Executive Order 9279

Are you ready to be blackpilled?

Try to find Executive Order 9279. It's almost unheard of online.But it was one of the most important and influential laws in the history of mankind.

From the order itself:

"After the effective date of this Order no made person who has attained the eighteenth anniversary and has not attained the thirty-eighth anniversary of the day of his birth shall be inducted into the enlisted personnel of the armed forces (including reserve components), except, under provisions of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended"

All volunteers were turned away. The entire armed forces of the US were drafted through the selective service. This means that ALL enlisted soldiers in WW2 were hand-picked by the government.

That's right, the American government had a perfectly legal way to get rid of their enemies. Does anyone here understand the power of this?

No other nation on Earth has ever had the balls to round up the people they didn't like and send them to a war front. This is the single scariest thing I have ever discovered in my years of redpills.

How is this unheard of? Why is this not in the history books? Why do people not talk about this?

Attached: Executive order 9279.png (693x271, 5K)

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shhh goyim, less talkies more workies.

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>No other nation on Earth has ever had the balls to round up the people they didn't like and send them to a war front.
Persia literally had slave armies.

Slave armies are one thing, but rounding up your own political dissidents inside of your own country and sending them off?


This is pure dystopian bullshit. I knew the US government was bad, I was not surprised by MKUltra in the slightest; anyone with half a brain knew that that shit like that goes on non-stop. But this is different. This is scary.

>Does anyone here understand the power of this?
lol. Yes. Australia was founded the same way. Moron. You come on pol with this projection bs, but you are also OP so it is expected.

hey newfag. that gets mentioned weekly if not more.

lurk moar. you're here forever.

but that's wrong, retard. plenty of people during world war 2 were volunteer forces
that's why most of them left the military after the war was over

The USA is a literal Jewish dictatorship. I thought this was obvious to everybody.

Australia were mainly criminals. And being sent to live somewhere else is NOT the same as being sent off to die on a warfront.

Australia was an answer to the overcrowding of the jails of England. The WW2 drafting was the US government executing political enemies.

it's more of an oligarchy, since there's not just one jew at the top

>but that's wrong, retard. plenty of people during world war 2 were volunteer forces

Incorrect, the only "volunteers" left in the army were the people who joined the army before the executive order.

Once the order was out, the government hand-picked everyone. THEY WOULD TURN AWAY VOLUNTEERS.

You’re so dumb

We are still living under a dictatorship though, or tyranny if you will.

It's really hard not to be seriously black-pilled by this.

It's not even that they did it, I'd expect them to try. It's the fact they were successful, and nobody seems to care.

I've been here almost from the founding, and I only just found out about it. Granted I'm not here 24/7 but this is not a common topic of discussion.

The book "The Thin red Line" illustrated this with one of its characters.

Basically a Sargent or maybe even an officer was in the military but quit just before the war and they drafted him as an enlisted out of spite.

There is also a lot of weird faggotry in the book tho
Don't recommend.

The movie is a mess as well.


Does anyone have that letter the ADL sent out before WW2 telling jews to just play along with the draft and that powerful jews were placed on the draft board to ensure none of their children would be sent?

>nobody seems to care
They care all right, they just love it. It's like institutionalized Stockholm Syndrome. I'm beyond blackpilled at ths point comrade. I just want it all to burn.

I got you bro

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All nations used WWI and WWII to cull the worthless eaters. Nam was basically a way to kill off all the blacks who had a decent IQ.

Somebody had a word for this, I think he called The Great Satan.

>No other nation on Earth has ever had the balls to round up the people they didn't like and send them to a war front.

2 Samuel 11

So is the tldr then that USA can pick all the citizens it has on its "not a commie" list, send them off to a made up war, get them killed so that they can then rule unopposed?


Literal cuckolding. FFS. How did we, as a species, let this fucking book, and the Jewish slimeballs who did/wrote this shit dictate our morals?

