How do I get tall boyfriend?

>be me
>20/F 5'4 cute(/soc/ rates me a 7-8/10)
>horny all the time
>only guys who flirt with me are 5'9 and below and have gross disproportionate bodies + baby faces
>hurts my self esteem that these guys think they have a chance with me
>all the 6'+ guys already have girlfriends
>go on tinder
>every guy lies about their height and I end up finding out they're shorter than they said
What did I do to deserve this?

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Lower your expectations.


If you were so cute, you all boys would flirt with you, not just manlets. Anyway, approach a guy yourself. That's how I got my soon-to-be husband.

>This baiting lanklet again
Saged and reported once again.

Obvious incel troll.

How do I approach them? I have social anxiety

This. If you want something you have to have guts.

Well, fix your anxiety, get a therapist. I have OCD, so I know that it's not easy, but it can be done. Also, you're a girl, so you don't need to worry about being locked in the friendzone. In fact, it's better for girls to be friends with potential bfs first. You will get to know them better that way and judge whether they would be good for you. So, become friends first to test the waters and see where it goes.

>Hi, I like your style, if you're not busy do you want to get a drink?

>taking the bait

Thanks, you made me feel a little better. I'll go to the mall this weekend and try to

Tall guys have pencil penises

Short guys have thick meaty cocks.

>I'll go to the mall this weekend and try to

Attached: 1b2.png (414x459, 324K)

Weak bait. OP is obviously a 6'3" male bitter virgin.

Fuck you roastie

I prefer short and cute girls and I'm 196 " think you just in the wrong area

Why would a guy who is prime height want anything to do with your midget ass? Your legs look like fucking sausages. He’ll get asked about his “daughter” when your out together.
Mean while he is getting hit on 5’10 barbies with lega for days and a huge rack that actually fits her proportions.
You look like a God damn cartoon.
What is with you?

I am sure the right person will come around sooner or later, you just keep waiting for the right person to come around and never lower your standerds no matter what. But don't let guys just chase you around if you see something you like make a move yourself and let him lead the way

Where abouts are you in the world?

I'm from aus and there are tall guys everywhere.

Try approaching them yourself, it might be a little hard, it might not be.

>prime height
That's around 5'9" and OP specifically said "she" has a fetish for tall men.

This is bait right?

Who the fuck cares


can confirm, im 191cm and 1 in 5 guys are taller

The problem is your disgusting personality. You should have figured out by now that men are allowed to have standards too, and some of those standards disqualify horrible bitches like you.

Of course only another women would give advice like that to someone who is obviously a piece of shit.

>having standards is bad, reeeee
Shut up, manlet. You wouldn't date an ugly girl, either.

Also fuck you, everyone is nervous in some social situations. Stop leaning on a fucking crutch of a label and go and try and fix yourself. Fucking women.

I'm 6ft3 and my dick is 6 inches circumference and 7 inches long. Manlet cope

>le manlet guise

Attached: 1531271083688.png (500x466, 22K)

That's an obvious male larper. Probably OP samefagging.

I've been with two guys, one a 6'2 with a 7inch dick the other a manlet with a slightly thicker but shorter dick.
While I'm sure this isn't always the case, I have to say the tall guy's dick was pretty great but maybe a little too long for me.

Obvious bait is obvious

>Though I will say you're right about guys lying about their height on tinder lmfao

Well you make me want to kill myself OP, but eh, you can't help what you're into.

Guys are easier than you think. Like, really easy. It's likely that every guy you've ever talked to has been somewhere on the sliding scale of 'yeah, I'd tap that' to 'HOLY FUCK YES'. You have pretty much no chance of getting painfully rejected unless the guy has a gf he really likes, and even then they'll let you down gently. The only answer is to either place yourself in situations where tall guys would notice you (college or house parties, raves, clubs, beaches, the gym, the mall, coffee shop) and just hope a guy you like will notice you, and the other will be too pussy to hit on you, or hit on the tall guys yourself. Wear something nice (a little flirt, but not totally trampy) and show that you're interested in a casual, non-committal way to avoid seeming too easy or desperate.

Best of luck OP, gonna rope now.

ITT : Manlets get angry at girl for having preferences.

