Muslims support open borders and globohomo leftist parties

Pic related. Islam is anti white and ant White Christian Civilization.
They support open borders, transvestites, and the globohomo kikes in Western countries.
Their voting record show their intentions.
Not one muslim elected official is for closed borders and against leftist globohomo kike degeneracy.
All muslims and their apologists leave while you can.

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They made a video of her crying about Trump

Thanks Minnesota

You kikes are really fucking desperate today.

It's her cover for hating jews. It's brilliant. 4D chess.

Extraordinary. What rights do queers and trans not have in America?

>Not one muslim elected official is for closed borders and against leftist globohomo kike degeneracy

muslims are for the downfall of western society

Is this somehow new to you?

The right to rape our children.

B-But Achmed told me Islam was redpilled guys, something something white sharia?

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She is, like all muslims. Self serving enemies of White civilization and Christianity.

You support kike degeneracy and open borders if you shill for her.
Get rekt.
All muslims support this subvert cunt.
Fuck the globohomo kike muslim cartel. Leave.

Great. So she sacrifices our sovereignty and pushes pedophiles and lgbt on white children for her shit sandnigger religion. How based.
Muslims leave you have no place in the West. Take your kike faggot pedo tranny allies with you.

All muslim elected officiaks support lgbt and vote left in western nations.
Their muslim voters support them too.
If you support them here you are a faggot supporting pedo invader and get treated the same.
Fuck faggot tranny pedo supporting muslim kike cartel shills.

Exactly. Hiw based?

I think you're mad she called out aipac and feigning republican talking points to foster a forced consensus. She's a bullshit leftie but this AIPAC shit pure pure gold; and you like gold, don't you?

No im mad because Islam pushes faggot pedos on white children including you nigger cunt muslim bitch and all her compatriots. Fuck AIPAC KIKES TOO.
But islam is a cancer andvis the enemy of ehite families and white civilization.
Get rekt faggot tranny pedo supporter. Take you concerns sbout kikes out on israel idgaf as long as yoy leave.
Stop pushin anti white open borders, lgbt faggot pedo degeneracy, and gtfo
Then talk to me about how based they are.

Pic related is not based and being against Israel means nothingvufvyou are my enemy pushing globohomo shit on my people.
Go push that faggotcshit on Palestine. Fuck off nigger

I don't give two fucks about Palestinian niggers or kikes in israel. You can all get the fuck out.
My concern is not pushing faggot oedotranny shit on kids.
Thus cunt supported Lgbt "history" in high school curriculums. How is that good for my people. Kys shill faggot.

Double posting and calling me a shill only make you look hysterical. Your post reads like a bad AI spurting out every talking point buzzword you could lump Jow Forums under, with NO thought. Don't be mad because people know about AIPAC, everyone here has know for a long time mr. silverman

At least she's pro-BDS

I know like fuck AIPAC right? they're why Israel is getting a fucked up amount of our tax money

You shills flooded the board with this omar cunt who pushes lgbt trannyism on white children and open borders. You do ban csmpaigns on those who 5ag3 you.
Who is the shill fsggot?
How is this cunt good for white Christian civilization if she oushescopen borders and transgendercin high schools?

She supports pushing gays on your kids too. Openly.

Used to be one of the few groups that voted republican until Bush junior presidency

Yes fuck aipac, and fuck CAIR too for pushing lgbt on kids and open borders.

To be fair
>80% of those funds must be used to purchase American products
>we spend 5 billion a year to keep forces stationed in Japan
>we have 50,000 troops stationed in S. Korea ready to die for slants
Just sayin

It's better than voting for the zionist GOP. Trump and the GOP don't fight any of that degenerate shit anyways because they're fucking cowards.

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True. But thats not my problem. Them pushing tranny shit on kids hete is my problem.
Be for white families and white soverieignty or islam. Pick one.
Take uour fight with the kikes home with you. And bring the tranny supporting faggots with you.

She is using taqiyya correctly. Once she gets enough power she will start purging them

they're only doing this to gain support to push their agenda, and hide behind the banner of Liberalism.

If you support mudshit just because they shit on kikes, you're a problem that needs to be dealt with. Same thing applies in reverse.
Neither kikes nor mudshits are our allies, they both want us dead. It's in our best interests to let them kill each other. Never side with either of them.

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No its not. The GOP is kike shit but at least they aren't pushing faggots and pedophilia lgbt on kids lije Omar and muslims here and in europe.

Kikes are cigarettes. Islam is cancer. You wanna quit smoking by getting lung cancer?
Or remove the cancer and quit smoking?
Thats what supporting islam is. Ignoring and not removing terminal cancer and focusing on the cigarettes you smoked that gave it to you as you die.

>this thread while the shills are in full damage control about her naming the lobbey


Exactly. My world does not revolve around sandniggers and kikes. They both can fight their war and take thrir globohomo cartel allies with them


its called a poison pill, which is america is digesting right now. the chemicals havent fully reach the system right now, but the stomach is churning and pill taker feels a bit queezy.
once its chokes on its tongue from all the spasming the muslims like omar will celebrate and say a job well done and begin wholesale killing jews , degenerates and non believers.

