/rg/-Romania General:Sfantul Valentin Edition

This thread is for discussion of Romanian politics and events.
>discuss politics and to get them further towards normies, and to create a new political movement.
>ignore shills
>don't shitpost, discuss politics, we don't want to give mods reasons to ban the thread
>List of issues
-Romania lacks a serious nationalist party. This is why we need to bring a new wave of nationalism (especially among zoomers).
-majority of Romanians are unaware of the anti-white, degenerate agenda of the European Union. They only see benefits of EU funds and freedom to work in the West.
-While PSD is controlled by (((them))), they are not spreading the disease of progressivism here (yet). If the opposition (USR, PNL, +PLUS, #MuiePSD, #rezist etc.) gains power, they will do exactly what the EU tells them to do. This must be avoided at all costs, and this is why we must attack their narrative.
m.activenews.ro/stiri-politic/Sondaj-Cu-cine-veti-vota-la-alegerile-europarlamentare-din-26-mai-2019-154524 (vote AD)
>Alternative Media
>Romanian News and facts for foreigners

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Other urls found in this thread:


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What happened to that anti-corruption candidate? mobsters they kill him yet?

There is another poster with Romanian flag who admired he is a Jew in another thread today. They literally operate out in the open with no shame.



which one of them?

do you remember some of his posts so i can screencap them? do you have a link?

Meant admitted.

again, do you remember the thread he was in?

Sorry don't remember. If I find it I will post it.

alright, we nead to bust out all shills from now if we want a peaceful thread. at least the Dragnea shitposter was retarded enough to expose himself as the son of a SRI agent, which ringed all bells.

Buna seara, flacaii mei. Este joi.

Jewish people have white skin. Therefore, they're white.. Simple facts and logic.

stiu ca e, abia astept sa vina Gamers si Romania Mare aici. cat despre evrei fiind albi doar pentru ca eu piele alba, aia o au pentru ca sau amestecat cu albii, atat. pentru ca ei mereu se amesteca cu populatiile pe care vor sa le conduca, sa para a fi niste localnici.

Fagot, ai gasit adresa la tiganu ala cu trapuri si la cretinu alalalt?

Attached: FB_IMG_1548415388865.jpg (384x646, 45K)

nu, dar despre tiganul, bozgorul, jidanul, sau ce mama dracu era ala, tot ce stiu e ca a zis ca taica-su a fost membru UDMR, deci trebuie sa aflam cine este taica-su ca sa stim cine este. si de care cretin vorbesti? ala care il iubea pe Dragnea? ala a fugit de mama focului cand am amintit tuturor ca este un jidan.

Attached: trap poster UDMR.png (2320x1496, 422K)

oh look JIDF has returned

Era ala care iti folosea numele

what do you mean? JIDF did raid Jow Forums before and raided /rg/ too before i ratted them out.

care din ei?

I was being facetious but the guy I was thinking of...I saw him in Bucharest 3 years ago, dark hair, large crowds, may have been running for local office. The feeling I got was he would soon be dead.

If you are looking for a new movement, here are the founding principles that would correct the troubles I observed in my time there.

Completely transparent government accounting.
mandatory open bid system for every government contract.
Complete deregulation of agriculture.
0% tax rate for peasants following a traditional lifestyle.
0% eight-year tax rate for foreign start-ups that bank in Romania, with the restriction they can not move their profits or operations overseas.
Privatization of all public transportation.
Shutting down defunct and useless communist-era government buildings. My chief gripe is the parliament building, waste of money and is not utilized really at all.
Instead of demonizing gipsies, demonize "UnRomanians." This way you don't look like bigots to the foreign press.
Throw out the Monarchy, once and for all, every scrap of it.
Change the commie block culture of tearing down those above in status and wealth.
Change the acceptance of oligarchs publicizing themselves....though granted, that problem is just as big everywhere.

Sibianul cu VPN


Ce credeti?