>he doesn't know that the US is a jewish stronghold, created specifically for that purpose upon the very founding of America
>he doesn't know that jews came over on the mayflower, hiding their religious identity as "marranos" and puritans
>he doesn't know that Columbus was secretly a jew
>he doesn't know about Joachim Chaim Gans who was commissioned by Queen Elizabeth to go to Roanoke Island and survey for precious metals (oy vey!)

England funded the creation of America, and let it "become free", because England was a jewish stronghold and wanted to create a second jewish stronghold. that second jewish stronghold is what we today call The United States of America

Under that E.O., yes.

Remember, for over 50 years following this, the democrats basically owned the US Senate, often with a supermajority. They only lost it twice.

Just read this, you'll be very upset when you realize what has been done.

>It's really hard not to be seriously black-pilled by this
Eventually you get to a point where you dont care because you just can't. I tried painting a picture in my head of America not being a dead meme, but it's too tiresome. We could have been so good but, here we are and we're just not. I just wish it would die faster.

Even worse, sonce that E.O. Republicans have not held the Senate with a supermajority.

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>unheard of
every single high school senior has to sign up or they come knocking. This is normal, if this scares you its time to get off the internet.

Did you even read the OP?

I'm not talking about the draft itself.

I'm talking about how in WW2, the army REFUSED to let you join, and relied solely upon the government hand-picking every single person that went into the army.

You don't se the potential for abuse? You don't see how a democractic government would send mostly republicans to the frontlines to secure their position for multiple generations?

It's a basic violation of everything Americans say they hold dear, yet nobody talks about this Executive order.

The Vietnam War as well social engineered society. It removed the farm kids and the inner city youth, Both of these areas without the best of their youth are now changed forever.

But it literally says that was a bad thing in the eyes of God.

How do I not just pack up shop then?

I've tried fighting and red-pilling everyone around me. But this just seems like I'm fighting a war that was lost over a century ago. There's nothing I can do about it if 100 years ago we had lsot so much control they could basically selectively genocide us so easily. This is the most thinly-veiled attempt at political cleansing I have ever seen.

But it never caused an issue, and nobody put up a fight, and nobody even bothered to dedicate time to recording it.

There's nothing I could have done about this. Nothing I can do now. Why even fight?

38.8% of all servicemen from 1941 to 1945 were volunteers. You literally have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

>A Jew literally cuckolds a soldier, then orders his execution by placing him on the front lines.
>This "displeased" the lord. He frowned a little but did nothing.

Wow, sure is a perfectly clear moral guide.

>13. This Order shall take effect immediately and shall continue in force and effect until the termination of Title I of the First War Powers Act, 1941.

hey, dumb dumb. your government willfully invited thousands of African gang members to rape, pillage and murder people in your own country - mostly affluent white and tourist areas. How about you focus on that

>On December 5, 1942, presidential Executive Order 9279 made it so that all men from the ages of 18 to 37 could not voluntarily enlist for the duration of the war, providing protection for the nation's home front manpower pool. The Navy and Marine Corps began procuring their personnel through the Selective Service System in early 1943. The Navy and Marine Corps enlisted inductees and volunteers under the same service agreements, but with different service obligations, while the Army placed wartime inductees and volunteers into a special service component known as the Army of the United States, commonly known as the "AUS;" service commitments were set at the length of the war plus six months.[27][28]
apparently from 1943-1945 you couldn’t volunteer anymore

>Only 60+% of the army was hand-picked by the government goy, so be quiet.

Like I said, during the executive order, they would turn away volunteers. It's in the order, it's in the OP. Legally they were REQUIRED to turn away volunteers.

I never said NO volunteers were in the army; if you volunteered before the Executive Order, you were allowed in.

You got a source on this?

Wanna bet that in the coming drapf they will handpick conservatives?
Nice democracy you have there, burgers!

After 1942 all soldiers were considered draftees because they were not doing reenlistment in the middle of a war. That being said the vast majority signed up in 1941. The army was notorious for being mostly draftees but the marines for example prided themselves on being volunteers.

>You can't complain about X, regardless of how bad X is, because Y.