A fuckin Muslim championing trannys and fags, holy shit I've seen it all

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>Never side with either of them.
Since boomers are trapped in the left-right dichotomy, they always say "Well, who am I suppose to support? You just want me to give up?"

we need to support her through this, not elect her, right now she is attempting to expose the ZOG.
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend

Based anti faggot invaders are behind this. You "muh based Islam" shills are getting rekt by facts.
If muslims were my friends they wouldcsupport closed borders and not faggot lgbt parties pushing degeneracy andvpedophilia on white kids.
So shill on faggot. Try your bans on people 5ag3ing you.
But we wont stop. We are against yoy and the kike globohmo allies you push on us.

They support it to weaken us until they can take over and make sharia for all.

America's Swedish Population lives there. Big fucking reveal.

>it's jewish to support a muslim
not even sure what to think these days

It's taqiyah.

Are white Christians they push degeneracyvthe problem to you? Are white kids the problem muhammed?


She's your enemy too, user

how are you this low iq. they are doing it to destroy america. and then take over

So why does she support these things when she is so vehemently opposed to the very Jews who are pushing this shit onto us?

>muslims like omar will celebrate and say a job well done and begin wholesale killing jews , degenerates and non believers.

I'll take it!

Of course they do. They have been our enemy forc1400 years and they do anythingvthey can to push division on White Christian civilization.
If they were so based they would gtfo and leave white children alone.

what the fuck are you talking about, im explaining what the tactic is.
dont be a low iq faggot and not understand how subversion works

kek his response is so typical of a Jew. The day this Arab Queen posts something anti-Israel and the shills are out in force.

This is the future you chose.

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>If they were so based they would gtfo and leave white children alone.

theres just too much low iq in this thread

Jews are far worse and you should fucking lurk more. Muslim organizations don't own our entire goddamn government and media. Fuck the GOP!

right now she is exposing the enemy, an enemy most of our people dont even see currently, after she has served her purpose of allowing the general public to recognize international jewery she can be toss aside just as any other political pawn is .

Send her and a delegation to Saudi Arabia

Islam is lung cancer.
Kikes are the cigarettes that gave you this cancer.

ThecWest has islam cancer and its metastatic. Quitting the smoking jew is good, but it wont matter if you don't remove the cancer.

An alliance like you describe is like using lung cancer to quit smoking.

Muslims like omar push lgbt on your children what good is exposing the kikes if the muslims are raping and perverting your children.

Exactly. Don't let them push this dhit unanswered. Islam is the cancer and allies with the lgbt globohomo alliance. Pushingvthis filth pedo shit on our kids and doing nothing but whats good for them. They are shit neighbors snd add nothing to our nations.

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its 4D chess you wouldn't understand

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Yes. It is. They both support leftism and lgbt.
They push it on your kids and in Europe rape white girls and women.
Driving over our people in trucks and fucking children whilevpushing lgbt parties
Only traitors side with islam.

have you ever ask why would muslims be trying to pervert the west?

Thats exactly ehat im saying.

And push lgbt on your kids and put white girls in harems.
Go home sandnigger

the jews are subverting both of our cultures and people, she wishes to free her people from the chains of international jewery, which does serve to benefit us. with the jews out of the way we can finally begin reorganizing

Did omar not publically support lgbt?
How is that the jew faggot?
You fucking taqiyah is showing.
Keep up the damage control the red pills will keep flooding. You faggot allies shouldn't have been public supporting transvestites on kids.

Muslim elected officials have publically shown support for LGBT and faggot pedos including Omar and Sadiq Khan. Asll of german muslim mps supported gay marriage.
Get rekt traitor.

why do people care so much about LBTQBBQ+ shit when they represent like 1% of the population?

all efforts should be focused on supporting heterosexuals and encouraging them to have better lives and produce healthy children

Woo one diversity hire says something true about aipac and the shilling here changes five minutes later
You don't understand what's happening and the buttons you push do less and less each time

exactly, any whites who are susceptible to jewry tricks arent worth saving anyways. this is the great filter, whatever groups come out at the end will be strong and pretty much strongly anti degeneracy.
i full expect alot of bloodshed of ensue in few years

Kikes are not driving trucks overvour children, and they are small in number.
Muslims do mass rapes ofvwhite girls in Britain.
Mutslims floid in and kill our oeople for 1400 years they brutalized Europeans kidnapped them raped their women. They openly support lgbt in power and push it on our kids.
You are a sandnigger traitor

god you really are low iq,

cuz they are useful tools to destroy a nation

Great. But she pushes faggotry on our children. So she is a self serving kike no different.
Only a weak ignorant faggot thinks cancer is a better than other cancers.

So muslims are lying to subvert our people. Sounds like kikery to me.

kikes vote for policies to bring those muslims in.
Head super kike says this is great, bring in more....what a muzzie plowed a couple of people, doesnt matter bring in more and more..

Oh shit that muzzie wants to kill me!! but why, muzzie???? the white man is your enemy not me...wha...what do you mean i look white?!