Nu mai stiu care era threadu, da stiu ca se certa cu bozgoru cu trapuri si avea ID albastru, si tot il amenintai ca maine ii gasesti adresa.

i will further listen to your advices, hope we can find that faggot.

ala? el crede ca daca ma ia la misto, poate sa faca si mai rau, dar sa saturat.

Found the kike

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Mi se pare o masura buna.

asta e dovada ca poate se vrea mai multi bani, sa se mareasca salariile si pensiile cum se promite mereu pentru voturi, iar asta cu alocatiile este clar o alta incercare.

voi cauta in arhive, sper sa gasesc ce descrii tu mai repede.

well, into the screencap collection he goes...

Mah baieti am si eu o intrebare.Ca tot vorbisem ieri de partide de dreapta.
Ori cu Jidani?Ori cu Subumani?

Sanse sa castige un partid de dreapta fara a fi vazut ca anti-semit si nepupator de dorsala israelieana se poate?

In orice caz, am un server de discord pisat, si vreau sa bag toate arhivele RG acolo sa le avem la indemana, dar nu am PC si de pe telefon e cam greu sa fac asta, plus nu prea am timp...

>Jewish people have white skin. Therefore, they're white.. Simple facts and logic.

Thats not how it works, shill.

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pai, mai intai sa facem unul, sau sa luam unul mic deja existent si sa incepem sa parem mai normali ca sa normalizam rosupastilarea Romanilor.

eu nu am incredere in locul ala dupa ce au facut toate curvele de acolo aici pe Jow Forums.poate vom incerca telegram in schimb, ca am mai vorbit cu unul despre asta.

true, but he probably think that albinos must be white too because of their skin.

Pai stiu dar zic asa,eu tot vad ca nu se poate.
Nu am fa shill sau asa ceva...Salvini,Orban,PiS,Babjis,Wilders,Robinson,Trump,etc

Toti is pro Israel si sunt de dreapta.
Vreau opinii.

Nu prea stiu alta alternativa, in orice caz, suntem 6 su de incredere, deci ma indoiesc ca daca ramanem low profile acolo, se va intampla ceva nasol.

here is the screencap if you want.

ma gandeam la AD, sa avem ceva asemanator cu AfD, ca daca incepem sa fim extremi de la inceput, ajungem ca ND. trebuie sa ne ascundem agenda pana cand luam puterea.

mai bine ramanem low profile pana luam puterea.

Discordul ii compromis.Uita de el.

mai ales din cauza tuturor trannies de acolo.

very good chances.

its all in the language user. You don't hate them, you love yourself. It has a very different vibe. Do not talk about them. Just talk about you. Not your relation to them. Just talk about your relation to yourself. Not how your ideas are better than theirs but how your ideas are good ideas. Ideas so damn good, the people won't care what the foreign press will call you cause they heard you and your ideas with their own ears. You aren't anti-sementic or bigotted, you are proud of who you are and proud to associated with a platform that is forward and backwards-looking, an all-encompassing security blanket that takes away fear and gives hope.

An anti-anything message will never do this.

It does work like that. But the problem is that "white" doesn't mean anything in particular. It means whatever the current racist wants it to mean. It has no fixed definition. It's simply a social construct. The Irish were not considered white, for example.

Sa castige un partid de dreapta? Probabil. Partide de centru-dreapta? Desigur. Dar probabil ca tu te referi la partide de extrema dreapta. Atunci nu, nicio sansa. Sau chiar daca castiga, nu vei reusi niciodata sa convingi lumea sa participe la razboi rasial sau civil sau altceva de genul. Normal ca un astfel de partid va fi vazut drept anti-semit, pentru ca asta ar fi.

Gen Ident si Afd sau La Lega is exemple bune...Muisti de jidani din America controleaza prea mult din mass media ca sa poti face un caz anti jidani.

Dar macar poti face platforma anti musulmani africani si ciori.

My whip descends upon Jewish asses

>Dar macar poti face platforma anti musulmani africani si ciori
si asa se poate incepe mereu, dar sa fie mai subtil un picut. dupa aia, cu cat puterea creste mai mult, cu cat putem sa ne aratam adevaratele culori.

