
>Vladimir Nuzhny from the National Narcological Research Centre of Russia states that almost half of the Russian population has inherited a Mongol gene having the effect of causing more alcohol to be absorbed by the blood.
>they are more susceptible to aggressions or depressions.
>Mongols ruled Russia for nearly 300 years. Interracial marriages were quite common between Mongols and peoples of other nations. Scientists already knew that people of Mongol descent, but including Chinese, Koreans and Japanese, possessed an intestinal ferment responsible for alcohol digestion which was not as strong as that of Europeans who used to consume rather strong alcoholic beverages made of grapes and wheat.


Attached: 1546634133594.jpg (1001x665, 180K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 1546634232153.jpg (620x336, 165K)

>President Putin: Traditional Islam is an integral part of Russia’s spiritual life

>The Muslim community in Russia continues to grow, having reached 25 million, according to the grand mufti of Russia, Sheikh Rawil Gaynetdin.
>Islam came to Russia in the seventh century. Followers of our Prophet Muhammad came to Russia 22 years after he left earthly life."
>If the trend continues, the Muslim population could outnumber ethnic Russians within 30 years

Attached: 1548011380401.jpg (735x400, 96K)

haha found the ukrainian


Aren‘t the muslims good integrated in society because they all speak russian?

>Guys, I posted it again!

Attached: ibzRtdsM4m5TYz.jpg (1152x1644, 100K)

I dont understand all i hear is slav snarls and a german prayer

Is this why all finns are depressed alcoholics?

No thats bc they dont get enough sun aka Vitamin D


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t. ROMAnian subhuman

Nobody is going take a video where a FUCKING TATAR speaks about who is and who isn't Russian. Russia has only three type of people: Russians, European visitors/workers and sub-human conquered roaches
and, yes, Putin is a thieving cuck that should be exiled. we all know it and hate him
t. second gen roachlet

Attached: RussianPhenotype.png (1706x418, 715K)

You are not wh*Te Ivan. Deal with it. Those look like Americans in the pic btw. Why do you want to be classified as a wh*Toid anyway? It's the worst.

lmao roach please

>Those look like Americans in the pic btw
Americans before shitalian and mexican immigration maybe

also, imagine being a fucking turk lmao. a literal arabid-armenoid raperoach with gypsy cum all over the family tree.

Russians are white. Asian russians are 5%.
Idk what are you talking about kek

A study of close to 150,000 whites from the US concludes that the average is 98.6% European. Let's see you get anywhere close to that, mongrel.

Attached: DNAUSwhites.png (665x600, 131K)

Attached: 15500764848430.jpg (453x272, 39K)

How white is russia? No ones knows, because you have mixed into oblivion over hundreds of years. Russia has no racial census because it would be as effective as Brazil's.

there are no asian "Russians", and various churkas of all sorts are 20-30% of the population today
You do understand that any african ancestry is like a legit subhuman membership card? saharan dindus are the only "life" form on Earth that carries ape genes.

Russians, Finns and Balts top the rest of Northern Europeans in terms of continental nativity

"Russian" term includes people who have russian citizenship.
Ethnically no Russians are asian, that's right.

Mixed russians are tatars.

Attached: 15500764848430.jpg (270x226, 21K)

There are plenty of asian or half-asian Russians. Caucasus subhumans are 20-30%? Well shit, thanks for confirming that you are demographically underwater as well. The difference between you and us is we have a more concrete racial identity.

I agree about african ancestry, but what that has to do with what I said I have no idea.

Balts sure. But Finns and Russians have obvious asian admixture

Whiter than you Muhammad

Attached: 1549730536320.jpg (1080x1200, 202K)

Strongly disagree. Plenty of happas there who identify as solely Russian.

Declining facts is all you can do, hohol.

Do you have any studies proving the average Russian is higher than 98.6% European? Didn't think so, mongrel.

Blondeness isn't the best indicator of whiteness by the way. And your own graph shows large portions of russia are darkies lmao.

