Why are there so many Normies?

Why are Normies so stupid?

Why are there so many of them?

Do Normies have souls?

Everytime I leave my cave I'm just so astounded by how STUPID the majority of the proles are. I overhear their personal conversations and the way they talk, and the things they talk about make me so ashamed.

At my work, at my univerisity, at my gym, at the store, at the restaurant, everywhere.

And what's more some of this stupidity cannot just be explained by low IQ. At univeristy there are people on my course that are far academically smarter than I am, get better grades, have better internships, understand the subject matter more in depth; yet still the highlight of their week is making a popular instagram post and thinking Rick and Morty is the pinnacle of comedy. They speak with that infuriating upwards inflection vocal fry and unironically listen to Marron 5, vote Green and watch Ru Puals Drag Race. Yet some of these people are literal qualified doctors, engineers or (future) surgeons.

How are they like this? Did we really used to have so many of these people? Is it a modern thing?

What makes a Normie?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Flouride, Propaganda and Social Engineering

Indoctrination, media and “trying to fit in”.

Any pics of her feet?

Pretty good pic

Shut up normalfag

Her tits look horrible.
Sauce? More?

>vote Green
That's ten times better than voting Democrat.


The world wars killed off all the good men, all thats left are cowards who'd rather live a slave than die free. Even in America, everyones a limp-wristed sheep, even the gym-goers. I really do think all thats left, or the majority of the worlds population are unfit to hold any responsibility without being monitored and taken care of. Dont listen to anyone who watches television.

if there weren't, they wouldn't be normies.

Oh christ i think im in love
>hoop looks like a halo

>Dont listen to anyone who watches television.

That's pretty much it.

>Why are there so many Normies?
they are quite literally the norm.
we are the ones that aren't.


He has a website too.

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But did it always used to be like this? I have a feeling 100 years ago the average person was generally smarter and more in tune with the world.

In what country though?
In 1919 America, yeah, your "average citizen" probably was smarter than nowadays. But now we have niggers and spics all over the place.
1919 [insert 3rd world nation here] on the other hand might actually be smarter than before thanks to all the boomer gibs

Glad you were thinking this, too, Czechbro.

Being abnormie dowsnt make you better. You freaks. Qe should have picked on you guys more

300 years ago most people couldn't read and relied on verbal communication. Transfer of knowledge dictates retention of said information. People who write down their ideas remember them better, but the same doesn't go for reading, rather explaining these ideas to someone else is the equivalent. So in essence I'd say people back then had less access to information which made them dumb but were much more self-reliant and able to explain ideas they understood through conversation. The opposite is now true, people can hardly make small talk, but everyone knows how to read, gather information quickly and follow directions.

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the definition of a normie is to be the norm, hens the average

>Why are so many people normal?
Do you understand what the word normal means?

There are always more normies than not, the only reason they are notable is that you know you aren't the only person with a conciseness is because of the internet.
Also bare in mind that they may just be talking shit to fit in but secretly dislike it as well.

I literally got suicidally depressed by having to talk about the same shitty topic every. single. day.
It felt so alien, and I'd tell people to not talk about something so superficial but then they give you that flouride glass look and then the interdimensional frogs get you...

This word was made by losers, antisocial, weird that are jealous of the normal people just enjoying life as it is and not trying to be "original" and "special" and "not follow the norm".

normies think 30 seconds into the future. a true wizard has frozen time. too bad all the hot chicks are normies, so you'll have to sell out your sorcery to get any.

It's uncomfortable to look at the world and really analyze the problem.
It's easier to think if we all hug each other tight enough all the problems will go away. To think that if we jsu virtue signal hard enough the world will become a better place.
Most normies live a very sheltered existence, the west have basically become the aristocracy of the medieval times but on a global scale. Most look at the peasants and don't understand them, they never experienced real hardship and think, everyone else is just like them.
They have to believe every bad comes from some ungraspable entity that oppresses the people and makes the people work against each other.

education and respectful culture was teached and as politics got more liberalist, degeneracy and "mainstream culture" started to become the norm.
remember that this doesnt apply to all of the world though, maybe in the US it did, but in europe, 100 years ago almost half of the european population barely knew how to read, although christian values were very present.

