I miss Obama :(

Anyone else feel like this?

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I love Obama. We wouldn't be in this chaotic timeline if it wasn't for King Nigger.

He was a great president.

He is intelligent, compassionate, committed, and would listen to other experts, basically every quality you'd want in a president

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I miss his speech-induced nappies.

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What would change? He was only a (((globalist))) puppet

>every quality you'd want in a president
Basically a foreign puppet. Droned kids whenever it was convenient for Hillary. "Secratary of State Hilary Clinton"
No Bobongo was awful. I refused to work for the government while he was president.

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Op is really Obama.

I honestly forgot Obama even existed. Feels like he left the spotlight 10 years ago

>I miss a gay nigger pedo with a tranny for a wife and 2 fake daughters
kill yourself

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I love Obama because he gave us Trump


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Choke on AIDS ridden cow Shit and DIE

i used to like obama like 6 years ago just because i was supposed to like him. i didn't genuinely like him and i had no idea why i liked him. i'm sure basically every college age person now feels the same why. "why do we even like him?" be honest. it's not even "oh there's just something about him!" nope, not at all. it feels nothing like that. it's that the media celebrity-ized him.

He has desperately tried to stay relevant here. Most presidents look forward to returning to a relatively quiet existence. Obama has been desperately trying to keep the spotlight on him for the past 2 years. It's kind of pathetic to see considering I voted for him twice before voting Trump. I really wanted change and believed he could give it to us in some way. I guess if change is making blacks more obnoxious than ever before, he did a good job.

One of the worst president's ever!

>obamacare failure and lies
>arab spring disaster
>let Russia control Crimea and Syria
>never ousted Assad after promising to do so "red line"
>mediocre economy
>food stamp increased under him
>racial tensions got worse
>a bunch of police officers killed under his watch
>Benghazi disaster
>Hillary's emails
>IRS targets Obama’s enemies
>Paid $5 Billion & Released 5 Taliban Prisoners For Deserter Bergdahl
>Pays tribute to Japanese at Hiroshima on US Memorial Day
>Trashing America overseas
>Inviting Bomb Boy Ahmed to White House
>Couldn't secure Olympics in Chicago
>Fort Hood shooting response
>Obama commutes sentence of traitor tranny Bradley Manning

I'm still comvinced that he was born in Kenya.

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How did you do a 180 like that?

he wrote in his own fucking law bio that he was from kenya.

Where the fuck this niggas air pods

>>Nigger go back to africa



>I miss Obama :(
then spend more time at the range practicing your target shooting then maybe you'll hit the fucker.

it really doesnt matter.
his mom was an american citizen.
therefore, he is an american citizen himself.

also, i miss obama like i miss bush.

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>"fundamentally transform america
>sucks a tranny's cock for dinner
>planed in shitskins by the thousands
>massive debt even dipshit dubya cant touch
what am i missing?

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He faked Sandy Hook

only 99% of the country

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he faked being an American user

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>missing a traitor

love to see Obumers stats for sucking tranny dick while in office,

look at the traps on that ape

No he didn't. He was born in Chicago but raised in Hawaii.

I went on a White house tour with family around Christmas time, and it still smells like nigger in there

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They only love you when you're gone

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Obama was the worst POTUS in our country's history. Nigger didn't even know there are 50 states in the US,

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Given our recent policies Id say the Mf'er is still in office. What more do you want scums?

Trump was selected long before, no need to thank Obama as he is just another pawn on the Masonic chessboard. You’re cheering away at you’re own destruction, feeding into pure stageplay

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The file they released had layers in it. The fraudsters who made it didn't realise that the software they were using doesn't flatten layers automatically.

Also, the source birth certificate that they copied was found a couple of years ago

Obama was born in Kenya

>He was born in Chicago
Fuck are you stupid & gullible. Common core failed you dipshit.

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Kek. No.

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I feel sleepy goodnight alls

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>special kind of retard

But please, cheer on until you painfully realize the joke is on you

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That’s dank

and this was suppose to his prime years, it's all down hill from here
explains the perpetual butt hurt attitude
Unlike GEOTFW's queen
Mother of the future ruler of humankind Bannon

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Value added to itself equals itself. 0. Clever insult for a liberal

no retard he claimed he was born in Hawaii
for someone who claims to be a fan of Obumers, you dont even know the basic shit

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A cult of false prophets and false idols, laughing away their sanity

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trump is a kike

Is it because nobody really knew about the pedos?


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sure he is Kike

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and hawaii erased his original birth certificate and recreated it before he ran for president

I'm a firm believer that 4 years just isn't long enough to get much done politically here, so I'm very inclined to support an incumbent president for a 2nd term. First election I could vote in was 2004. John Kerry was the cringiest fuck ever. They tried to make him seem cool and it only made him seem more terrible. Voted for Bush. 2008 from the start it looked like Hillary would get the nomination, then Obama just started to steamroll everyone in the primaries. The press nickname for him was McSame, which was quite apt because he was just another establishment neocon like Bush. Young and great speaker in Obama shows up promising change and all types of optimistic shit. 2012 they run a fucking mormon against Obama. I won't vote for a mormon. Fuck it give Obama 4 more years since 8 years is a more reasonable amount of time to get things done. 2012-16 is when all the insane SJW and massive amounts of racially divisive political shit really took off.

Then in 2016 it's Hillary (who people fucking hated since the 90s, even among straight ticket dem voters) and Trump. One is talking about bringing industry back to major cities and getting us out of pointless and endless military engagements overseas. The other is talking about transgender bathrooms and 150 cm illiterate indio goblino families fed to obesity on food stamps. What did they think was going to happen?

I haven't really moved much in terms of my actual beliefs, it's just our left went wayyyyy left in an effort to prove who is the most tolerant and shit, and our right is just a bunch of out of touch old men shilling for global corporate interests.

He was about 18% approval rating so, no.fuck him

droned kids? there is a war going on, drones are used now, he actually took responsibility a few times for determining the validity of targets after he felt the CIA was not discerning enough.

the drone war decimated Al Qaeda

Die a thousand deaths.

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He was so good at eating my walnut sauce

i miss snax

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>took responsibility a few times

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i remember when they actually sold those in packs at the local game stores

Agreed. I only think about that jigg when he is brought up for probably orchestrating the spying...by the book, as Susan "Beans" Rice claimed.

Everyone sees him for the used car salesman that he was. He tried to tell us that the US was washed up and to lower expectations. Trump shows up and has riled feathers and actually gotten shit done.

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Yes, i miss him like sciatica.


Trump is the American dream the left hates the fact he is reminding everyone that America is still the best place to be in this clown world

so does larry.

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