My economics professor said that immigration is needed to keep the standard of living from falling. Nazis BTFO

My economics professor said that immigration is needed to keep the standard of living from falling. Nazis BTFO

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yeah wouldnt want that welfare to stop flowing. tell him he's a faggot

>I-phones are a human right!

he's not wrong.

your economics professor is wrong.

When you don't have enough people, you as a worker. Will get paid more. Because now they have a shortage of job seekers. It's actually better for YOU, you retard. But business's do not want to compete for your slave wage. So they want more people than jobs so they can keep your wages as low as possible.
Fuck you are dumb.

White people don't have kids and are too lazy to work so we need immigrants to supply firms with labor. Also white millennials who got degrees in liberal arts and work at Starbucks can't afford to buy a house and don't consumr very much. Immigrants have the highest rate of new home ownership. If we don't have enough people paying businesses for consumer goods and services, businesses lose profits and start laying off workers.

>My plantation owner said that slavery is needed to keep the standard of living from falling. Yankees BTFO

Assuming your professor exists (he doesn't, you're just a shitposter at best or a shill at worst), he literally has no rebuttal for this.

>lower wages
>high crime
>disloyal women pump out hideous mutts and end entire bloodlines
>higher taxes
>nanny state
>high standard of living

OP is a faggot. /thread

or we could put them in slave camps while all the whites live off welfare. that sounds better

Ask professor to Define standard of living?


He did. The standard of living is measured by the real GPD per capita.

Probably your professor won the degree in economics to a lottery sorta. Or he's a shill.

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if you didnt abort kids, you wouldnt need to import niggers and spics

lower the fucking standards

Go look at any area with high levels of immigration, how does the standard of living look?

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well he's a fucking retard and his tenure ought to be revoked seriously how stupid can this man be? don't answer that question, I almost forgot that the bottomless pit of negative infinity is infinite and we don't need more retards diving deeper into that fucking mistake

I'm an economics professor and all I can say is you save buku dollars five fingering the food the food cartels expect the paypigs to just buy with a smile

Because the standard of living is terrible in Japan, right? I would much rather get acid splashed on my face in the UK. You cant even get shawarma in Japanese hospitals.

Its an argument and you can turn it as you want.
If offer for labour is more inelastic wages will be higher, disposable income will be higher but production cost will also be higher which will keep purchasing power constant.
High wages usually reduce competitve advantage which will be bad for trade balance, thats what politicians usually go for.
It all depends if the economy is big and can absorb this kind of shocks or if its a small economy heavyly dependend on trade.

there are 1000000 Natives in my province alone
Over half are unemployed even more if you include all the Highschool Drop Outs
When you stay "keep the standard of Living" do you mean keep Indians of Welfare without raising Taxes?

How can our gdp per capita go up if more people are coming into the country and competing for their piece of overall gdp? Seems like flawed logic

Higher wages are only good if they translate into population growth. A shrinking population and increasing wages is a disaster.

The standard of living is something attained out of a magical economic equation

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Despite this thread being obvious bait for retards, I will try and bring some real discussion to it.
Why do morons believe things like growing your own food, raising livestock, becoming more self-sufficient and less dependent on others = low standard of living.
Higher standard of living = one disaster away from death by starvation, dehydration, crime, disease, etc.
Hell, most people with higher living standards get sick more often due to their lazy sit on ass and have everyone else do everything for me lifestyles.

Underwhelming post desu

As the population increases, the size of the labor force increases pushing the production possibilities frontier (the maximum amount of goods you can produce at full employment) outward (that is, increasing). An increase in production possibilities is by definition an increase in potential GDP. It is an accepted fact in economics that increasing the supply of labor does increase GDP with diminishing returns so you can continue to increase the standard of living by increasing labor force as long the rate of population growth doesn't exceed the rate of GDP growth. The latter condition does not pose a threat in the West since the birth rates of the native populations are below replacement.

Why don't China and India have three or four times the GDP per capita of the US?