Frate eu vreau pe cat se poate,la orice scara este.
Ca Europa sa fie doar pentru albi si cu imigranti doar din Asia.

Fara negrotei,ciori si arabeti...nici jidani nu imi plac dar daca este sa ii tolerez din cauza influentei lor ii tolerez.
Tocmai de asta am si pus intrebarea...daca mai este posibil un partid pro albi si anti "minoritati" dar si anti-semit.

Aparent nu prea.

Nu se mai poate subtil,nu putem sa ne trezim odata ce inamicul iti este in gradina.

Impotriva musulmanilor si ciorilor este usor sa faci platforma in Romania mai greu anti negrotei.

Nu uitati in 2018 musulmanii au omorat 4 persoane in Romania..3 femei si un barbat

>Be me
>born in 90s
>few weeks ago drinking at a pub vodka
>7/10 women approach me
>"Hi, I'm Anona, you are handsome"
>meanwhile she touches my chest
>"Gtfo you degenerate profligate"
>today is Valentines day
>alone like a monk
>tf no romanian qt gf

Why I am such a rascal guys?

Attached: sad.jpg (275x183, 9K)

bine, dar tot sa ne comportam ca niste normali si nu ca LARPeri, si tot sa spunem adevarul la toti in acelasi timp.

>in 2018 musulmanii au omorat 4 persoane in Romania..3 femei si un barbat
dai si tu un link pentru aia care nu au auzit inca?

>don't reply to Nihil posts
>hide Nihil posts
>report Nihil posts
>Nihil este un jidan cacat tigan care sustine homosexualii

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Cauta urmatoarele titluri.

Sirian a omorat o menajera
Irakian si-a omorat nevasta
Dubla crima in buftea.

bine, si vezi ca imputitul de DRACnea sa intors, ignora.

because not all love stories end good, you were unlucky.

Wrong! the more powerful you become the more you should hide your power if only because you have the power to do so. All movements start extreme and moderate themselves. Even the national socialists moderated their rhetorical positions upon assuming power, because you no longer need that rhetorical position to get votes. that's why your fundamentals must be unimpeachable from the very start. Otherwise, all the work will be swept away, under the guise of power politics by interested parties embedded within your organization.
Do not think your's will be different. It will not tip farther once it is pushed down the track. Having said that, I would imagine those from African cultures could be qualified as "un-Romanian" very simply without much debate...if that was the platform.

Uite linkurile




Would you say that jesus is sexy?

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true as well, but i think we should always be moderate and hide our true power if truly needed.

>4 persoane
Not enough to make it a talking point.

Asa. Si cati romani au fost omorati de alti romani? Cati romani isi bat zilnic nevestele si copiii?

multumesc pentru ele! :) sa stii ca stirile de genul asta trebuie sa fie puse peste tot pe net de acum inainte sa le amintim oamenilor ce fac toate ciorile in tara.

The Jews themselves say they aren"t white, but if a race that is superior and separate from whites and tend to shun away from identifying as white, unless it helps them push their anti-white agenda.

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It is actually,Romania hasn't done any harm to any ME countries.
Este violenta domestica este mult diferit...spre exemplu in Indonesia te pot executa si daca ai niste iarba la tine.

Yes,he is a great jewish God

E tara noastra, avem uscaturile noastre.

Nu avem nevoie si de uscaturile altora.

>no women will ever look at you like Irina does to Dragnea

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Why do Romanian women have larger than average bosoms?

Idea este ca nu tre sa ajungem ca si tarile din vest.
Nimeni nu va mai avea liniste atunci.
Pe astia care fac violente isi bagati la bulau dar fraierii astia omoara si cand se inmultesc si scapa basma curata.
Uita-te la UK si Germania.

This won't stop me Nihil Gypsy Deo

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yes, they want to identify themselves as white when it suits them.

