What does/ Jow Forums think of planned parenthood selling dead baby body parts?

What does/ Jow Forums think of planned parenthood selling dead baby body parts?

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It's better than throwing it away. If it's used for medical research I'm all for it.

I think Sonny's BBQ needs to get cheap meat from somewhere, so STFU and grab another plate, user.


>good goyim

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It’s all fucking tiresome

What does that have to do with anything?

This desu

>medical research
It's almost as if these two are connected somehow, you retarded faggot.

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Who cares? They need to do research to make pills, and I don't gaf if they use the dead babies. Stop being so vague and explain your position

>what does that have to do with anything
well I just showed you the connection
>who cares
great boomer-tiered arguments, faggot!
maybe your understanding is limited and vague because you're a complete retard.

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So you can't answer the question, and I'm the retarded one, got it

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Don't care.

I'm sorry, I thought your retarded question was entirely rhetorical. First of all, you at least seem to care since you are, you know, posting in this thread about this topic. Hmm I wonder what the connection is between all the late-term abortion bills and the money being made from them. Hmmmm.... but naw you don't care, let's just applaud them for doing good work. lol ok shill.

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>don't care
>proceed to shill entire thread repeatedly
wonder who is behind these posts...

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remember that most of those babies are spics and niggers ;)

Yeah I don't care if they're making money from dead babies, because it's better than wasting it. It makes no difference to me that they lobby to get these late term abortions done either, because I support late term abortion. Who gets abortions? Liberals and niggers, I want them to kill as many of their kids as possible.

>don't care
great argument, shill. keep replying to this thread then since you quite obviously don't care.

Do you even realize how retarded you are? Or are you unable to read past the first 4 words?

>I don't care
>It makes no difference
uh, yeah, you keep reiterating that you don't care, you don't care, it's not like you have any actual arguments besides your shitty left/right paradigm. have a nice day, shill.

murderers don't deserve fair warning.