Big thinks going on, how many BJ's / week isn't too much to ask for ? GF is...

Big thinks going on, how many BJ's / week isn't too much to ask for ? GF is...less receptive than my ex and it kind of drives me nuts

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If a girl doesn't put out 90% of the times I ask then I dump her. Same goes for me. If I find I'm avoiding sex with her I'm out. You and your girl need to get on the same page but if it doesn't feel natural then it isn't worth your time. She should be jumping your bones. Multiple times a week. She should want to suck your dick.

On a similar note you should be voluntarily going down on her. Blowjobs without reciprocation are just selfish.


Its cringy to want your girl to want you? The best relationships are when your girl wants to fuck you and takes every opportunity to do it. If she doesn't want your dick then something is wrong.

Are you a fucking retard? If you want to just troll go to /b/ or /v/ or any fucking place.

Ask her about it or break up

If you really care about her communicate

Otherwise find somebody who can give you what you want and will enjoy doing it

Confrontational but you're right. Also nice rule of thumb. It could have saved precious time with my ex and made me dump her.

>Been with her for four years
I should have been more upfront about this sooner. Ahhhhhhhhhhh fuck.

I'll try to have another talk...she usually does better about it when I bring it up but then she gets busy with work and do gets her commitments and there goes everything out the window....

twice a day seems to be the generally accepted norm

These feels.

Broke up with my ex because I thought shit was going terribly, and I meta new bitch who was ultra DTF. I wanted to do the decent thing instead ofbeing a slimy cheating asshole, dumped her and jumped ship to the new girl.

6 months later and she's basically a dyke who takes dick because she can't find a GF. Can't help but feel like I made the wrong decision purely because she's not as thirsty for my cock.

It's funny because I get on with her better as a person than literally any other woman I've ever been with. I can actually have deep, meaningful conversations with her.

By contrast my ex was a dumb cunt and I resented her constantly. But damn that girl was eager to suck dick.

Totally agree. My bf keeps asking for bjs but when was the last time he went down on me? A year and a half ago at the very least...

I am still DTF and give him bjs anytime he wants or I want anyway. Doesn't stop my sex drive and I love giving him bjs.

Okay I will go down on a girl if she is clean. A lot of guys are not into because of bad past experiences. Some vag can smell and taste preeeeetty bad. No offense. Maybe if you cook him some really great food first he would be more willing to eat you out afterwards because it kinda masks the taste.

I did that once with an ex. I ate some nice steak and then ate her out. All I could taste is steak. Yum.

This new girl is thin and so there is less sweat. She has a clean vagina that doesn't taste half bad.

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Big jelly.

>being this much of a shithead over SUCKY SUCKY MAKE PEEPEE FEEL GOOD
holy fucking shit, grow up

heres what you do
>come home after work
>sit down with her
>tell her "baby, i know you suck my dick a lotz, but i want a little more fron you..."
>"what if i make it up to you"
>"what if i...... get between those legs, and discover your secret taste?"

this shit will get her going so much, youll be drowning

As someone who tried desperately to get any sort of attention from my ex partner, its very hard when youre both in different mindframes with sex.

If its an actual issue you need to be clear that this is something you wont compromise on, if she still refuses then you need to find someone else.

I like suckin dick though so maybe I'm bias.

Get out.

Do not word it at all like that Jesus Christ my pussi has never been drier

Is she asexual? I know a girl who is and she barely does anything with her bf

Give her 2 orgasms for every 1 you get


>She should be jumping your bones. Multiple times a week. She should want to suck your dick.

Exactly. New relationship time is a fuckfest - if its not, theres something wrong.
Clinging to a partner who isn't working out for you in bed is simply desperate, no matter how mny disney memes about how sex is superficial and all that you believe.
Relationships are not a thing to be half-assed.
Being together with someone who doesn't truly like you is far far worse than being alone.

>She should be jumping your bones. Multiple times a week. She should want to suck your dick.
Well said and so true. When I was younger I would date girls who would be so asexual that they wouldn't even let me touch their feet, thinking it was normal. Then I met someone who I made out with within 2 hours of knowing her and had her head in my lap, and was overly sexual. Now I can't settle for less. Feels so much better to be wanted than having to worry that my girl will be upset with me if I want sex.

You mean give her 1 orgasm for every 2 you get. Odds should be in the favor of the man for a successful romantic relationship.

These are important bridges to cross before you start dating
No joke

Lesbians have no say in the matter thank you

That was a painful read


Bitches need to know. If you don't suck a dick, you ain't marrying material. Husbands get bj every Thursday at a minimum.

>girls need to put out on the first date
>if a girl puts out too soon the guy dumps her because she's not marriage material
What the fuck do men want? It's too dangerous to risk it when pump and dumps are so common. Far from ace btw.

There are two categories of men (with some overlap), those interested in sex, and those interested in relationships.

Wasn't this a thread where some guy said, "mmm, so that's your secret taste?"



have you ever had a relationship that lasted longer than a couple of months?

Like that other dude said, it's natural and expected that people should constantly be fucking each other when they're in a new relationship together but after a while things do slow down and if you don't it's because you're a 19 year old kid still or you got brain problems.

You should be having sex like once a week at least, but how many bj's a week? Like not during normal sex? Chill out man not every girl is just gonna drop everything and blow you at any time. Some girls have a huge sex drive but they're also usually hoes.

If she won't blow you when your'e fucking then that's a bit annoying, yeah. My last girl was the least giving girl I've ever been with and literally never blew me even though we were fucking and I ate her out like twice. That only lasted 3 months though then we were done, but still. Not every girl is gonna be the same.

well done, well done.

If bjs are the only reason why you're in a relatioship, why even bother with it in the 1st place.

Most men are interested in sex, until they get to know and like the girl.
TH types you describe are the outliers, emotionally dead pump&dumpers and Betas desperate to get their manic pixie dream girl saviouress