> She's on facebook, I bet she's talking to some guy she's gonna fuck

>> She's on facebook, I bet she's talking to some guy she's gonna fuck
>> She hasn't been on facebook for a while, I bet she's with some guy she's fucking
>> Broke up with me like 3 months ago

Is there a good way to stop this? Like I wish I could just be happy for her if she finds somebody but as soon as that happens I know my blood pressure is going to go up and I'll get some adrenaline released and then I'll get depressed and it'll ruin my shit for a week at least.


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Go find yourself

Delete her and Facebook, that's what I did

I've dealt with this before and I'm dealing with this right now. I've learned the only thing you can reasonably do is just block her, as hard as it may be to let go. You're just going to be consumed by this and it's going to take away from your life.

Delete social media entirely. If you don't have the person's phone number, they aren't a close enough friend for you to be bothered with their lives.

I figured muting her facebook posts would be enough. She doesn't really use it that much anyway. She watches my snapchat stories and occasionally likes my fb posts, though.

Disabling FB would probably be a good idea but after the break up I moved to another city (so did she, but to she went north, I went south).

I was hoping I'd get to a place where I didn't care anymore, the relationship wasn't super long or anything anyway but I really, really liked that girl.

Like everyone else here; get off of social media. It’s nothing but damaging. The less exposure to her you have, the less you’ll think about her the sooner your feelings will fade. She’s gone mate, no point obsessing.

Block her on Facebook and unfriend her. You won't be able to see her profile, even if you wanted to.

Just delete social media dude, I did that after my breakup and I felt better. You dont miss much when you delete it

K deactivated facebook. That was kind of nerve wracking lmfao weird. I used to hate social media. I've been spending so much time on it lately. Maybe that will help.

It will help, delete the apps and other social media. You can text your friends if you want to hang out. Use this time to explore a new hobby, area, or improve yourself

Don't have any friends around here. Just moved here like 2 months ago. Met some people I could've hung out with, but don't want to stay around here so mostly I've been studying to get a new programming job instead of this IT helpdesk gig. Already have a degree.

Also been working out a little. It's a bit of a depressing existence for now, which is probably why it's taking so long to get over her, but I think in the long run it'll be better off for me if I just get through this and get a dev job.

You could try meetup to see what groups you're interested in and talk to some people there. I know how you feel dude, mine was 4 months ago, I still miss her and have feelings for her, but the pain has diminished since the breakup. Just move on and dont contact her.

Ya not too many good meetups around here, living in fucking Norfolk VA right now. Can't wait to move somewhere like Denver or NY. My ex lives in Philly. Might end up moving there because a lot of my friends live there and I grew up close to there, but I doubt that would be much of an issue, I just wouldn't contact her at all. It's a big city.

Either way I need to gtfo of here asap, and I think the best way is to just study as hard as possible and keep applying for jobs and not worry about socializing too much for now. Plus I'll keep working out. Thanks.

Good luck OP, date other girls casually, if you're not ready for hooking up, just date to see that there are other options in the world and you will find a new girl better than your ex.

Beta af, dont delete her. If you do she wins, she will know she hurt you. Atop being a beta cuck and grab your nuts and start dating you little bitch

Ya I'm not gonna delete her. I did disable fb though. It's been a little while since we broke it off so it would be unreasonable for her to assume it's about her lol.


You got to know that social media only shows the good things of people's life, not really what goes behind the scenes and their mind. You dont need it, live your life normally without it.

Yeah, I do know this. Most people on my timeline are having kids and/or in relationships and/or just got out of a relationship (or are thots and are in and out of them periodically...)

That never really bothers me. My life has been pretty good so far. Probably better than most peoples timelines. I still have a inferiority complex sometimes for some reason, but meh. I guess just the constantly checking is fucked and wasting my time.

I guess I should start dating again. I went on a tinder date a few weeks ago and made out with the girl, but she catfished me a bit and also was engaged to another guy so didn't see her again. Bleh.

Absolutely and emphatically this.

Ask yourself this question: Why keep her on FB when she's not a part of your social circle anymore?

You need to accept that shit is over and move on with your life. The faster you get up off your ass, the faster you'll be happy again.

Delete her, she's not paying attention to whether you still have her on FB or not. You don't matter to her anymore, and you need to stop caring about her.

This delete her. I never understood the logic of keeping an ex, especially one who dumped you as a friend in social media. If they want you back, they will find a way to message you somehow.

Idk it just seems petty and weak to delete her. She likes my posts and shit, and I've known her for years before we even started dating. Plus we didn't leave on terrible terms or anything. I hung out with her once after the break up and it was fine. Thought we might even get back together but it didn't work out and I ended up moving.

She even said she still likes me and wanted to hang out, but then I moved away because she was taking too long to hit me up after I told her to lmk and I got a job offer. Figured, fuck it, if she was really that into me she would have hit me up by now, and I can't put my life on hold for a bitch.

She's the type of girl to check up on her exes so I'm fairly sure she would notice if I deleted her on FB. I mean honestly I might have even dodged a bullet, but idk. Like she would do weird shit like hang out with male co workers and in the beginning her "old best friend" who she slept with before I came around was texting her. Eventually she cut him off and stopped, but idk. I was uneasy about a lot of that. Maybe she saved me from inevitably getting cheated on who knows. Ugh. She was so fucking cool though and fun and independent and shit.

You don't own her user.

Yeah and? That doesn't stop jealousy and shit. I never tried controlling her lol.

Does it really matter what she thinks now? You obviously want her as partner and not as a friend, where she wants you as a friend. You delete her for you, not for her, she stopped mattering the moment she left you. Is it better to feel pain by seeing her social media and keeping her as a friend so you dont look petty? Everything since the breakup is about you, you're the main character, always has been, do what will make you feel better and move on. If she wants you back, she will contact you someday.

Kinda hard to argue with that logic. Currently my facebook is disabled so idk, if when I decide to go back it's still bothering me I might delete her. I guess on some level I'm still "hoping" for some reason, even though logically I know she's long gone.

I do not like this situation lmao.

Delete her if you want to or not, do it for you, fuck anyone that thinks its petty. If she does get mad, it ain't your fault, she should understand why you did it, tell her if she question why. Eventually you will ask yourself "why the fuck do I care what someone who broke up with me thinks of me, they left me" . If she gets furious and will never consider getting back with you just cause you deleted her, than fuck her, she can't have her cake and eat it.

She wouldn't get mad, she'd probably be a little hurt by it though. She did leave though so I'm not sure if that's even true.

I'm pretty sure she wasn't dating until the day I told her I was leaving our state, so at least up until the day I left she probably still had a little bit of feelings for me. Obviously not enough to reach out, though, so fuck it.

Keeping her on social media probably really does come down to "hope" though. I try to rationalize it like, if I see her with another guy then at least I'll know it's really over and the hope will go away, but probably that's stupid and I'd just be unnecessarily hurting myself.