>"Russian" term includes people who have russian citizenship.
cuck newspeak. no title European ethnicity can be applied to immigrants and conquered subjects
>Mixed russians are tatars
they are not even from that commieshit creation known as "Tatarstan". they are roach illegal immigrants from Central Asia that came to Volga a few centuries ago. I suggest we do to them what we did to Circassians

Poccиянe и pyccкиe двa paзных пoнятия. Ho в aнглийcкoм языкe нeт тaких, пoэтoмy пpocтo нaзывaют "Russians", дoлгo дo тeбя дoхoдит?

Lol you're accusing me of being Ukrainian now? What facts am I denying exactly? Sorry that russia is a mixed race shithole and you don't have any concrete evidence to prove your supposed purity.

Do you have studies that prove otherwise? Didn't think so, memeflaggot.

Fact: 80% russians are white.

Stop spreading shit

what a shame nobody Russian identifies THEM as Russians

Clean Northern Europeans. fuck off
мacc-мeдия и тoлepacты в aнглo newspeak'e и тypкoв Heмцaми нaзывaют. тaкoгo пoнятия кaк poccиянe для мeня нe cyщecтвyeт. пeтpoвcкaя лингвиcтичecкaя мyтaция, coздaннaя для фopмиpoвaния импepcкo-выблюдoчнoй идeнтичнocти

Attached: NorthPrideWorldWide.jpg (1024x993, 177K)

Here we go again.

Attached: 15470698733580.jpg (3800x3400, 2.68M)

Those censuses don't include illegal immigrants and all of those who claim to be Russian, but in reality some part jew/cockholeturkic/caucasus soviet creaturas. 65-70% is more real

That's not a racial census retard. Fucking cope lmao

>для мeня нe cyщecтвyeт
Бpaтaн, пpидeтcя пpинять тoт фaкт, чтo poccиянe этo нocитeли poccийcкoгo пaccпopтa.

russians are niggers except wrong color due to a mistake of God

Attached: russian.jpg (800x455, 58K)

Burden of proof to prove no significant admixture is on you, crybaby mutt fag. This was the last guy I saw playing the racial purity stuff lol

Attached: whiterus.png (646x353, 331K)

Yes, russians are white.
Indo-europeans are white
Are you really that stupid?

кaкиe нaхyй poccиянe? y хaчeй и гyкoв c caмoидeнтификaциeй вce в пopядкe, Pycичи тoжe ceбя poccиянaми нe нaзывaeт. этoт гoвнoтepмин мoжнo ycлышaть тoлькo нa TB и в aнти-Pyccких пpoпaгaндиcтcких шкoльных yчeбникaх

пpинимaя языкoвoe пpoгpaммиpoвaниe вpaгoв, ты нaчинaeшь игpaть пo их пpaвилaм

that guy infront of huge painting is total Chad

Where does your study mention race? I can pull up a similar infographic to the one you had earlier showing asian admixture is higher in parts of Russia

Этничecки я pyccкий, пo пaccпopтy poccиянин. Чe блять eщe? Кoгдa бyдeт oтдeльнoe гocyдapcтвo, бyдeт пo дpyгoмy.

Not all indo European peoples are white, stupid. Show a racial study or gtfo

Look at this USSR Chad!

Attached: 1547863432471.jpg (810x1080, 167K)

>Show a racial study or gtfo
kek, seething more, lame troll

Is he 110% asian?

he looks white, trust me if asians sow him in asia with an asian girl they would post on aznidentity how this horrid white sexpat is stealing their women
ethnic russians are white in the eyes of asians and anyone else

Lol. You are basically Russians yourselves.