You sound like those fucktards who say "There are starving children in AFRICA!" when they don't get their way.

I love australia

God made his son die in the next chapter.

All the more terrifying when you consider our elites *don't* have loyalty to the US.

If this is true then you'll have no problem providing a list of tens of thousands of prominent anti-government activists who were drafted and died in ww2.

What does any of this have to do with the point that the US government was LEGALLY SELECTING which citizens HAD to go to war, while turning away those who WANTED to fight?

Wow, that's a nice moral system right there.


and what exactly does that mean to you? You are being a fear mongering leftist, the draft is not used as a way to get rid of people, they can literally just kill you instead of spending thousands shipping you across the globe.

Forgot image

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ITS CALLED A DRAFT, the people who wanted to fight had already signed up. You can literally tell selective service you want to join in the case of a draft.

Cui bono, mate.

Following the US government, under a democrat, being able to CHOOSE their soldiers, the democrats only ever failed to win the senate twice in over 4 decades; often, the democrats even had a supermajority.

Amazing how when you give an elected party control over who they send to die, they somehow end up winning the Senate for the next few decades. HMMMM. Makes you think, doesn't it?

You dont have to give up, just realize it's going to be hard, and it's only going to get even harder. Adjust your perspective a little. Take some solace in the fact that it's going to eventually destroy itself. Rife the tiger, fren.

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You dipshit. He is saying this is the reason the people who did this got into power. A fucking leaf.

>You can literally tell selective service you want to join in the case of a draft.

And under that executive order, it meant nothing.

THEY TURNED AWAY ALL VOLUNTEERS. I cannot stress this enough. They turned away all volunteers and instead hand picked their own draftees.

What's that got to do with anything? Do you not understand the OP?

This is in your own country, retard. Who gives a shit what the US did in WWII? You're being killed off by your government right now! And not in a breeding rapefugee way...

I'll keep this tab open for a while in case you ever get tired of shitposting and actually want to try and prove your claim.

ohh noooo. the US government withheld affluent white families who volunteered because of their family lineage, line of work, or financial success! the atrocities!

A citizen being anti-government is not necessarily the main criteria for the draft, but rather their political views in relation to the people in charge of it. It wouldn't make sense for a commie state governor to send his own people to war, even though they are against the government.

Every able-bodied man is a warrior for his people before anything else. If you do not meet these requirements naturally through life, you will be put in service. If you have a problem with this, you do not qualify as a man.

Why can't I find myself in the database? I certainly registered when I turned 18. That was 9 years ago. Did I fuck up and have been breaking the law this whole time?

Why are you trying to shift the burden of proof?

The American government stopped all volunteer intake into the army, and instead relied purely on the selective service to pick out its soldiers. That's fact.

>the US government withheld affluent white families who volunteered because of their family lineage
You find that fair? As a white guy I do not.

You have seriously misread the post. Go read it again.

The US government TURNED AWAY volunteers during WW2, and instead hand-picked it's soldiers through the selective service.

>Why are you trying to shift the burden of proof?
I'm not. You made the claim, now you have to provide proof.

You might wanna hurry up though, I'm losing interest pretty fast.

>Yes, ignore the context, don't even discuss how things got this bad. Only look at the immediate problems. Please forget everything in the past.

You sound like a filthy fucking Jew.

Are you fucking with me or are you just retarded?

Volunteers were never turned away unless they were literally unfit to fight in the military. Finding an executive order on Wikipedia doesn't mean that you are suddenly a witness to volunteers being turned away. You will find no stories of volunteers being turned away unless they were unfit, I am done arguing with a foreigner about something he knows little about. If you are actually trying to learn about something, I suggest you do more than quick google.

its not that he didn't understand the op, its that Australian don't understand american law.

Life isn't fair. Grow the fuck up, Peter Pan.

Realistically the goal was probably to avoid having negros under arms, since nignogs would otherwise be able to fuck things up.

You're not wrong but that wasn't the point op was trying to get at.

We knew what was going on then, we know it's still somewhat going on now, which is why the current military is pozzed. It's not a loss user, it's business.

