Should I report my old middle school teacher to the police?

I’m now a 24 year old girl and basically me and my friend were drugged while in school. He caught us back behind the school smoking a joint (we were both two girls, he was around his late 20s), took our joint and offered us to smoke some “real weed”. He told us that everyday for lunch break he smokes a joint and gets lunch at the sonic. We went with him and he bought us food and smoked hash/bongs with us and got us eyedrops. At the time we thought it was really cool but looking back that must have been super illegal. It’s also kind of weird how this old giu would want to smoke weed with two twelve year old girls... should i tell somebody about this or keep the incident to myself?

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So, you were trying to smoke weed and your teacher not only let you smoke weed, but got you better weed and helped you cover up the fact that your were high? Wow. Sounds like you should drag him up mount siani and nail him to a cross. What a piece of shit.

This is why girls are infuriating. No OP, you aren't a victim, at least not a victim of anything other than your own stupidity.

The dude smokes you up and buys you lunch. What are you going to report him for? Thats retarded.

Well for one a teacher should not take students on car rides while intoxicated outside of school for one

Don't report him, I know you only ever think of yourself but there are other lives you affect too. You could have denied the weed and said "stranger danger" like you were likely taught. Instead, you want to reap the spoils and throw a man in a cage who apparently never harmed you

wtf? You were already doing drugs, it's not like he gave you harder drugs like coke or whatever and he didn't diddle you after

I would have remembered that teacher fondly lol

For one, twelve year old students shouldn't be smoking weed on school premises either, and would have obviously been expelled. Fuck you

No, you can fuck right off with that shit. That idea is so stupid that it should be placed directly inside your asshole. I want you to write that idea on a piece of paper, then crumple up the paper, and shove it up your ass where it belongs. After you’ve done that, go sit in the corner and be ashamed of the idea you had.

what the fuck OP?
I'd consider myself blessed if my teacher caught me doing drugs AT school and instead of taking action, gets me better weed, lunch and eyedrops.
it's not like he forced you to go along with him. all he did was offer to be a smoke buddy to watch over you two in case you fuck up. he probably knew that even if he reprimanded you, you'd just smoke elsewhere, so might as well smoke under supervision.
fuck you for even thinking of him that way.

I should pull your pants down and bend you over my knee and spank you for having that idea.

I think if it made you uncomfortable you should have reported him when it happened, not years later. By now your memory of what actually happened probably isn't at all accurate. Reporting someone to the police based on a memory that old is irresponsible because you might be completely misremembering things and wind up accusing him of something far more serious. From your story it definitely sounds creepy on his part, but maybe he was just trying to be 'that cool teacher'. Still not ok, but he doesn't deserve to thought of as some kind of a predator for that.

>I’m now a 24 year old girl and basically me and my friend were drugged while in school. He caught us back behind the school smoking a joint (we were both two girls, he was around his late 20s), took our joint and offered us to smoke some “real weed”. He told us that everyday for lunch break he smokes a joint and gets lunch at the sonic. We went with him and he bought us food and smoked hash/bongs with us and got us eyedrops. At the time we thought it was really cool but looking back that must have been super illegal. It’s also kind of weird how this old giu would want to smoke weed with two twelve year old girls... should i tell somebody about this or keep the incident to myself?

You just told us, and the police is reading this, so... moral crisis averted.

You are a cunt. Thank God I’m gay. Get a life.

It's extremely weird. I would reconnect with him and tell him to stop doing it so he doesn't do it to any other girls and go further but yeah nah

Gay guys really hate women huh? The stereotype is true. I should start hating gay guys too then.

Retard. Most gay guys love women.

Just leave the thread, OP. You fucked up. Do better next time.

Is this the part where the whores dig up a story from decades ago that they enjoyed in the moment to tell themselves that they were actually raped?

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Youre fucked up. I have a vagina and even I think your thought process is dumb. He probably looks back and thinks "wow that was dumb of me" already, so get off his dick and quit living in the past. Live in the present and make yourself a future. Quit whining about dumb shit.

I was raped by a family member while in highschool.. I let that shit go. Forgave him and we moved on. Im not fixn to ruin my family or his life because of a stupid decision. Basically what im saying is, im a victim and I let go of the past. You.. You were a stupid kid and trying to bring up an issue from 12 yrs ago in which no one was hurt! Grow up drama queen.

Oh fuck off poor poor rapist.

>Weed Wizard shares his good shit with you and buys you food.
>All without molesting you or doing anything weird.

>ewww, what was that, a pedo?!

Sounds like he was just trying to mentor you on the wonders of illicit intoxication.

By the way, be sure to tell whoever your boss is that you've been doing illegal drugs since you were 12. You know, for that logical consistency. Can't risk him "drugging" any more girls, and we can't risk you jeopardizing coworkers with your clumsy habits.

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Your teacher hit you up with hash, and DIDN'T fuck you, and you want to MeToo him?

Fuck off, he's poor, he's a teacher. There's no money in it man.

god youre a fucking idiot and youre the reason people dont trust women. literally nothing bad even happened to you holy shit. you even said it was cool. what the fuck is your problem

A black male would think a grown man interacting with a child is fucking weird, huh?

It's almost like you're kinda a bitch and straight guys have a reason to put up with you...

Does no one hear think it's irresponsible to give children drugs, especially when you're in a position of power...?
Not saying she should report him (story is likely larp anyway) as it's been 12 years and wasn't proper abuse or whatever, but hypothetically giving 12 year olds drugs rather than reporting them is pretty weird

Ur on Jow Forums.

>Does no one hear think it's irresponsible to give children drugs, especially when you're in a position of power...?
>Not saying she should report him (story is likely larp anyway) as it's been 12 years and wasn't proper abuse or whatever, but hypothetically giving 12 year olds drugs rather than reporting them is pretty weird

Depends on your perspective.

Some people see life as a joke, as well as the implication that most of us have faculties that are worth being particularly protective over. They don't have a moral problem with anyone doing drugs.

Personally, I'd rather try to fight against my hand with all my might than resign myself to being a childless spunyun, but to each his own.

I'm not saying that, I'm saying you're 12 fucking years too late idiot
And no wonder if you were dumb enough to smoke weed at 12. Is there even any brain left in there or is it just a smouldering husk of THC and steel wool?

Twelve years ago you could have had a case. Right now you sound like a pedantic has-been who wants to score big off a lawsuit because working is hard.
Fuckin' stoner

obviously bait retards