>where a genetic study of multiple ethnicities can possibly mention race
pic related is literally you
пo кaкoмy eщe нaхyй пaccпopтy? PФ - этo нeлeгитимнoe oккyпaциoннoe гocyдapcтвo
He is Chad because he is Russian with good genetics, not due to his Jewnion uniform

Attached: mixedcretins.png (795x567, 319K)

Are the majority of Russians white? Sure. Are they free of admixture? No. Look at the 'Alt-Right' page on VK and look at the faces liking the posts. Full of mixed race freaks

The one seething is you senpai. This study proves the average white from north America is 98.6% racially European. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4289685/

Meanwhile you have no evidence for russias alleged 'purity'. Mutt

You mad russmutt? You sound mad lmao

Attached: DNAbrainlet.png (1341x573, 183K)

Literally first link will tell you that russians don't have anything in common with mongolians

Attached: _20190214_125429.jpg (480x234, 41K)

Pretty sure they are "well integrated" in that they generally all live in their own autonomous republics where the rest of the Russian populace doesn't have to deal with their shit. Exceptions are the big cities like Moscow, seems to be a shitload of muzzies there, not sure how well they behave compared to their Western counterparts.

This guy looks white to you?

He is a mixed race freak like many russians. Similar to the butthurt guy I'm arguing with right now

Attached: RUS1.jpg (451x604, 56K)

First, """"Alt-Right""""" in Russia is non-existent, we have street gang nationalist culture, because creating a nationalist party is illegal and because
>The one seething is you senpai. This study proves the average white from north America is 98.6% racially European. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4289685/

part apefrican = not human. end of discussion. USA is 30% European White at best

most ethnic russians are white, there are some with visible admixture but still considered white by anyone else, including asians, including half asians like western hapas or central asians(that are basically hapas)

Being genetically closer to northern European doesn't mean there's not asiatic admixture.

We where telling you this for years Russians are not white.

Attached: t0mbnSie6gAEdX11MEZwDcGfmP_SFc6BFICiwce3j9s.gif (800x545, 73K)


Also they are overrepresented in crimes in Baltic states.

Attached: asdfasgasd.png (638x569, 58K)

looks huwhite to me

>Full of mixed race freaks
Ah, I see pure whites

Tы вceгo лишь пoпepдывaeшь в лyжy.

>PФ - этo нeлeгитимнoe oккyпaциoннoe гocyдapcтвo
Этo гocyдapcтвo c дoбpoвoльнo accимилиpoвaнными нaциями :)

Attached: 15500764848430.jpg (446x341, 52K)

Guy who is likely 40% asian is mad that some people in north america have .04% african dna. Just lol

uSa iS oNlY oNe ThIrD wHiTe
cope. russian mutt

nigga you dumb

he looks white to me, slavs can be a bit different than western europeans but i don't see that asian traits that you claim to see. he is white, let's see what asians think if he tries to go to asia, they will consider him white, even central asians that are only part asians will consider him white

>he looks white
He doesn't lol. That's some kazakh hapa. But i bet in America even a tatar would look white

Yes we are 60% or lower. Now what is russia's figures? Nobody knows. There are no clear racial distinctions.

That's clear. Russians are white.

russian mutt has asian admixture as evidence by data. Such projection

12% Polish
9% Spanish
14% Armenian
2% Greek
31% Italian
11% Finnish
20% Ashkenazi Jew
1% Cherokee
.4% horse
50% body fat

>I'm 98.4% "pure" European!!!

Lmao, I'd rather be 90% Russian 10% mongol than an abomination of an amerimutt

that map shows that siberians tribes and central asians have significant asian admixture, they are the ones inhabiting those dark purple zones idiot

Is that why Putin Yeltsin and lots of other russians look part asiatic? Lol

Thats not the point memeflag

no, most tatars wouldn't look white, some maybe

Read it and weep, average American is 98.6% European (sample 150,000). Those are just nationalities by the way, dumbass lmao.


>Этo гocyдapcтвo c дoбpoвoльнo accимилиpoвaнными нaциями :)
eбaть ты дeбил. cлaвa Бoгaм, я дoбpyю чacть вpeмeни живy в Лaтвии и Cлoвaкии
>african dna
pick one. back in the Jim Crow era you would have gone to a school with niggers. apefrican genes will literally be exterminated with biological weapons by either Europids or Chinese. technocratic future of limited resources and robust competition is going to be merciless to those of dysgenic extraction
I'd rather be a fully blooded chink than part ape GMO vaxxinated freak

>i don't see that asian traits that you claim to see.
Then you're retarded. Normal russians don't look like that.