You ask for an impossible response to something tangential to the original point.

The point is, it is EXTREMELY strange for a government to turn away volunteers to their army, in favour of hand-selecting their draftees.

You honestly believe that the government responsible for MKUltra and the Gulf of Tonkin incident would not abuse a system where they had sole discretion of who to send to the frontlines?

As I said, cui bono.

>the government can send you to die and won't send other people because of their family
>"All men are created equal."
>Deal with it
No, faggot. I don't expect you to understand the constitution, though.

>Does anyone here understand the power of this?
yeah we send our browns to shoot their browns because we're racist, been doing this since at least WWII, just look at the Tuskeegee airmen, they were losing a ton of fighter pilots and finally said ok train some niggers to do this we're losing a lot of people here

>Volunteers were never turned away unless they were literally unfit to fight in the military.

"After the effective date of this Order no made person who has attained the eighteenth anniversary and has not attained the thirty-eighth anniversary of the day of his birth shall be inducted into the enlisted personnel of the armed forces (including reserve components), except, under provisions of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended"

>How about you focus on that
you can actually accurately predict psyop propaganda used on white people by examining psyop propaganda used on black people forty years earlier

And now the elite warrior class is all pro-America conservative Republicans, with huge weapon/ammo caches. And a public actually waking up.

2016 seems to have...changed things...changed the timeline. Everyone’s scared now.

Their only hope is AI. Sad it’s gonna turn on them.

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>"all men are created equal"
>nogs, spics, muzzies are less than me!
>muh 1488
You're a financially poor loser going nowhere in life.

Considering that the result appeared to be the mass genocide fo republicans (as the democrats did not lose the senate for over 4 decades), I doubt the intention was to kill off the "scum", and more to do with genociding their political dissidents.

There was public outcry of 18 year olds being drafted while older people were not. There was a massive shortage of labor. The government couldn't just go "sure just join and we'll pay you" to everyone when the economy was collapsing back at home. Some men had to stay behind.

When did I say any of that, leaf?

Lol, no.

>tens of thousands of prominent anti-government activists who were drafted and died in ww2.
WWII it was mostly protestants and jews from PA

Vietnam it was blacks and hispanics from NYC and the south, they would allow white soldiers to dress any way they wanted, if you were black and had one button undone you got sent to the brig for 3 days, you were in a shipping container and they played music so you couldn't sleep, then they gave you a rifle with 6 rounds in it and sent you to the front and had some Italians shell the position next to you

something like 75% of fatalities the first year of the war were all black until people back in the states lost their minds over it and they toned it down a bit

>Their only hope is AI.
it won't work, the AI has been in charge of the military for 40 years, it won't change anything

Except the Selective Service was not picking out nignogs to fight in WW2.

>more to do with genociding their political dissidents.
it's always this, enemies of the monarchy was the same cleansing program used in Nazi Germany

>rounding up your own political dissidents inside of your own country and sending them off?

>>The WW2 drafting was the US government executing political enemies.

>This is the most thinly-veiled attempt at political cleansing I have ever seen.

>A Jew literally cuckolds a soldier, then orders his execution by placing him on the front lines.

soooooooooooooo still waiting on that proof

no, the dynamics were different then, but the concept was the same, just look at DDay, they send guys to get shot on the beach and let the nazis escape because they have more guys they need killed coming up next


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How on Earth does that justify ending volunteering?

If they were too concerned about their "aging demographic" because young people were running off to war, then they could have just focused the draft on older people.


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>All volunteers were turned away.
Except those already in the service prior to the draft. Americans know this, even normies know this.


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That's who you all are here, or else you'd be on plebbit. Start being better in life. Start making more money. Start investing. Start being more of a socialite, etc. Then maybe, just maybe, your grandkids won't have to go to war when they volunteer for WW3 or 4 because grandad stopped being a loser and learned to manipulate and take advantage of people and the system.

>How on Earth does that justify ending volunteering?
so where does Nixon's all volunteer Army play in?