"Economics" is not a science, but an ideology, therefore a philosophy. You can make numbers say anything; what's important is also what you don't say. "We need migrants because native birth rates are too low" why no economists today instead recommend programs and propaganda targeting birth rates with pro-white family propaganda, higher sense of duty towards productivity induced by national pride and racial unity, re-adjusting "standards of living" by attacking the culture of advertising and mindless consumerism and promoting fulfilling and balanced rural living, betting on traditional gender roles, common sense, the natural order, real justice with no compromise towards parasites and traitors, etc.? You know why. It's been proven to work and that's why it had to be stopped.

Your professor is a cuck

This will fall apart as soon as automatons are available (30 years? 10-20 more to be cheap?). They will be the slaves, browns won't be needed. Classic economic arguments fall apart.

Some dems know this. They're trying to get as many brown, baby shitting voters in before automatons.

>for the top 40% of the population*
>for the bottom 60% get fucked retards!!! Economically speaking

Yeah dude it would really suck if Eli Eizenberg had to clean his own house or if Marelago had to pay a fair wage for house keepers or if the mexicans working in the fields for pesos had to be paid a workers wage.

For the rest of is normal folk wed see an increase in our economic circumstances as more goods and services would be relatively cheaper while those consumed by the wealthy such as hand detailed car washes would become more expensive.

He's right, but immigration of whites only, that is.

>when your b8 is so crap that you need porn to get the clicks.

Into the trash it goes.


that's bad economics, immigrants increase the total GDP but not the GDP per capita, aka: standard of living. He's telling you the exact opposite of the truth.

>with diminishing returns
Well that explains the drop in quality of life. How do you undo it? Does the process work backwards?

Appeal to false authority, much?

Because their population is so large. I already acknowledged that increasing the population too much will lower the standard of living, but that is not a possibility in the West as of now because the population has been in decline for a long time.

Furthermore, technological advancements that lead to increased productivity increase wages and GDP. China's standard of living has been doubling every 10 years since the 80s.

Lmao imaging paying for educacion from a nigger that shoves kaynes and others socialist economics up your ass hole you cuck.

except the entire principle is incorrect. The migrants will occupy space that the older generation would have left for the population. Housing, food costs, fuel, all these things could come down in cost and availability would increase. Instead the migrants will work for shit, allow massive companies to buy up house to rent to them, cede more power to a government (because they couldnt get enough government intervention in the shithole they come from) and eventually blame white people for their inability to assess the landscape. Your professor is either unbelievably dumb or purposefully misleading you.

Whose standard of living?
Heavy low skill immigration depresses wages as people race to the bottom.
In the age of automation, low skill workers are going to be completely meaningless as well so we'll have two hundred million people who are completely useless living off of social services. Their children will basically never succeed either so they'll be on the government's teat as well.

Increased labor productivity leads to economic growth. That means every time there's a technological advancement that increases labor productivity, wages and the demand for labor increase and the standard of living rises.

>In the age of automation, low skill workers are going to be completely meaningless
Yes, this is called structural unemployment and it is characteristic of a healthy economy. The solution for the workers whose skills become obsolete is to take on roles in the new economy by learning a new skill, such as programming and machine learning.

but its sort of true, do you believe the labor market would achieve full value or utility without intervention by the state, - does chaos self organize ?

No just retarded.

bringing in poor people makes middle class people rich...

>unemployable shitskins will just learn to code

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>not asking your professor who's standard of living would be affected and why.

the only problem is the people they want to bring in werent brought up with western values like a basic work ethic.

Ask him "What if people just had more babies instead?"

d-don't do this goy!!! think of the carbon emission and climate change!!!

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so as long as a handful of people get obscenely rich, the majority of people can get poorer and the standard of living is maintained. got it.

>High wages usually reduce competitve advantage
that's what tariffs are for

>my economics professor said ponzi schemes needed a larger base of people to keep from collapsing
Sounds about right

>clickbait photo
>appeal to authority
>unsubstantiated claim
>wrong acronym
This is why leafs are the worst posters in the history of Jow Forums.