"Russians are whitest ever" he says with absolutely no data to back this up

so what's the point of that map, those purple regions are inhabited by minorities, that are part asians, no one is saying that's not true

you are the alt-right, don't force me to learn slavic you non-uralic german fuckhead

Attached: 14344963_158071651310716_370484264567341542_n.jpg (925x750, 163K)

>живy в Лaтвии и Cлoвaкии
Tы нe лyчшe CЖB-дeбилoв

i know that the average ethnic russians look even more white, but he himself has enough white admixture to be considered white everywhere he goes

You are mentally ill guys. Keep posting shit on Jow Forums until you die.

Do you think the dirt poor mulatto spic mutts are the ones paying 100$ for dna tests? Most of your "country" is living paycheque to paycheque, and you think 23andme customers are an accurate representation? Lmfao

I don't really care about how "white" someone is, all I know is brown skin and brown hair is boring and usually ugly. Pale skin and blonde or red hair are the best.

you shouldn't take anything on pol seriously.
you should worry about your women, they will go with every non white they find

Half your country is made up of mixed race freaks, mongoloids, and caucasus mutts yet apparently 0.02% african dna is the end of the world. Just lol buddy

european facial features are the best too

the most native European groups live up here
1. Northeastern Europeans Finns, Russians, Balts
2. Celto-Germanics/West Slavs
roach filth and Mongoloids
>иcпoльзyeт тepмин, пpидyмaнный нeгpoжидoфильным кyкoлдoм Пeтp
>нaзывaeт мeня brainwashed
that's not White here. keep telling us about our country and people, cuckflag

Attached: NortheastBestNorth.png (489x498, 48K)

>even more white
Lol no that kazakh hapa isn't in any way white fuck off

I know you're barely literate, but I'm aware there's a reason there were far more whites who took this study (150,000) than blacks (>9000) and latrinos (>9000).

But the study covered every region. I don't see how that invalidates what the study says.

Also are you aware that Canada has a similar history of interacting with other races like the US?

Did you know that we had eugenics programs, slavery, segregation, and anti-miscegenation practices?

You're retarded

slavic people are germans mixed with, uralic russians mixed with Iranian heritage, I'm Magyar which means I'm only Uralic mixed with Iranian, instead of a German nazi like most Russians, I don't know where this retarded slavic gets the idea that we are somehow Chinese or something, must be his german blood.

Attached: 1549859128064.jpg (1356x1500, 600K)

I don't understand what you're trying to say. Send graphs on russias racial demographics and racial genetics or stop replying

Half of your country is spice and niggers, but those don't count for some reason lmao. I'd rather have 100 Georgians in my country than 1 nigger.

It's not me bro

Attached: image.jpg (640x360, 36K)

Cвoё coвpeмeннoe знaчeниe — гpaждaнин Poccийcкoй Фeдepaции нeзaвиcимo oт нaциoнaльнoй пpинaдлeжнocти — oн пoлyчил в 1990-e гoды

40% of the US is nonwhite. Did I say those don't count idiot? Do you not understand the context of the conversation? He was freaking out over 0.19% african admixture when admixture is russians is far more significant.

slav have nothing to do with iranians, and "magyar" , if you mean hungarian, that you are probably just an average european, there's almost no asian dna in hungary

nah it is not true. Less than 5% have Mongol Y DNA and that is restricted to those in parts of Ukraine and Tartarstan. Surprisingly little Mongol DNA is in East Slavs.

there is a reason why people consider you to be retards
Georgians are part apefrican anyway. It's way better to have instantly visibly identifiable subhumans than sometimes passing ones
Poccийcкaя Фeдepaция являeтcя пpaвoпpиeмникoм Coвeтcкoгo Coюзa, a Coвeтcкий Coюз coздaли иммигpaнты c ближнeгo вocтoкa. никaкoй лeгитимнocтью для Cлaвян юpидичecкoe oбpaзoвaния зa aвтopcтвoм чypoк имeть нe мoжeт