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Jews hate whites, if Jews are white then that mean they hate themselves as well, no?
No, because they don't consider themselves white. They consider themselves to be separate from all the other races and above all.

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You are describing a bad actor. not a bad culture, which is the problem. And this "anti" message will not work. How many rapes in Sweden and Germany? Pro-Romani not Anti-Anything. Being 'against' something is annoying, makes you angry, is a fight. Being for something is good, calms you, energizes, and excites. Those are the emotions you need. Not anger or fear. Those will not work in the medium to long term.

reminder, please FILTER "God Emperor Dragnea" so we could no longer see his horrendous shitposts about the Teleorman totalitarian tinker.


Vote Dragnea for president. You know PSD will still lead so why not?

You fucking mouthbreather. Do you understand why SOME Jewish people say they're not white? Because they are not considered white by anti-semitic scum such as yourself. How dumb can you be? And I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with that image.

REMINDER:Report Nihil Gylsy Deo posts.

Been there done that


here, screencaps of the kike with proxy.

Attached: jew anon RO.png (807x387, 33K)

We have bigger problems atm than jews that use words to describe themselves as something.
We face to receive tens of thousands of actual terrorists.

Fuck the Jew for the time being we have bigger problems.
All the jew does atm is run they're mouths,muslims and niggers kill people.

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Tribalism blinds people, on every side.

Thanks, saved.

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All Romanians are already Pro-Romanians we haven't reached your levels of self-deprecation my friend.

We need strong leaders and parties like the ones in Hungary and Italy,since we are so close to Turkey.

Please leave us alone Burger.
Go preach someplace else.

>hating on the based jews
>hating on the based Dragnea
Why? And I want argumets no Nihil Gypsy Deo conspiracy theory bullshit.

have this one too, when there's the need to talk about Communism more.

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Eurasian and heterochromia white women>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Romanian "white" women

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Do not define yourselves in relation to an enemy or 'other'. Define yourself in relation to your ideals...like the ideal of a better Romania. or continue the decline.

I'm the same, are we just dumb not to take advantage or we're too redpilled to even start an relation with degenerates?

Jewish people do not "hate whites". That only happens in your sick head warped by nazi propaganda. But anti-semite scum such as yourself DO HATE JEWISH PEOPLE.

What the fuck is that image with an out-of-context quote supposed to mean? Do you think that ONE FUCKING PERSON claming Jewish people are the master race is REPRESENTATIVE FOR ALL? You're one anti-semitic piece of shit. Would that mean it's fair to say all Romanian people are anti-semites? No, of course not. Moron.

just filter me if I trigger you. I use english words like 'use' 'i' and 'like' should be easy

If they were you would not be having this problem friend

The corruption is a meme made to make romanians hate their state. Literally in the EU we are one the 25th or so place on the corruption list (based on how much money is being stolen by politcians). Fun fact! The countries that call us corrupt are way up on the first places (France, Italy, Germany).

A better Romania for ethnic Romanians.And ethnic Europeans.
No one else,the jew can be tolerated because of necesity.

Hmmm,why are you still on these neo nazis side? Join me fellow friend and we can crush them.

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Wtf is going on in this thread?

I wont filter something that i dislike,i combat it.
Ignoring you wont make you go away.

That's such a jewish thing to say
>Oy vey don't mind me goy, focus on your other problems. Trust me, I am your friend, I want what's best for you

The JQ is the no1 problem.

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We don't have this problem burger.
But there is a saying.
"Is better to prevent than to treat."

we all try to explain how to make some political solutions for our country, basically we try to do what Kraut/pol/ Germans do. unfortunately, a Dragnea shitposter wants to ruin the thread, just ignore and filter him, he will fuck off and die.

This is how i know you are a shill.
Jews in Romania are almost all gone.We don't have this problem.
It's only a problem if we make it.
Now stfu please.

Are you fucking serious? WTF? This thread became full of shills or fakes wtf. This site is doomed, no one can debate on Jow Forums anymore. You've won... Have your crappy board that no one will use in the future just for you.


Found the fatty