Why doesn't Jow Forums believe in climate change?

Why doesn't Jow Forums believe in climate change?

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But I do. Radical environmentalist ethno nationalism is the final redpill

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I believe it's a natural cyclical phenomenom and humans have very little influence on it.
Renewables and Global Warming are a ponzi scheme designed to impose carbon tax to non polluting countries, and restrict autonomy of citizens by making them buy electric cuckbubbles with little range and fucking backend entry.
No thanks.

I believe in it but I like to pretend I don't to trigger the leftists.


Just to argue and troll like 90% of this board now. Cripplechan is better for debate.

Shit bait
let us hold the pretense that climate change is real.
Now show me that it is both man made and reversable

Those within the 97% of the scientific community have been caught lying more than once.

Projections and predictions from decades ago have not even come close to being accurate.

And until we know exactly what damage has been done by Weather Modication Programs and Stratospheric Aerosol Injections, the"science" is far from conclusive,

Take the traditionalist environmentalist lubbism pill

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Fuck I meant, luddism**


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I believe in climate change. What I don't believe is we're all gonna be dead in ten years if we don't change everything.

you mean pollution? Cause I believe in that.

Climate Change isn't a belief, it's called climate -- take a basic science class.

we're heading towards an ice age for starters

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slowly but surely

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because it is a tool a bunch of jews use to destroy America and tax all of the businesses to death

even the "green new deal" is a massive money grab by demokikes, exchanging exceptions to the deal for campaign contributions. If they manage to do anything on it at all, this is exactly what will happen. Demokikes will destroy corporate competition and corporations will donate to the Demokikes.

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why do you care?
You and '99% of highly educated intellectuals' have been convinced of man made global warming for 30 years now. WTH do you need us rednecks to believe? Can't you just fix the problem without our help?

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I literally just want arguments against it because I haven't been exposed to them

Becouse leftists want to tax my car more. Fuck them

I dont believe in it, I have faith in it. But i do not believe i should pay more taxes because its getting hotter/colder/hot/cold.

you cannot argue with a sociopath, you cannot argue with a corrupt clergy, you cannot argue with a compulsive liar

if you want arguments look at al gore getting roasted by congress when trying to impose higher taxes for the sake of the climate, watch him fly from country to country in a private luxury jet just to preach to the plebs

Why doesn’t climate change believe in ME?
Because it’d have to be real to do that.

The global climate is changing, this is difficult to deny. What there seems to be no consensus on is how much humans are to blame, what would happen if we do nothing, what we can do about it, and how effective those actions would be.

The main problem is that leftists conflate climate science and their political and economic prescriptions for solving climate change. If you disagree with raising taxes and redistributing wealth through rebates, you must be anti science.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill.” -pg 104 Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution (1991 report)

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