>Immigrants, even multigenerationally, pay half the income tax of whites
>White Boomers have voted themselves a over expended pension and social welfare system
>Browns consistently vote for more Socialism
>The Future is working with half the money for twice the infrastructure and gibs, and a bunch of angry brown people who were promised first world living standards of a already dead generation of whites....
Yeah, I'm sure it'll workout fine.

If by standard of living you mean access to terrible products in shopping stores and tv and internet packages that people pay to use 1 show or 1click. If by standard of living you mean 100s of new mobile phone skews released every year shipped to canada and then given real estate. Sure, the way out of this rhetoric is that people in the west overpay for their standard of living by a lot, and the immigrants are a solution for debt culture. Debt culture is a super wasteful system

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That's what they think, and it's true for the upper half of society who have a workforce under them - the cheap labour allows them to maintain a high standard of living.

But for the lower half of society - like unskilled labourers: flooding the labour market with workers applies downward pressure on their wages while increased housing demand increases the cost of living.

Your professor is living in an upper class bubble.

I'd never give her a penny, but damn if she isn't cute as fuck.

I’m a semester away from a degree in economics and no professor believes this outside of Berkeley ie consistently wrong faggots like krugman

Paul Krugman is highly respected and everyone believes him.

based and redpilled

My economics teacher doesn't drink orange juice because he claims its bad for the stomach... As you see there are a lot of stupid people in this world.

we could pay white people to have kids but that's eugenics but if you admit that's eugenics then you're a white supremacist

But... Standards of living ARE falling, even with mass migration.

No. That’s very basic macro. Population growth, can be very determinental if they are unproductive

I would fuck her day and night, absolutely 11/10

Because the Jews will lower that standard of living until they get what they want. The economy isn't ours, it's theirs.

Who's standard of living would that be?

White people have more kids then all groups in the US but Hispanics and white men have a labor force participation rate of 80%. Non white men 59%

It´s wrong, and does anyone know what should be done instead? Should i effortpost or should i save it for another thread?

White people have the highest rate of new home ownership

He is wrong, there are better and faster ways to increase GDP.

You can propose your professor to eat some shit for money
then he can pay you to do the same
oh, and do not forget to pay value added tax from both operations to increase GDP

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Ask him what the solution would be if immigration wasn't possible. Then ask him why we aren't doing that solution instead.

First off large populations is not the same as high average standard of living. Infact most nations who have high standard of living have relatively small populations compared to their ressources. This means there are more for each one because of this. So throw that out that large populations means it´s good.
The most important thing is that the population is smart and productive and self sufficient. So that you have low unemployment. And low social cases etc.
Most of these immigrants they want to let in come from nations where they are incompetent compared to westerners with regards to run a nation. So you don´t get these fantastic highly skilled workers at all.
Secondly european ethnicities same as any others deserve to remain ethnic majority in their own homelands. OP would call a kenyan arguing that kenyans shouldn´t dissapear in kenya. A nazi. and a black supremacist. .So throw that out that´s nonsense.
The reason he says this about standard of living, is because he means economy. But in this he is also gaslighting you. See Nations who have accrued high debt. Need to increase their GDP substantially in order to pay it back! So this means larger workforce. In additionally people live longer which means more elder care than we are used to in previous generations. This costs money. So it´s really because fiscally irresponsible nations borrowed up to the hilt whilst paying almost no taxes for their own operations. Like usa is 22 trillion in debt. They then create this fatamorgana/mirage that africans and others are just as competent as european ancestry workers. This is also false. They might be hard physical workers, but are less competent overall, as seen in their own homenations, why they dont´work very well. So this will create even more economic problems in future. AND eradicate european ethnicities in their own homelands. It´s a suck decision, and costs lots to educate them from scratch, and they will still not be good enough.

