How do I get my neighbors to fuck off if they have loud annoying NIGGER dogs

how do I get my neighbors to fuck off if they have loud annoying NIGGER dogs.

I dont have anything...ANYTHING as annoying in my life as these cock sucking dogs. starting every day at 5 am they sit outside my window and bark and they fucking bark 24/7 GOD DAMN IT FUCK OFF HOLY FUCK. literally all day long all they do is bark I cant even have my windows open

I reported them to animal control a few years ago and never got any response but this is so god damn annoying I cant take it anymore. im just gonna write in and send letters every single week to animal control until they either shut up or get taken away and ripped out of this shit world and put down.


as if this wasn't bad enough they built the fence right next to the road and everyones house. not out in their backyard which would make sense. nope. right next to my window

ive literally never had something so god damn annoying in my life it gives me a headache every day. they fucking bark non stop every 10 minutes every hour of the day 24/7 and in the summer they leave them outside and not even let them inside

ive literally stood outside they're house flipping them off screaming take care of your dogs you fucking retards and went out and screamed at the old fuck telling him to fuck off with his stupid god damn dogs and were all sick of hearing them at 6 am every day and he just looked at me like a retard with his mouth wide open and I swear they never god damn stop

im just going to write in a letter once a week until they stop or they get put down. I want to kill them so god damn bad but I dont want to get in trouble because people are careless retards.

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buy a syringe and fill it with rat poison, go up to the fence at night when the dogs are barking and attract them, when they get close enough fill them up with the poison and run like hell back home and dont trip, and wait for results

Sleep with ear plugs and close your god damn window, and report noise nuisances to your local police or public security

cool way to get yourself bit

smash up glass into tiny pieces
fill up beef balls
throw them over the fence when no one is home
don't consent to any police searches

HELP theyve literally been barking since 6 am today and i havent heard them stop longer than 20 minutes all day long i cant sleep i cant nap or do anything im disbaled i need to sleep

they literally bark every 20 minutes 18-24 hours a day HELP ME

It's time to gass the dogs. Buy sasusages or any kind of meat and fill it with anything poisonous. (tide pods if you wont eat them first)

I want to try to report them but if they dont get in trouble I feel like I will for killing them after reporting it but jesus Christ I want to kill them so bad. there's only one that barks so I dont want to kill the non barking one

and im not going to risk it what if they have a security camera or something? that would be sketchy as fuck

Hope they keep you up at night until you start acting like a responsible adult.

>Sleep with ear plugs and close your god damn window, and report noise nuisances to your local police or public security

what are you living in one of those Japanese homes from the 1800s that's made out of paper and wood

Hide glass shards in the dog's bowl if it's outside, use gloves, the fuckers will soon be extinguished.

yeah excellent ideas guys, kill the neighbor's dogs and then never be able to sleep at night because the neighbor might break into your home and kill you in your sleep as revenge. 10/10

Dogs barking non-stop on someone's private property is something you call the police for. It gives them an automatic cause to search the house. That'll turn up something and animal control will be there by night fall

they aint gonna do shit lol. if OP has more neighbors everyone is a suspect. police will just drop it after one day of asking around

I called the cops and they told me to just report it to animal control and I said I did and they just said oh hes usually good then fucked off

I dont really want to talk to the cops I dont like them and when I called they just acted like dicks and asking me for all my personal info and shit I dont like them

im gonna report it to animal control once a week until they do it

Yeah no one would ever suspect the screaming autist who's stood outside of their property screaming at them in broad daylight fro everyone to see. That's not the kind of guy who would try to poison dogs.

>police will just drop it after one day of asking around

More than enough to catch OP and his breadcrumb trail of autism. If not, the dog woners would definitely take justice in their own hands much like you're advising OP should do.

>personal info
Yes you retard, what did you expect? Thats how it works.

Keep us posted OP there’s a couple dogs like 7 houses down from me that don’t shut the fuck up either I might kill them too

Dude I'm white and have a dog. I would go John wick if anyone hurt him. Besides I think that a autistic child outside my house is more offensive. Op is a asshole. I bet he's the kind of serial pedofile that would tape the neighborhood. Last dog hater in my complex turns out was taping kids sexually. Fuck. I don't trust anyone who hates dogs its a red flag.

Good. Removing dogs and noisy neighbors in one day? What a deal.

Get one of those radar-type silencers that you can point at the dogs. Stick it in your window and turn it full blast.
They will learn not to bark anymore when they get their brains fried by silent radio waves.

you wont do shit faggot. Lmao what a post of this arrogant shit. You would piss your pants and cry till you would tire out. Also this site is 18+ and you are clearly clueless of real world. I suggest you to wait at least 10 more years until you can post here. Or will be mentally well to not write such garbage. What a idiot.

