills.

So you have to form every statement to them as a question and get them curious enough to do the work on their own.

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>when your enemies follow shitposts on the chans, you win

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I, for one, love it when our stupid larps start to become reality.

Q boomers and schizo babblers are the backbone of pol

Didn't Q advocate for war in Iran? Or was that a rumor?


>Normies believe we are some kind of beacon of untold truths

because we are, at the end of the day. NEVER underestimate just how little your average normie knows or ponders. Always remember that your knowledge and outlook on the world is YOUR knowledge and outlook on the world and isn't guaranteed to be shared or even considered seriously by the masses.

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>I’m breaking my rule about replying to Ausfaggots
What makes you think we care about some faggot?

They've finally come to terms with our power level.


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Q is a group of autist researchers waiting to be put on task. Use them or the enemy will.

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You bring up an excellent question, “how do you redpill someone who is already indoctrinated” You promote an idiot bartender to become the new face of the democrat party, and as she spews her verbal diarrhea and media falls all over themselves to cover for her, liberals become disheartened and depressed. They start infighting and a precious few defect. AOC is a tool of the right, and she doesn’t even know it.

What anime is this from? I keep seeing you jews post this

Back when women were still women

Yeah Jow Forums is pretty gullible.
Sometimes I larp as a jewish shill just to see if they'll take the bait (they always take the bait)

yeah because someone out there just knows exactly what the fuck he's doing skating a foot in reality with the other in another dimension entirely

Q is obviously connected to Trump and anyone who says other wise is either a shill or hasn’t been paying attention.

That said, the RBG post in that tweet is bullshit. Don’t get too excited; the winning never begins.

>Normies believe we are some kind of beacon of untold truths
Well they aren't wrong.

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It's all for the lulz, user. True Jow Forums doesn't swallow any pills. We just watch and laugh as the world burns to ashes.

>One year anniversary

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>failed attempt
The Trump base was already fractured by:

Those of us who knew Sessions was deepstate were not only pissed at trump for being retarded, we were pissed at the retards who were too stupid to see that Sessions is deepstate.

Same with Q. It's impossible to respect people who believe in Q. In fact, Qtards are so retarded that they would need to be purged before we could take on the left.

Qtards are so awful in every way that they are functionally no better than commies

>Q is obviously connected to trump
I'm embarrassed for you


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>plz be like mcstain

Ignoring the retarded boomers and people who don't understand how posting work, this is now a Qproof thread.

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baby boomres are massive fucking retards who refuse to budge on anything and break down once their fragile view of the modern world is shattered

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Nonsense. If you don't realise that Q is Trump people then you haven't been paying attention. But to say it's a leftist plot is just ridiculous. Do you think it wouldn't be vehemently disavowed by the Trump camp if that was the case? You're either shill or retarded, theres no third option

>The Chan
The cringe.

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This right here. But most of the board is retarded so don’t expect to find solidarity.

Is this what Trump meant when he said the dems were being more erratic than usual?

But...but...Jow Forums is never wrong

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All we are is a collection of autists who have too much time on our hands. That's literally it. Turns out when a bunch of jobless virgins converge in one internet forum, it can affect real world events. Who knew.

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Even if Q is a larp, it's basically rilled up shitloads of Trump supporters who have no cast their eagle eyes on every think Trumps enemies do. Result!

>AOC is a tool of the right, and she doesn’t even know it.

Absolutely. I've read several posts today speaking to the idea that AOC is a Republican plant.

I was listening to a podcast the other day (I think it was No Agenda) which was playing a clip about Trumps campaign team and how they spent their budget and did their research.

One of the tactics was to blow nearly all the campaign money that last week after they had closely researched swing states. There was some high tech data profiling going on. I forget th details but it was considered 'cutting edge'. The Left was so caught off guard that we now have "Muh Russia Collusion"....

Irregardless, I think the 2020 campaign will be some NextGen behind the scenes data profiling, etc. My gut tells me that AOC is part of this strategy. Why is the media so fucking obsessed with her. Both right and left are obsessed. I've considered several scenarios.