In all honesty, you should really just focus on yourself and what you do. Stop talking to people you find stupid or whatever, and just do your own thing, people you like will come to you.

The most intolerably dumb fuck thing I cannot stand about normies are the utterly stupid NPC conversation they have.
All they fucking talk about is shit they've bought and shit they wanna buy. And if it's about property omfg, normies absolutely fucking love talking about leafy driveways, broken toilets, new swimming pools and other such banal shit that makes me wanna play russian roulette with an uzi submachine gun.

you are a normie

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noice, saved!

you need to be very careful user, something terrible happened in 1999-2000 and then again in 2008-2009 and then a third time in 2012-2013.

i can't go into specifics or details, but in my small group of friends we noticed other people changing radically, it felt quite unreal to begin with but now it's obvious some type of nation and maybe global wide event occured, and people were altered.

we first noticed it in y2k hype, i remember almost all the kids in school started quoting movies, tv shows and songs. it felt really weird and forced that they would communicate in sound bytes and catch phrases. then again at uni in the late 00s we noticed how the internet had changed overnight, old websites we used to use disappeared without any archive or trace, some of our offline digital media was altered, and huge corporations and devices people couldn't stop talking about became mainstream, ipod, iphone, youtube, google.

the last change occurred shortly after, and that's when we decided to put in place careful monitoring (we have a password system in place through software i wrote) where we check in with each other, because in 2012 one of our friends suddenly changed. these are people we went to kindergarten with, but he suddenly became very different, a new girlfriend, a new job, and he started remembering stories from our past that never happened.

we started as 7, now we are down to 4 who still remember how it was from before. we have strict controls on media consumption and access the internet through a voice to text analog filter, type message is typed by a punctuation bot for the visually impaired.

all i can say is it is spreading. it's some type of virus. and there appears to be no way of reverse it, even with extreme torture.

I was at a dinner with a univeristy sports club (boys and girls) and got called weird for wanting to talk about something other than Netflix.

They literally went on about the most vapid shit (mainly Netflix and showing each other Memes on their phone) for 2 hours. I had to resort to eating my meal in silence and listening to them talk.

In their eyes, I was the weird quiet autist guy who couldn't fit in. But how can you force yourself to take part in those kind of converstions without utterly betraying yourself and becoming an actor. They would have seen through that too desu, it's hard to fake.

Inb4 "lol ur just antisocial autist jealous of not having friends and being normal" but seriously, "10 Reasons Why" and literal Bidenbro memes for 2 hours? You can't justify that.

this, a million times.
they have to have a "constant enemy" they have to fight.
during the cold war it was the russians, after 9/11 it was the radical islamists, and now, ironically, their own population that they deem "priviledged"

this is now a redpill bread

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>Why are there so many normies?
Why are there so many NPCs in a videogame? Because players need something to interact with.

i left college with 6-5 months left to go because I tried to an actor to it all, its too stressful and dull.

dont talk/associate to people who are stupid and stop thinking about them. having an isolated environment which i now have is ok but being immune to it all is better.

> Everytime I leave my cave

I know the 'homeshool creates people with poor social skills' meme is about dead, but allow me to beat a dead horse.

All these normies you speak of, who have the social skills and vocabulary of a caveman went to public school.

focus on yourself until

"too bad all the hot chicks are normies"

what do

Can confirm. We have no soul.


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Yeah I agree on that but complaining about normies is something typical of an underage.

>REEEEEEEEEEE Why are there so many normies that do the same?

Because that is how society has always worked idiot. And the final realization is that it is better to be a normie all your life and not overthink everything so much.

>authentically smarter than a vast majority of people
>garbage grades and cant bring myself to study shit I'm not personally motivated for
>literally "tfw to smart for school" meme

Why do I have this in common with so many of you fuckers? What is it that binds us and gravitates us to the portion of the web?

