I have this frickin painful pimple on the side of my nostril...

I have this frickin painful pimple on the side of my nostril. Its been developing since 3 days and the pain just keeps getting worse anytime I move my face muscles a bit. What do I do, guys? :(

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Fuck, I hate those ones. There's a kind of ring thing you can buy or try to push it from the top and bottom. Or lance it with a needle. That'll hurt more.

>being this prepubescent
Also, try having one inside the ear for size.

Oh shit that's gonna be like childbirth like painful. I already tried to pop it and nearly cried.

Hey man, Im 22 :(
Oh lordy, I had one like that in the earlobe and those days sucked.

clean your face (including your ears and behind your ears) properly with a washcloth daily so you don't get pimples

Use lime juice from a lime. Dab it for a couple of days to dry it up and when the pain subsides pop it.

Yeah, it's going to hurt like hell. There's more than one there. Wait for a little longer so it gets 'riper' and then pop it. It'll hurt, but less so than if you'd let it run its course. Keep the wound clean if it bleeds. Keep your face clean after that.

Jesus christ are you literally a woman? Just fucking pop the thing and stop whining about how much it's going to hurt like you're having to saw through your own leg or something. Fucking pussy. Waste of a thread.

don't pop it just dry it out with bar soap

i get back acne but it is actually really well treated with a harsh bar soap

pinch it between the ends of 2 credit cards.


Hello bait.


Just wait for it to go away, give it some toothpaste

I''d say wash it with warm water a lot
And pooping it isn't a bad idea

Also you are hot im a guy btw

I meant to say popping

How? Are you a man or fucking not? I were waiting for some user to call you a bitch so it'll make it easier for ME to say take that you should take a needle to the tip and let it out slowly.

I slowly release large pimples like that to avoid future pain. You don't need to press deeply just the top layer of skin and a bit of pressure would do.

Then clean every other hour and it'll look good as new in a few days.

Disgusting bitch

this. i get zits like that and just pop em with my hands. I kind of love it.

First post, dumbass.

OP, pop it. Some pain now, less pain later. Get to it.

Press a key with the ring hole in the center. Keys are good for that shit.

Or just heat the end of a sewing needle (they are sharper than a pin) let it cool a few seconds and ever so lightly poke the center of the pustule. The moment you see some puss, it’s done. No pain and you can now apply a small amount of force to let some of the pressure out. It should dry up in a few days.

my friend wants to know where you live idiot

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I'm 26 and still get pimples. Fucking sucks man.
Don't pop it, will just fuck it up more. I had one on my lip that I picked at (with clean hands) and it left a red mark that's been there for months. I went to the dermatologist and he just brushed it off as nothing, but from certain angles (say sitting in the passenger seat of my car) it looks more obvious.

Thanmks for the support people. I tried to pop it. it came out shit, lots of blood followed it.

take a thin cloth, toilet paper, alcohol pad, whatever and pinch that motherfucker as hard as you can between your two fingers and use the cloth as a barrier between your finger skin and face skin. This does two things, the first is that it keeps more bacteria from getting into the open wound and the 2nd thing it does is provide leverage for you to get a better squeeze and get the nasty shit out of there so it can heal. When you try to do it with just your fingers, especially at an awkward spot like under the nostrils, it's difficult to pop it due to the awkward spot and the grease on your face which makes your fingers slide around and not actually be able to get enough pressure to squeeze the pus out and it also creates more irritation. When you have the barrier, that eliminates those issues.

should have given it a name, drew a pair of tiny eyes on it, glued a tiny moustache underneath it and maybe bought it a tiny hat

but i guess it's too late now

Dont ever pop it!
Next time use some salicylic acid pads on it and it will bring it down then place a hydrocolloid bandage over it and leave it on for some time
Before bed steam your face and repeat if needed

i’m an esthetician, DO NOT POP IT, its not even ready to pop yet and you will get a scar and risk infection if you try to pop before its ready. get a 5% benzoyl peroxide spot treatment (like persagel 5) and stridex pads in the red box and start using them both daily, along with a gentle face wash. something with a lower pH (5.5 or less) is best, a lot of people like cerave foaming cleanser. it will eventually burst on its own while washing your face or when you’re sleeping. when that happens slap a hydrocolloid bandage on it. these are usually sold in the pharmacy as “blister bandages” and you can cut them to size. leave one on overnight. they work by absorbing/sucking the pus/gunk out of the pimple after it bursts so you don’t have to squeeze and damage the skin.

Medfag here. If you're looking for natural home products if you have baking soda at home wet a little into a paste and place it on the pimple overnight, toothpaste works but only if its plain white toothpaste. You can also scrub your face with baking soda if its naturally oily. Tea tree oil works well too. If theres still puss and you absolutely need to pop it make sure your face is oil free, place a warm cloth over it to open the pore, and squeeze lightly with no nails. If you manage to squeeze it out you need to get all the puss and blood out until the liquid that runs out is clear. That will stop it from being painful and lasting longer than it should.

>scrub your face with baking soda if its naturally oil

terrible idea. unless you’re specializing in dermatology (which i highly doubt from your shit recommendation) stop talking out of your ass. if you remember anything from your high school chemistry class, you'll remember that the pH scale works like this: 1 is acidic, 14 is alkaline. the pH of healthy skin ranges from 5.4 to 5.9 which is slightly acidic. our skin is naturally designed to fight against infection and the environment so it’s important to maintain the ideal pH of our skin. baking soda is a 9.

pH is VERY important in skincare -- too alkaline and the skin barrier is disrupted or damaged. baking soda is too alkaline. it negatively disrupts the skin barrier. It changes the bacterial flora composition on the skin and the activity of the enzymes in the upper layers of skin. and the damage is cumulative. the longer you use it, the more damage it does to your skin. please study more.

I was trying to say if hes looking for a natural solution for the painful mountain on his face, not do it all day every day and completely butcher his skins natural moisture. Baking soda is safe to wash your face if its diluted with warm water. Its antibacterial properties help clear up acne and prevent breakouts. It also helps with exfoliation. If you are looking to DRY OUT a pimple you can place the baking soda on the pimple as I've stated previously. It's also considered a mild alkaline even at a 9. This is Jow Forums not fucking med school you have kids literally telling him to pop it with 2 credit cards. For people in the middle of the night I'm finding a fast solution. Like fuck take your head out of your ass do you want to speak to the manager of Jow Forums?

pop it you stupid nigger and put some alcohol after and shave, wash yourself you dirty monkey

Since there are dermafags here:
I'm a backpacker, long distance.
Cleaning with anything that isn't a baby wipe is once a week at best. RECOMMENDATIONS?

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Slice a clove of garlic in two and use the newly exposed bit to rub juice onto it. Unironically

they have wipes that are specifically for facial skin, you’re better off with something like that than a baby wipe. simple and neutrogena make good ones.