>Plant by the GOP
>Being coached by Hillary
>Organic placement but co-opted by GOP to "out-crazy crazy"
>Overton Window plant

Elections are not so much won by thinking people but in the way campaigns manipulate the Lemmings. Anymore, these campaigns are using psychology; propaganda; media manipulation; etc to win elections.....pretty much anything except running on the issues honestly. It's all a propaganda game to win the minds of the Lemmings and AOC fits into this somehow.

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I said that they are, it was put into motion by leftists and picked up by the most outer fringe of his supporters. He doesn’t disavow them because he can’t give the slightest hint of credibility to this underbelly of the Internet, and every once in a while Q posts manage to get lucky and sound convincing. But if you don’t think for one second that Q isn’t a basement dweller with one hand in his keyboard and the other on his cock then it is you who is a shill or retarded.

What is this date pinwheel shown in the pic?

>they weren’t nearly as effective in swaying right wing opinion.

have you ever been on r/the_donald?

Qanon is posting right NOW and you aren't watching the Deep state and CIA get cucked by Trump in real time.

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I member that was tonight yeah

ultra-autists at infinitychan figured out that Q always posts on certain dates around a clock wheel. I'm going to be honest I can't even begin to explain it to you. But the dates always line up between Q posts and Trump tweets.

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Id say organic plant who was co-opted by someone early who knew she would hold it together long enough to be elected but would begin to crack up soon after. I personally don’t think Hillary would have anything to do with her. Hillary Clinton is smarter than that. Kamala isn’t though, and is quickly going down the rabbit hole as well.

Reddit is cancer.

Isnt it odd that plenty of pictures, videos from attendees at that event are on social media, when we're told NO PHONES OR CAMERAS were allowed?
>Youd think the women of the hour would have a few snap shots, since most people wouldnt care about the rules

Personally i think she wasnt there, but a body double. Then if they get their way, about casting doubt on her appearance, they can pull out the body double pictures and "prove" the ton foil nut jobs wrong
>Then the next time people question where she is, they can bring up the "proven" haux conspiracy theory, and tie it in with antisemitism (their fav word)

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dont reply to shills

It's not even that we're "Jobless virgins"
We're just a collection of autists
In literal fucking millenia past you would never have the sheer combined power of the internet, autists like us would have either died out or be working in some labor job absorbing all our time
Remember the big three:
Cut your vices
Drugs, excessive alcohol use, general laziness are what is currently destroying der boomer. It's why they're so hard headed and fucking stupid. It's why critical thinking is near impossible for them. Stay true to yourself, work for yourself, and build bonds with those who do the same and not only will you see an increase in your quality of life, but those around you as well (fucking prophetic shit right? No it's basic shit that seriously needs to be repeated.)
Don't let yourself fall in to the boomer trap and keep talking to people, we'll continue changing the world one painful fucking step at a time.

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The Q cargocult is dead. Even the biggest supporters now admit they have no proof he even exists.

Lift, fuck, not life
Life yea, but I meant lift, shit it's late, I'm tired, I think we should all just call it a night and go to sleep :))

Oh shit!

Q user is literally a CIA operation.

The existence and authenticity of Q aren't in question (unless you're just blind).

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Whoa. If she ends up being announced dead today, shit will get real.

I don’t think AOC is a republican plant. But she definitely isn’t grass roots. I wish Jow Forums wasn’t so distracted by the shills that collective autism could be put to use to figure out her connections. What bar did we work at? Who were her friends in college? Idk, it’s all so weird and obviously journalists aren’t going to do any meaningful work.

Quite Cryptic but downloaded to my Q folder for further analysis. I can't make sense of it on this small laptop screen.

That has been a theory that Q is an inside person. Finding post patterns could reveal something to link Trumps Tweets. Obviously, POTUS has meets or communications and then messaging gets sent out soon after.

Empathize with POTUS for a second. If your entire administration was infested with the Deep State, how would you communicate with the outside? Wouldn't a Q-like character be necessary?