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you will prob not find a partner in this lifetime if you're true to yourself, unless you work towards it.
but ofc you can always talk some roastie to warm your bed at night.

Look if you have a work, craft, hobby you're into and find a slightly closer girl to your ideals, try to guide her into it - its our best shot.

People just need to start posting feet pics with everything

>enjoying life as it is
>$20t national debt
>stock, derivitive, and bond bubble about to implode when Trump leaves office
>automation about to destroy the blue and white collar job sectors
>hey did you see the new rick and morty? omg lol so funny

>it is better to be a normie all your life and not overthink everything so much

you shouldnt deny yourself. ever.
else you would come to see how low a human can stoop to.

I genuinely feel the same.

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you ever watch those talk show bits where they hit the streets and ask people to name a country and point to it on a map, any country, etc. And they can't name one, they say africa and point to south america.

Granted what they show has been filtered and you get a retard bias, but even with those people, they're adults with a high school education, probably have a full time job and support themselves. So...what DO they know? I always took it for granted that learning random shit you wouldn't necessarily use in day to day life just kind of came with...being alive and learning about stuff. But I guess that's not the case.

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Modern society is created for the proletariat, that is, the Jewish livestock.

A questioning behavior is a sign of a leader or aristrocrat. There is no place for people like us on the bottom, unless we make one by changing society or fostering a revolution.

idk but the smartest people I've met have always seemed to check out of academia, conversely, the stupidist fuckers I know get great grades.

It's almost as if intelligence and memorisation/recall/processing power aren't correlated.

Maybe they set the system up so that only the high processing conformists are allowed into their workforce.

>Ru Puals

People will counter that with the "Flynn effect" but I dont personally buy it. 100 years ago everyone seemed very well versed and wrote in careful and beautiful cursive.

Because you have an inferiority complex like most here. Some are actual high performers but have imposter syndrome. We've spent too much time away from the concensus to ever become truly normal again.

"being smart gets you places" is a meme.

It's "being smart and be social (aka, be able to traverse normieland) gets you places". You're also probably very young and still believe you are the master of the universe and your intellect is unmatched. Grow up and realise you're dumb as shit and its just your psychological defense mechanism trying to defend you from that realisation.

lack of purpose. integrity and disillusionment.
just do what you love that helps you to survive, the rest will come.

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Normies believe you are what you do, and all the other types of slogans like that, which slowly invade your being. Hardly anyone involves their mind processes in the epistemic understanding of language, and their spirit is absolutely frail to most information out there and therefore gets misinterpreted. However, lives are long and nearly everyone struggles with non linear thinking, and the ability to really place someone as a normie isn't really as important as judging their character and knowing their sense of justice. Again this comes naturally to non linear thinkers from the very beggining, but even the lowliest and tepid explorers of understanding are capable of beauty.

>all i can say is it is spreading. it's some type of virus.

its the jews

>some hipster photographer is getting 10/10 dialy

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck what kind of wizardry is this

You claim you are unique OP but there is probably 1000 of you on this forum. You are unbelievable just an another NPC the reason I say this is I've seen this threat multiple times you think no differently than everyone else in this thread. The truth is you are all pretty much the same you all think you are unique it makes selling to you so much easier because you all ask the same questions lmao. You all tell me the same shitty stories. I guess I might even be an NPC so you other NPC can have someone to look up too.

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Was thinking about making an eerily similar post the other day.

Spending even a fraction of time listening to other peoples conversations .. jesus christ. How boring. How brainwashed.

I'm convinced I'm in the upper 99% of the world, intelligence-wise and everyone else is a braindead fuckhead. I also believe that social media is a brain cancer and people actively melt said brain every time they go scrolling through it, women especially.

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באשתו אמרו, קל וחומר באשת חברו. מכאן אמרו חכמים: כל המרבה שיחה עם האשה גורם רעה לעצמו, ובוטל מדברי תורה, וסופו יורש גיהנם.


יהושע בן פרחיה ונתאי הארבלי קיבלו מהם.