More like
>ITT: more projection, LARPing and general filler, as per Jow Forums
What a shocker

I'm pretty sure all these angry manlets are real. Either that or they deserve grammies for their performance of incel rage and disbelief.

Hence projection, Anonymous. Hence projection.
The real joker here is that OP is probably missing the fact that her personality is shutting off these guys because nobody-- man or woman-- wants to be the object of the 'oh, he's 6 feet, sweet I'll date that' search. It's like black men who can't get a date without being fetishized.

On the other hand I find the height lying thing to be hilarious-- do those men think nobody will find out?
Are they retarded?

I am 195 cm and I absolutely loathe small women. I know it's shallow, but I would never consider being romantically involved with sb if I know they are under ~180

You're in the minority then. Most guys prefer short girls.

is /soc/ even worth posting on? I kinda want to find out where I stand attractiveness wise. Are people honest there or is it just a lot of shitposting

Oh god no do NOT go there. It’s 99% percent men (as you’d imagine) but the 1% that are “women” are exactly as degenerate as you would imagine.

Alright thanks I'll steer clear of that then

Prove it, most of my dudes are above 5'10" and have gf or partners no shorter than around 5'5". Yeah, shorter than them is usually the case but I wouldn't say short as hell.

Find guy you like, and just text him/ approach him and say that you have this feeling like he wants to invite you for a walk, and ask what takes him so long. Smile slot. Don't be easy, but first 5 mins be easy. Pay for yourself at first date. Gl hf

>Prove it
>backs up with anecdotes
Anonymous, fucking PLEASE. If you're gonna say you're an adult, ACT THE FUCKING PART PLS
God, man. Why are you actually like this. Why.

45 replies and counting

You’re 5’4. Almost every guy is taller than you.

Stop being such a stacy, you're fucking 5'4 get over yourself. You're gnna get railed out by a bunch of pee brained douchers until you look like left over arbies and either end up with an unplanned pregnancy the dad immediatly leaves when he finds out or lose all your eggs before you realize true long partnerships are based on personal connection first and your overset standards second.
P.s * spit*

It's not about being taller than the guy, that's a manlet cope that's been spread around by insecure manlets for a long time now. Just wanted to set the record straight and say more height is always more attractive. 1 inch taller than me is like a 5/10 so that's just barely fuckable, but 6 inch taller is like an 8/10, very fuckable.

>It's not about being taller than the guy, that's a manlet cope that's been spread around by insecure manlets for a long time now
Are you retarded? Almost every female wants a male that is taller than her. The number doesn’t matter you fucking brainlet, just being taller than her alone does

You’re a fucking idiot troll. Pretty obv.

>1 inch taller than me is like a 5/10 so that's just barely fuckable, but 6 inch taller is like an 8/10, very fuckable.
Why did you go straight ahead from one inch to six? If you’re 5’4, almost every guy that is 5”9+ looks the same. You’re short as fuck, and you’re a woman so of course you’re stupid and think 2 inches is 4 and so forth

If you say so. I'm just going by what I find attractive and what most of my friends find attractive, so I assume most other girls are the same. I'm 5'6 and I'd personally much rather date a 6' guy than a 5'7 guy. Maybe some girls are different but I've never met one. There's a reason Taylor Swift wrote in her song "So tall, and handsome as hell".
I'm not the OP, but it's nice to see Jow Forums hasn't changed. Still a bunch of angry virgins who hate women.

Interesting. I’m 5’1 and I need a guy to be at least your height for me to be attracted to them~ I think perhaps as long as the guy is taller than the girl by a decent amount then its all good

I'm 6'4 and haven't dated in 6 years.
I'm too nervous to approach girls, and they don't approach me.
It isn't all fun and games my shorter bros.

Why can't this shitty larp thread die already?

>soc rates you a 7-8
that's honestly pretty low for chicks there

what about 5'11 OP
is the height starting with 5 gross?

this is how i feel except I'm a young man

Jow Forums has no other quality content. There's a thread where some guy's mad that he didn't get good advice and it's like-- who the FUCK thinks Jow Forums will provide good marital advice? What a fucking joke.

But this whole board's been a joke since its inception because we don't get mods or a sticky. We're just containment, and /soc/ is containment off us.