>you are clearly clueless of real world

Yes in real world, people just go out and poison their neighbor's dogs all willy nilly after they've had several public meltdowns and confrontations. The perfect crime, no one will ever suspect him. I bet you're a professional jewel thief with all of your sound real world advice about circumventing the law.

>Yes in real world, people just go out and poison their neighbor's dogs all willy nilly after they've had several public meltdowns and confrontations.

Yes they actually do. And it happens much more commonly than your sheltered head can comprenhend. Now fuck off kid.

You live in a real shithole lol

No i live in real world and not behind gate of big ass mansion while your papa and mama works till they are bone. What a faggot.

yeah when the cops are Nazis. they dont NEED your information they just target everyone

oh yes why would i hate creatures that sit outside my window and bark for 18 hours straight and whenever i go over to a friends house i have to hear them yapping and trying to jump all over my new clothes and shoes and shit. yep. thats it. im a child toucher

tried it

No you live in a third world shithole, I can tell because you have a hard time writing proper English sentences.

>cops are nazis
What are you twelve? You can't be clever enough to conjure up a better word

Have you tried being rational? Close your window. Use earplugs. Maybe even padding to num out the sound. Sure it's annoying but murdering some dogs over this is pretty. Why not ask your other neighbors if they are annoyed too instead of screaming at the dog owners. OP is a faggot as usual

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Now i dont know if you are just retarded or playing stupid but there are many countries which dont have English as native language and arent thirdworld.

or they could...let their dogs in and not let them out at 6 am for hours on end? no I should pad my entire room and move my entire life around this

ok the suns going down and the dogs are still barking and they've been barking since before the sun even came up today. this is more than a noise complaint there's no way in hell they aren't neglecting them. this is straight up abuse and has to be reported.

they will ask you about it, ask to search your house- say no. that's it. no one cares about dogs lol in fact if dogs are barking all the time they are probably being abused.

poison away

My girlfriend's dogs bark all day and night and I know it drives her neighbors mad. I'm expecting one day someone is going to kill the white one. I hope not though because she really loves her dogs. Not really my place to tell her how to raise them since I've only had cats.

Start throwing chocolate over the fence

it's noise pollution, you shouldn't have to put up with this. we have neighbors who leave their yappy little shit outside whenever they go out and it barks endlessly. I couldn't imagine suffering that 24/7. I would keep badgering the relevant authorities before you do something drastic.

yeah. it would be criminal not to take these dogs away. they sat outside today from 7 am until 5 pm with ice everywhere the entire town was frozen

those dogs need to be taken away

You're a garbage human. I don't care about you or your problems.

Fine don't. Continue to live in anguish from dog noise pollution and keep whining on the internet

>everyone talking shit to the guy who has to put up with dogs barking all day

The fuck? Yea you shouldn't kill them but he has tons of reason to be upset

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That wont do shit. My dog ate once 3-4 bars of chocolate. I had them ready for cousin. He tore the paper and even ate little bit of foil. I thought he was done for but it has done absolute shit to him. I even tried to make him puke.

Record everything on video with timestamps, gather enough info for at least 3 days and report everything to the police.

Nuisance report?

Also, MAKE SURE to tell the police you've already talked to your neighbours about it to no avail, keep everything VERY civil.

t. has sperged out at the police station because his neighbour was rasing fighting dogs and almost got arrested

also, please remember that dog lovers are a hivemind of psychopaths, they'd rather kill you than put a dog in a cage for a couple of hours a day, try to focus on what your neighbours can do, not on the dogs themselves

Really I've beat niggers and gone and got police involved after the dog hater taped my little girl showering and pissing. I wasnt charged. If you were half the man you say you are you'd move
You are a mentally ill piece of shit though. Wanting to poison dogs. You would probably molest your kids and beat them to death after

okay they're still fucking barking. 13-14 hours later. there's no way this isn't abuse these stupid nigger dogs have been sitting out in freezing cold weather all day. its been like 8-15 degrees outside. this is definetely neglect

why the fuck do retarded people get dogs to just not even take care of them or pay attention to them. god damn it fuck these hillbillies I have to listen to these dip shits bark 24/7 so they can get them just to pretend to like dogs

Stop being a faggot and kill the dogs.

Just ask the dogs why they bark so much and politely ask them to stop.

Since we're treating it like they're people here.

If they leave their dogs outside 24/7 they probably are not dog lovers

No one of any age should be posting on Jow Forums.

Then what are you doing here?

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