The whole RGB thing stinks to high heaven. The media blackout on this and the Yellow Vests have annoyed me greatly. All our information technology and these stories are virtually dead in Normie Land.

no way
Q is some MAGA hat wearing faggot at best and an e-celeb waiting to reveal themself for attention and money at worst

I got your spirit user. I know what you meant.

We all feel it.

The real qpill is that Q is real and a successful cointel op managed to turn us against him by expertly taking advantage of one tiny chink in our armour- our rabid hatred of boomers.

>baby boomres are massive fucking retards who refuse to budge on anything and break down once their fragile view of the modern world is shattered
That's the problem with you autists, you hate and despise idiots.
But the matter of fact is, idiots exist and no hatred will ever make them smarter.
By the virtue of boomers being what they are, we are fucked. There is no point in dreaming about a world where boomers aren't boomers, because boomers are boomers.
Nobody, Qlarp or otherwise, can make boomers stop being boomers overnight.
However, while you sit here complaining Q isn't doing enough, Q at least engages those boomers in some way and makes them actually engage in politics probably for the first time in their pathetic existence.

What you see is boomers hiding their heads in sand and hoping that muh God Emperor will save their asses.
What you fail to see is that without Qlarp, they wouldn't even be giving a fuck about anything.
Just wait until Trump gets BTFO and the whole "draining the swamp" narrative collapses. All those Qfags will get massively blackpilled and will start looking for answers.

There is nothing wrong with spreading conspiracy theories about massive RGB death coverup by the media and democrat elites among indoctrinated idiots who are useless for all practical purposes anyway.
Based accelerationism.

Jow Forums is famous for being the cesspool of the internet filled with the dumbest motherfuckers there are. You're just grasping this?

Q isn't just one person, but a collection of intel officers using imageboards as a backchannel communication for the public. What was the main source of spreading information about Trump in 2016? Jow Forums... How do you bypass a completely compromised jewish media? How do you get people to know the truth about what happens behind the scenes when the media won't report it? What better place to spread the word that the tides are turning on sewer of the internet? People pay attention here. Unfortunately the Jow Forums mod team is comped so Q had to shift to infinitychan. But it makes complete sense because Trump has been here before, as well as DJT jr when he posted that family pic and debit card.

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Somebody made a bunch of posts on the internet.
But the author doesn't exist.
Those posts just magically appeared out of nowhere.
This is the stupid shit you're saying?

Boomers worship some virgin kekistanian nerd who is on the LARP of a lifetime. Strange world we live in, especially considering so much of pol fell for FBI user.
>inb4 But muh FBI user is real

so a picture being used by him and some government account proves he’s real. but all the shit he’s said would happen that never did doesn’t prove he’s fake? lol ok schizo

>collective autism could be put to use

I was thinking about that concept the other day. Even if (((they))) have IQs that score higher than average whites, it seems like the Chan Hive Mind can be ultra powerful when it revs up. We've done it before by getting our memes into Normieland or catching Pedos.

That is why it's more important than ever to (((them))) to censor; distract and shill this site. I think (((they)) are very terrified of a united Chan Hive Mind. The cumulative IQ would surpass them. If only we can weaponize this Beautiful fucking Autism.

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Q is a troll. He doesn't exist as a legit intel source.

Imagine these people trying to deal with the revelation that there are other imageboards even more extreme than Jow Forums

Letter 17 is T. Where did you magically find Rump?

You just said there's no certainty Q exists. Now you say Q exists but is a troll. Make up your mind, you miserable shill kike.

>Jow Forums is famous for being the cesspool of the internet filled with the dumbest motherfuckers there are.

Yes, and lurking in the dark shadows are some of the smartest; most articulated guys I've ever heard speak. They come here because of the free speech. Even the highest echelons of academia doesn't afford them this kind of platform.

You'll be riding a wave of pure diarrhea shit in this sewer and all-of-a-sudden, some brilliant motherfucker will red-pill you right then and there. That's what life is like here.

