Why are all the women I attract complete womanchildren that don't clean up after themselves and can barely fry a fucking egg or boil water? Am I doing something wrong?
Why are all the women I attract complete womanchildren that don't clean up after themselves and can barely fry a...
Stop giving off dad vibes.
Intimacy is key to relationships why dont you ask them. Maybe open up about your own shortcomings too. Nbd
>hey gf why don't you know how to do basic self-care activities?
do not listen to this guy
How does one stop giving off dad vibes?
No, be the daddy she desperately need. Spank her bare bottom and force her to sit and rub around on your lap. Then yell at her loudly and take things away from her and tell her how to dress.
You're getting sex man. I really don't feel sorry for you.
90% of women are like this.
You're just playing the odds
If she is mature then mention it to her that it would be good for her to learn some basic things. You can tell her that you just want to see her grow into a better person she is now. Offer to cook together so that she has fun but learns at the same time. Make a game out of doing chores. Cmon man. Relationships need communication
You really think I haven't tried that though?
I don’t think most people, male or female, know how to *really* clean up after themselves or fry an egg. It’s kind of scary to think about.
You're right. Most people on a whole don't
But women are fewer. They go from living at home, to living at college, to having a steady stream of boyfriends
A woman will never be living alone and fending for herself.
Most men will
>Why are all the women I attract complete womanchildren that don't clean up after themselves and can barely fry a fucking egg or boil water? Am I doing something wrong?
Yes, you aren't teaching them how to fry an egg properly.
>or fry an egg
what the fuck? i can understand the cleaning but really?
I hate lazy women so fucking much
You've clearly never lived with a woman that isn't your mother
Or with someone smaller than you for that matter.
I dont think my mom or dad can fry eggs properly.
im a woman. I live with my bf, i had 2 sisters.
Oldest child detected.
im 9 years younger than my oldest sister. infact I'm the youngest out of my 5 siblings. i dont even know why this would have shit to do with anything. i was just astonished that you think it's normal to not be able to do something at least ~70% of the people I know can do.
With a mother that had 6 children you are very obviously an outlier. Who the fuck has 6 kids any more?
For families that have the standard 2, the girls are treated like babies all the way up till they marry.
Most girls never have to take on the responsibility of living.
They'll just buy fast food while in college!
That's okay, your parents taught you different things.
s-s-so does this mean i have a chance at relationships? i can fry, boil (both soft and hard) and scramble eggs.
Who the fuck wants to eat fried eggs more than once a month? And especially cooked by some young piece of ass. Gross
I consider myself a retard but even I know how to clean and fry an egg lol wtf