I voted for Trump, and I have a liberal family. I knew Trump would be a disaster...

I voted for Trump, and I have a liberal family. I knew Trump would be a disaster, but I voted for him as a 'fuck you' to the general state of politics. I don't regret it, but I probably won't vote for him again. My mother and sisters both say they would cut off any family that voted for Trump, so I lied about it.

I live with them right now. I guess my plan is to tell them once I move out, because I'm scared.

What should I do?

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If they would cut you off for that alone they're shitty people anyway. Tell them and see how it plays out.

I plan to. I'm just waiting until I move out to go to grad school in Fall, just so I have my own life and shelter to fall back on.

Is that wise or not?

Yeah wait it out unless you want to spend the next few months dealing with their hysterics.

I mean you shouldn't be ashamed of who you voted for, but if telling your family is going to cause problems with no real benefit then I'd wait until you move out. It's just not worth the family drama.

I'm really glad my family all voted for Trump. Well most of them. Conservatives outnumber Liberals in my family

>I knew Trump would be a disaster, but I voted for him as a 'fuck you' to the general state of politics.

I wonder what you think the general state of politics is like where you think that voting for the billionaire real estate meme man from New York was somehow supposed to be a big punk rock thing.

But to address the personal problem
>I live with them right now. I guess my plan is to tell them once I move out, because I'm scared.

Why do you feel the need to tell them? For the EPIC KEK?

They should raise the age of voting to 25.

I think you’re retarded and should tell notify them as much.

all the
small things


>voting for the billionaire real estate meme man from New York was somehow supposed to be a big punk rock thing.
Does he have to be a dirt poor brown homeless man to shake up the establishment?

Black guy voting for the party of slavery instead of Conservatives

You really are a stupid nigger

Not necessarily no, but I'm reeeeaaaally struggling to see what you're seeing or thought you saw in Trump that he was gonna shake up the establishment.

Was it the Pepe memes?

>My mother and sisters
This is why women shouldn't have been given any rights.

Yeah because a convicted crime family who's only friends are wall Street bankers was a better option.

Couldn't bring myself to vote for either really. I was afraid to trust Hillary and the Democrats with their socialist policies and knew Trump was an ass so I withheld my vote. I also knew things were pretty hot with Russia meddling to I was afraid what would happen. If Obama ran again I probably would've voted for him despite not agreeing with some things he did.

That's a petty reason to cut a family member off.
Advise against telling them despite them sounding like shitty people, no need to burn the bridge. Just move out and do your own thing, stay in touch and change the conversation when politics come up.

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Dozens of Corrupt Politicians were fired.

Read the news and not Commie Propaganda

You can vote third party or not vote at all.

What is it about Trump or his policies that made you think he was gonna be different from any other billionaire who works with the Chinese and Saudis.

To be fair Trump is corrupt, but not as a politician.

He is still a business man and moved from Vegas to Russia all of his resorts

He's going to make bank of it, but he is better then Killary imo

>Dozens of Corrupt Politicians were fired.

You mean the people from his campaign and his ex-cabinet?

>the Democrats with their socialist policies


I'm OP, not the guy you're replying to, but if you want to know my reasoning for voting for Trump, it was out of frustration with both the Republican party and the Democrats.

The GOP in 2015 was basically toying with the idea of giving up on the illegal immigration issue. People like me were frustrated with that. I think a wall is stupid and would prefer not to have one, but it was the gesture of electing someone brash about the issue which I hoped would be an indication to the GOP that we were happy with our current immigration law and wanted it enforced.

I was also upset with the Obama administration's inability to make headway on very sensitive geo-political issues. Granted Trump is 100x worse in that regard, but he was verbally dissatisfied about the state of our foreign policy, especially in the Middle East. I felt we were backing groups that would stab us in the back. In hindsight, this issue was my most colossal mistake in voting for him. He ceded a lot of international power to our rivals.

But like I said, I knew he wouldn't follow through, and I'll be voting against him in 2020.

Thanks for the genuine response. A lot of people who voted for him felt the same, and now they also feel the same way. Betrayed.

Alex Jones blowing smoke up his ass about standing up to the "globalists" didn't help things.

And you know what, loads of people felt the same way about Obama as well and he ended up being the same thing. Just another politician.

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There is a reason votes are secret. None of their business who you voted for, not then, not now, not ever.

If you reveal your voting history know, they will want to know who you vote for in the future. Just leave it at, who I vote for is between me, myself and I.