יהושע בן פרחיה אומר:

עשה לך רב, וקנה לך חבר, והוי דן את כל האדם לכף זכות.


נתאי הארבלי אומר:

הרחק משכן רע, ואל תתחבר לרשע, ואל תתיאש מן הפרענות.


יהודה בן טבאי ושמעון בן שטח קיבלו מהם.

יהודה בן טבאי אומר:

אל תעש עצמך כעורכי הדינין. וכשיהיו בעלי דינין עומדים לפניך, יהיו בעיניך כרשעים. וכשנפטרים מלפניך, יהיו בעינך כזכאין, כשקיבלו עליהם את הדין.


שמעון בן שטח אומר:

הוי מרבה לחקור את העדים, והוי זהיר בדבריך שמא מתוכם ילמדו לשקר.


שמעיה ואבטליון קיבלו מהם.

שמעיה אומר:

אהוב את המלאכה, ושנא את הרבנות, ואל תתודע לרשות.


אבטליון אומר:

חכמים, הזהרו בדבריכם! שמא תחובו חובת גלות ותגלו למקום מים הרעים, וישתו התלמידים הבאים אחריכם וימותו, ונמצא שם שמים מתחלל.


הלל ושמאי קיבלו מהם.

הלל אומר:

הוי מתלמידיו של אהרן, אוהב שלום ורודף שלום, אוהב את הבריות ומקרבן לתורה.


הוא ה

נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאש


הוא היה אומר:

אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכש


>people communicating in catch phrases
Ok, the 1999-2000 period I definitely noticed that, and it turned me off. Every day, kids would come to school and just repeat things from TV shows and movies. Not only is this how they communicated, but the ones who did it the most were "cool"

People forget that that was actually something that "cool normies" did. It wasn't a meme.

It really did freak me out that so many kids were repeating soundbites.

באשתו אמרו, קל וחומר באשת חברו. מכאן אמרו חכמים: כל המרבה שיחה עם האשה גורם רעה לעצמו, ובוטל מדברי תורה, וסופו יורש גיהנם.


יהושע בן פרחיה ונתאי הארבלי קיבלו מהם.

יהושע בן פרחיה אומר:

עשה לך רב, וקנה לך חבר, והוי דן את כל האדם לכף זכות.


נתאי הארבלי אומר:

הרחק משכן רע, ואל תתחבר לרשע, ואל תתיאש מן הפרענות.


יהודה בן טבאי ושמעון בן שטח קיבלו מהם.

יהודה בן טבאי אומר:

אל תעש עצמך כעורכי הדינין. וכשיהיו בעלי דינין עומדים לפניך, יהיו בעיניך כרשעים. וכשנפטרים מלפניך, יהיו בעינך כזכאין, כשקיבלו עליהם את הדין.


שמעון בן שטח אומר:

הוי מרבה לחקור את העדים, והוי זהיר בדבריך שמא מתוכם ילמדו לשקר.


שמעיה ואבטליון קיבלו מהם.

שמעיה אומר:

אהוב את המלאכה, ושנא את הרבנות, ואל תתודע לרשות.


אבטליון אומר:

חכמים, הזהרו בדבריכם! שמא תחובו חובת גלות ותגלו למקום מים הרעים, וישתו התלמידים הבאים אחריכם וימותו, ונמצא שם שמים מתחלל.


הלל ושמאי קיבלו מהם.

הלל אומר:

הוי מתלמידיו של אהרן, אוהב שלום ורודף שלום, אוהב את הבריות ומקרבן לתורה.


הוא ה

נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאש


הוא היה אומר:

אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכש


It's ok to be normie.

Also, a society that doesn't allow these kind of people to rise to the top is inherently unstable.

appreciate what you are saying but at the same time you probably rarely lead in conversation and I doubt you can be mutually interesting to a wide variety of people. Conversation isn't about 'yourself' it is a form of entertainment just like music or a game. You aren't 'betraying' yourself by playing a guitar, but you still work within a harmony. Do the same in conversation, if they wanna talk about netflix then point out flaws in the productions, other good shows that do something better or about the source material.