didnt read

Instead what should be done is increase population of your own people in your own nation. How? To financially incentivize having let´s say 5-6 kids per family subsidized so it is like having 1 financially.
See europeans and westerners unlike many other nations. they tend to match their populations with ressources available. This is why europeans and americans and others operated till recently with what is called REPLACEMENT LEVEL BIRTHRATES. Means you basically match births with deaths. So you don´t increase or decrease your population too much. Other nations have waaaay too many kids, they don´t regulate it. Result is poverty and low living standards, because many people, and little infrastructure and other things in their nation. Supply doesn´t meet demand.
Now then there was anti natality propaganda started in european countries and USA and canada etc. Telling them it was bad to have kids etc. This is a big problem because they were already running equlibrium birthrates/replacement level. So this put them slightly under what they need to do to reconstitute themselves. And who should have been targetted with anti natality rethoric should have been literally EVERYONE ELSE. Africans and many others have way too many kids!
It´s relatively easy to fix however. Incentivize natives in their own countries for having kids. Do NOT incentivize financially foreigners for having kids. This is also fair. Because foreigners should not be rewarded for having kids. There are already so many of them in the world! And it is your own people that need higher birhtrates, not them. Therefore no reward for them.
Hungary has recently proposed this. But the travesty is that for some (((unknown reason))) this was not done previously what should have been done all the time. Which is, look at birthrates and increase them on your own citizens by laws for mandatory so and so amount of kids if you have any, aswell as financial incentives very lucrative so it is easy to finance having kids.

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Infact it should have in all european countries and USA and canada australia have been declared a state of national emergency that the citizens should have more kids. But ofcourse for (((reasons))) this was not done. However it is far from too late to do at all. And it is better that they take a cut in living standards to get them high again afterewards once the kids grow older. Than that they dissapear in their own countries. Or they take loans till such a time as this is balanced etc. There are many ways to do this totally fine. Ask yourself why they are insisting that foreigners should essentially gradually take over european nations and USA and canada etc. Ask yourself why. if someone suggested that happened to kenyans in kenya, or iraqis or mexicans or anyone else. You´d have people in outrage!

>standard of living
>3 billion people live on a dollar a day or less

Instead these nefarious (((elements))) that also peddled anti natality propaganda to people who should actually have a few more kids. They now promote fucking homosexuality all kinds of things that are destructive to family unit/makes it harder to form relationships and have kids. AND ofcourse they peddle interracial marrage. It is pretty obvious that this is high treason and attempt of genocide. And should really carry the death penalty for those involved! Because they know what they SHOULD do, but they are doing the exact opposite.

>clickbait photo
>yes daddy

Yes he talk about standard of living. The nations with highest standard of living have low populations compared to their ressources and landmass. So there´s plenty to go around for each person. Aka high living standard. Others have way too many people, and there´s not much to go around. It´s almost like it´s not fantastic to have a SHITTON of people if you can´t provide for them.. isn´t it..

>even with mass migration
Because of *

>Ask him what the solution would be if immigration wasn't possible. Then ask him why we aren't doing that solution instead.
Exactly, this is what i am talking about aswell. And then find out why the (((reason))) is that this is not done instead.

The economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. More at 11.

The ability to bring in cheap labour has also stalled technological progress. Most of the jobs these low skilled immigrants do could be replaced with automation. Now we'll eventually get automation kick in and we'll have millions of these dumb immigrants stuck here.

jesus I just want slap her ass so hard
why do I enjoy hurting women so much

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>The ability to bring in cheap labour has also stalled technological progress. Most of the jobs these low skilled immigrants do could be replaced with automation. Now we'll eventually get automation kick in and we'll have millions of these dumb immigrants stuck here.
And you´ll have to pay for their welfare and their many kids aswell. Whilst they don´t or are not competent enough to work. So the immigrants then massively increase their population in your own country. Whilst your people gradually dissapear. So the living standard would then in european countries or in USA or canada or australia or wherever. The net effect the living standard would massively DECREASE over time, closer to the living standard where these people came from in the first place. So it´s just pissing in your pants to stay warm. And it is a nefarious way to piss aswell so to speak. Because what happens to those people of those nations who import these people. They also demographically are threatened in their own homelands, even existentially! It´s nonsense and it is very easy to see if you dare to just logically analyze it for half an hour or so, you will come to the exact same conclusion as i have just explained to you.
Then THINK ABOUT why they want to do it like that anyways. It (((makes no sense))) from a benign perspective!