>our people
You're kike. The jews are the ones who let them in.

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If giving myself skin cancer on the leg would cure my brain cancer, i would rush to get skin cancer

skin cancer can easily be cured, skin cancer is not a definite death
allowing islam to gain a "foothold" while crushing the jews is a smart move
without the jews holding us down
without them guaranteeing our destruction
we can focus attention to the muslims

and ultimately cure ourselves totally

what do you think the jews dems are thinkin now

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So do Jews but I like that the Muslims and Jews are fighting now. How can we pour gasoline on this fire?

Send them both home.

How can I get this muslim bitch to push more lgbt on children?

First the cancer of islam that is more violent, more in number, and more pushing open borders and lgbt.
Then the kikes.
Your analogy makes no sense. Jews are smoking cigarettes, Islam is metastatic lung cancer.

You advocate using lung cancer to quit smoking. Literally tgats what you are doing.

Saudi Arabia and CAIR are every bit as bad as AIPAC but larger in number.

This cunt bases AIPAC and you cheer while she purs a transvestite in charge of teaching your chikdren.

You are no ally to white men and no different than a neocon shilling for israel.

Just anothe nigger pedo muslim shill

Obvious from the OP and all his subsequent posts that OP is a paid shill doing damage control and trying to divide and conquer us.

This has ALWAYS been the case: destroying the Jewish menace comes first, no negotiation. They decided to flood our countries with muslims refugees because they want our ethnicity extinct. We will have no mercy in supporting these refugees in their struggle to destroy Israel, and we will not fall to the classic Jewish divide and conquer tactic.

Exactly. So now you have cancer and are comcerned about smoking.
Too late morin! Now you have to expel the cancer. Even if you expel the jew the cancer has establshed itself.

You fucking muslim psuedokike shill. Its like trying to change your oil while your car is running off a cliff.

Sadiq Khan, like Ilhan Omar, both push lgbt on kids. Ipenly and anyone can google.
You "muh based nigger muslim" shilks are the enemy of white men and rapes of white children. Go ahead and 5ag3 me faggot. Please do it.

Ill keep countering you invader trairor fsggot pedos and frustrate your proselytizing and dividing white civikization with you CAIR pauedo kike threads.

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This is the future of the Democrat Party.
The far-left and far-right have a hell of a lot more in common than we realise. And both movements are growing. The age of neoconservatives and neoliberalism is over. The age of the anti-establishment far-left and far-right is upon us.

Like your man Theodor Herzl said back in 1920 >""The Jewish question persists wherever Jews live in appreciable numbers. Wherever it does not exist, it is brought in together with Jewish immigrants. We are naturally drawn into those places where we are not persecuted, and our appearance there gives rise to persecution. This is the case, and will inevitably be so, everywhere, even in highly civilised countries—see, for instance, France—so long as the Jewish question is not solved on the political level."

The goyim is waking up. And Muslims aren't as polite or as cucked as whites. They follow a warrior religion. You truly fucked up by importing them into our countries, Shlomo.

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Um... if you believe her you're part of the problem. Taqqiya bro. It's all taqqiya. She's masquerading as progressive because that's how you get elected where she's from. Trannies will be the first to do as soon as this country is 50.1% Muslim, like France will be in 30 years. Unless something changes.

>Sadiq Khan, like Ilhan Omar, both push lgbt on kids
Sadiq Khan is a Jewish slave. Most Muslims don't push LGBT on kids, obviously. Most Jews however, do. Jews fucking invented trannies. Muslims are not as degenerate as Jews. I don't want them in my society, but that's your fault, Shlomo. The Muslims who are Jewish pets are not true Muslims. I know plenty of Muslims here in london and none of them support your degenerate shit. They are the far rights natural allies. After we've destroyed your people, we will part way.

Think of it like WW2, but reversed. The Muslims (Soviets) and Whites (Allies) put aside their differences to get together and destroy the Jews (Nazis). Once the Jew is defeated, we'll deal with the Muzzos. Until then, we can't do it without them!

>muh false dichotomy
Not liking anti-white j*w shit pushed by muslims doesn't means you are all for anti-white j*w shit pushed by zionists.

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She doesnt know what taqqiya is. She's a dumb liberal bitch doing liberal bitch shit. Liberals won and we cant stop them without a civil war

This is just a strategy to help Islamic people take over the European countries, and become the majority of the new politicians, sometime down the line. Then, they will shift Europe to their Islamic version of social conservatism.

You’re a worried scheming Jew aren’t you?

You're retarded.

>we can't do it without them!
We can you're people just have to man up and start killing people and blowing up shit like your airports. If you make the pakis, poos and niggers feel so unwelcome they'll leave and never come back. You need to have the balls to destroy britain to save it.

All that can wait until after we've collaborated with them to get rid of the Jewish menace first. Sorry, Mordechai.

Jeez, what a fucking surprise Jow Forums, her only redeeming feature is that she’s fiercely anti-jewish.

Exactly. She is pro open borders pro lgbt and protranny.
She is an enemy.