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It's like sitting in an ocean of shit and accidentally stepping on a diamond once a month. Last diamond I saw was the lynchian poster describing the insanity of "I am Jazz"

You write like you talk.

sure is some reddit in this thread

Ad Hom attacks by bots would work except Q does ask powerful questions that make you think. If Q spouted bullshit, that would be one thing, but the links to articles are clearly getting you to do research on meaningful topics.

hi tyler durdlarp

>hi tyler durdlarp
>You write like you talk.
>Q is a troll. He doesn't exist as a legit intel source.
>Q user is literally a CIA operation.

Dr. Kone, The Lokibot (The Jow Forums AI Presence)

>Didn't Q advocate for war in Iran? Or was that a rumor?

I dunno.

On the surface, Q irritates the shit out of me by asking so many questions so I don't hang on every post like a groupie. I think Q is designed specifically for Boomers who did not grow up on the Internet and have the natural inclination to look for red-pills out of curiosity. Those people need to be primed like a cold engine. I was Gen X and got into Internet culture when it roared to life in the mid 90s.

I will likely find information Q wants me to see but in a more round about way. My research can be described like a wheel that continues to turn in circles and I often switch tracks and then come back to tracks I'm on. I'm often researching more than a dozen things at once and trying to connect it all. So the big redpill moments are kind of sudden.

Q has to work with Boomers, taking them down a slow, orchestrated linear path so they don't get lost.

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Q has said that they predict 3% of the population simply won't be able to take the revelations that will unfold. Basically anyone with insane TDS will be lost, but the majority of America will wake up.

I actually, really did predict this.

>Normies believe we are some kind of beacon of untold truths
We are
The successful and premeditated rigging of a politically sensitive political case by those in power, documented every step of the way in undeniable detail, has resonance far beyond this case.

The techniques in this book are a road map to how the Deep State continues to operate.

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In the Prestonian lectures, eleven was a mystical number, and was the final series of steps in the winding stairs of the Fellow Craft, which were said to consist of 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. The eleven was referred to the eleven apostles after the defection of Judas, and to the eleven sons of Jacob after Joseph went into Egypt. But when the lectures were revived by Henning, the eleven was struck out. In Templar Freemasonry, however, eleven is still significant as being the constitutional number required to open a Commandery; and here it is evidently allusive of the eleven true disciples.

- Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

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its the cringiest shit
i hear people spout memes in meatspace and i throw up in my mouth a little bit

That was Mossad trying to discredit me.

>3% of the population
>Basically anyone with insane TDS

Way more than 3% I'm afraid. I have people at my work with TDS and I live in a very rural, all white town.

I've heard a similar sentiment about First Contact. The idea being that extra terrestrials are already in contact with humanity but you can't reveal it because Normies would go fucking bat shit and start shooting up the place once their inner demons started talking in their head.

I have a Millennial at work with TDS that I tried to repill on race mixing and he got visibly upset and started shouting CNN headlines at me an octave higher. He went full on Zombie in like five seconds. I was taken aback.

It all makes me realize how much "time" it takes to undo TDS. You have to persistently work on these people daily with slow; steady; caring nudges. These are fragile people who are deeply depressed. Redpills can honestly destroy them.

So "Q" becomes a sort of support community; a version of AA where these people addicted to the MSM can begin to cope with their addition.

It's like the plot of Inception!

Curiously Enough, Q posted this 2 hours ago:

>You attack those you fear the most.

>The sheer volume of attacks by the largest media corporations in the world, should, using common sense and logic, indicate there is something more to the story.


Compare that to the very noticeable amount of Raids on this board in the last two weeks.

I was in another thread talking about how the Left is trying to birth the "Clown Pepe" meme by spamming it to all threads. It's some kind of demoralization campaign (and a shitty meme).

When you see heightened attacks by your enemy, often it can mean they are going "all in" with what little they have left.

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Q is a kosher operation
and you need to go back

Q-tards honestly made me realize that white people are too stupid to ever save themselves. We're going to be bred out and killed by niggers while dumbass white christcucks are trusting the plan.

>white people are too stupid
>We're going to be bred out
>killed by niggers
Nothing bout this post says shill, I swear.

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