Here is how it makes sense though. If you want to reduce the overall standard of living much, and deflate wages so everybody who works have to work for much less, for gigantic megacorporations. From that perspective. It makes sense. It even slightly even from that perspective is stupid as fuck. Because you will get less competent workers on top of it! So advancements in all kinds of areas goes way way down for obvious reasons.
But think about, (((who might want that))) anyways eventhough how bad it is.
See european and western nations compared to other nations. Have a decent history compared to a) pay their workers decent wages, b) have decent social safetynets etc. All these things will then vanish since you can´t keep the upkeep in tax money neccessary to provide that. And you´ll work for very low wages everywhere. And the middle class will be exterminated, social mobility destroyed. And you will have super rich and the working poor so to speak. Things you mostly see in other countries. But they want to do that in europe and the west etc. aswell. So how to do that is you replace their populations with these people from other countries. Creating a similar situation in europe and USA etc. aswell. It´s a disaster for the average person! you will also have to remove things like foreign aid to developing countries. Can no longer afford that etc. You see where this is going! What do you think is going to happen to african countries and many other countries aswell.

What should be done is, those other nations should have less kids, euros and americans, canadians etc. have slightly more. And then work on improving the average living standard in the other nations! So they have more to each person by not being so zeppelin sized populations. You need a balance between supply and demand. TO get high living standard. So if you want to solve global poverty. They need to have less kids, not us, we need slightly more but not that many more.

Then they also need much better infrastructure and logistics and they will get gradually better living standards. Then they can achieve possibly in the future similar average living standards if that is done, as USA, canada australia, and european countries.
But you see if you peddle the exact opposite. Then those who peddle that, are obviously NOT interested in higher living standards. And only reason for that is a nefarious one that they want to pay everyone less to work! They want everyone to have less. Because that´s what´s going to happen through that. That´s TERRIBLE for the average person, it should obviously go in the other direction. If you were benign about what you want to do.

How does it feel knowing she makes more than any of us?

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You know im really glad cheap consumer products like tvs and phones have gotten cheaper in the last 30 years while shit we NEED to live like housing, healthcare, education etc have all increased dramatically. Its a fair trade off

This is also why africa and many other countries will never get higher living standard unless they manage their birthrates coupled with developing better infrastructure and logistics. It is a bane to have too many people that you can´t provide for. Therefore if you want higher living standard. You need to have less people! They need to be balanced in each nation with the supply of that nation and its infrastructure! If you look at global poverty it is no wonder. It is always in this scenario;
>lot of people
>piss poor infrastructure and logistics
>supply does not mean demand, therefore there is less for each person in that country. Living standard is low..
High living standard like my country.
>relatively small population compared to landmass and ressources
>plenty for each person. On top of this high productivity, low unemployment. Thus living standards increased.

You should've raised your hand and asked if immigration from the third world is the same as immigration from the first world. Furthermore, asked him if it would be okay to let his daughter marry an illiterate and degenerate beast.

Marxists don't believe in economics.

>my economics professor named Mr. Goldberg said that Tyrone should pillage my country so that he can improve my country while I keep jerking off to traps in my cuckshed. N-nazies B-BTFO!

you posters are the reason this thread didn't die immediately

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Whose standard of living?

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Its why i dropped out of society and research. I'm just going to do traditional/farming, and be a selfish asshole.

The only thing worth anything is having kids, not some homosexual career where you make money for parasites for them to have kids, and fuck your kids; literally and figuratively.

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