I don't know what you mean by that.

Ok bro, cool story. Now go wash the dishes.

All that weed burned your circuits out.

as long as you're happy,
i wish you the best.

This one is neat

His photos have legit fantastic lighting

Smh, what am I doing I should be this guy

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"Normie" is literally synonymous with "Average"

Mathematically its impossible for Non-Normies to outnumber Normies

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to deny what you're interested in to fit the common standard is immensely debilitating. Like crippling yourself and convincing yourself it for your own good.

Watch some of these videos


You have to have a better understanding of the (((education))) system.

Basically it's all the schooling, it's literally deleting the potential of nearly every human being.

Everyone has a soul it's just some are bigger & more developed than others

באשתו אמרו, קל וחומר באשת חברו. מכאן אמרו חכמים: כל המרבה שיחה עם האשה גורם רעה לעצמו, ובוטל מדברי תורה, וסופו יורש גיהנם.


יהושע בן פרחיה ונתאי הארבלי קיבלו מהם.

יהושע בן פרחיה אומר:

עשה לך רב, וקנה לך חבר, והוי דן את כל האדם לכף זכות.


נתאי הארבלי אומר:

הרחק משכן רע, ואל תתחבר לרשע, ואל תתיאש מן הפרענות.


יהודה בן טבאי ושמעון בן שטח קיבלו מהם.

יהודה בן טבאי אומר:

אל תעש עצמך כעורכי הדינין. וכשיהיו בעלי דינין עומדים לפניך, יהיו בעיניך כרשעים. וכשנפטרים מלפניך, יהיו בעינך כזכאין, כשקיבלו עליהם את הדין.


שמעון בן שטח אומר:

הוי מרבה לחקור את העדים, והוי זהיר בדבריך שמא מתוכם ילמדו לשקר.


שמעיה ואבטליון קיבלו מהם.

שמעיה אומר:

אהוב את המלאכה, ושנא את הרבנות, ואל תתודע לרשות.


אבטליון אומר:

חכמים, הזהרו בדבריכם! שמא תחובו חובת גלות ותגלו למקום מים הרעים, וישתו התלמידים הבאים אחריכם וימותו, ונמצא שם שמים מתחלל.


הלל ושמאי קיבלו מהם.

הלל אומר:

הוי מתלמידיו של אהרן, אוהב שלום ורודף שלום, אוהב את הבריות ומקרבן לתורה.


הוא ה

נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאש


הוא היה אומר:

אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכש


>The year 1929
>"Hey, dude..i really think the economy is about to implode, look at all the millionaires dumping equities, i think we should liquidate all of our assets and convert them into Japanese yen."
>"lol everyone is watching the mask of zorro on the television box and you're worried about that?

literal fat manlet too. And they're not models, he says he just meets them on the street.

I'm also astounded. Ukrainian girls I guess.

>yet still the highlight of their week is making a popular instagram post and thinking Rick and Morty is the pinnacle of comedy. They speak with that infuriating upwards inflection vocal fry and unironically listen to Marron 5, vote Green and watch Ru Puals Drag Race. Yet some of these people are literal qualified doctors, engineers or (future) surgeons.

These are soibois. They have low testosterone.

This 1000%

>gf got high 90's through uni in nursing
>last week she asked me "user is a solar eclipse when the sun moves in front of the moon?"

I dont know the causation brother, but theres certainly a correlation. Fuck off normie

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>talk about Netflix
>you're the weird one if you don't
Same. While I do feel like I am some antisocial autist, I feel zero connection to what people talk about and I don't know how to fake it.

As far as conversating, I CANNOT START THE CONVERSATION OR CHOOSE THE TOPIC because *everyone* thinks what I say is weird.

I can respond to people in a semi-normal way and focus it on the topic they chose, but whenever I choose a topic I get fluoride stares.

It's simply mathematics moormutt.

The more young men you have at the bottom with no place in society and questioning the status quo, the more unstable that society will become.

you're not too smart for school. I went to dental school at an ivy league and was with medical students etc. The smart people learned blisteringly fast. They didn't even need to study that quickly and they were done with exams rapidly. I'm sure college was easy for them too. It's easy for them to be motivated because nothing is hard and the rewards for doing well are do large. It's very possible that you are JUST on the cusp of what is needed to excel in a post-industrial western nation but not quite. If you can't span that gap you will, unfortunately, be left with unwashed masses while we use our brains to succeed. All that being said you very well be smarter than most. Just not smart enough.

So far I haven't found something that I'd "love" to do. I have no idea what to do, I'll probably enlist and die for Israel in some shit hole...

Gonna give my post a relevant bump since it will answer your questions.

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If this is your ideal life, go for it then.

I remember that. It was that fucking Austin Powers movie, ALL THE KIDS QUOTED IT NONSTOP.

Is Austin Powers an illuminati brain virus? I think he is.

Attached: soyboy-powers.jpg (666x375, 97K)

it's not intelligence but that sense of self awareness, people who go through negative or humiliating life experiences like dejection, anxiety etc will develop a sense of themselves (often so self-deprecating that it is damaging) so that they are critical of everything they do and observe and this criticism leads to greater intellectual engagement over time. You probably also have a much keener sense of embarassment from your teenage years of angst. Often you'd be less successful in school in those years but develop a high degree of intelligence later into your 20s. Meanwhile people who are smart at school often get constant affirmation and positive feedback and don't develop this critical aspect of themselves, so that they don't relate themselves to their actions in the same way. They can watch moronic cartoons or shows and babble about it without feeling this in any way reflects their intellect.

*young capable men

This is why we are where we are and why Western governments teeter on the brink. The proof is in front of you.

Some people have literally no geometric intuition. Test if she can read maps (she probably can't).

MAXIMUM AESTHETICS!!! This dude is on to something here. He has a great eye for beauty. Something these scallywags and thots could learn from.

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>Be me at Dentist waiting room today
>Women about my age comes in with young kid
>Wears her sunglasses inside, and a dress that looks like a potato sack
>Chewing gum and making lots of chewing noise
>Sits there the whole time staring at her phone, not talking to her daughter
>The few times she does talk to her, she is going on about her friends on social media
>"Look shes not such a loser anymore, she got married"
>Talking to her daughter like a trashy friend.
>Dentist comes out to tell her whats wrong with her daughter
>She continues talking with gum in her mouth to him. Completely oblivious to how rude she is coming across to everyone
>Starts flirting with the dentist.
>When she leaves, Dentist (My dentist) rolls his eyes as if to say "thank god she's gone"
>Im thinking of Jow Forums and roasties the whole time this is happening.

This wasnt some white trash girl you would expect it from. She was driving a brand new mercedes and obviously had money.

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I'm no degenerate but let's not act like we don't all want a 10/10 blonde cutie on our arm. I can barely push past 8s and I objectively mog this guy. Just jealous I guess.

this self-awareness is not always a guarantee for 'smartness'
girl that user talked about isnt necessarily a retard for not caring about science shit compared to the thing shes pursuing.
what you love to do relates to whats keeping you alive, literally and mentally.

You have a soul that's opposed to being a goy. The school system, the grading, everything related to the establishment isn't intended to fulfill you it's intended to condition you to how they think your life should be lived. Comply and consume, that's it.

Anyone can learn how to be a dentist with practical training and it would take ten times less time than studying for it, but that's not good. They want to suck your wallet and your spirit dry before you get results, and then they want you to work for and spend those results.

Imagine believing in success.

My husband moved me in with his Boomer mom to take care of her in old age. All she and her friends talk about are luxury cars, dogs, Trump hate, driveways, and how people (waiters, ex-husbands, gardeners, their children, etc.) don't do enough to please them. This kind of shit makes me want to live in a trailer someday away from suburban homeowners so I never have to hear about this entitled consumerist garbage ever again.