My gf has a circle of female friends that is made up of literal thots and potheads. Am I a dickhead if I dont want to go out with them?
Gf's friends
oh god the future looks entertaining.
I may actually get to use my guns
Nope. You have a right to surround yourself with people who are objectively a positive influence, and they are clearly not.
Because fuck you for
A. Judging her friends
and B. Implying you wouldn't be pissed that she didn't want to hang out with your band of rejects either
You should always do what you feel is best, but yep you are a dickhead.
>Judging her friends
I dont care, I've never been rude to them in person.
>Implying you wouldn't be pissed that she didn't want to hang out with your band of rejects either
When I took friends to the house she got upset with me because she is terribly jealous anyway
Boohoo, OP is judging her friends :(
Grow up from your HS mentality. So if we’re going into assuming stuff about OP, why don’t you quit your disgusting habits, if it makes you mad when people say anything bad about it? I guess you know deep down it’s disgusting.
Again, do what you want, the circumstances don't change your dickheadness. She just wants to involve you in her social life and you don't want to because you think you don't like them.
No you have every right to not hang out with people you don't want to. just be very clear with your girlfriend why you don't like her friends
So I have to surround myself with unpleasant/dangerous people or basically of any type for the only possibility of socializing? I'm not a person who needs to socialize so badly user. Get standards.
>My gf has a circle of female friends that is made up of literal thots and potheads
You think she hangs out with these people and isn't one of them? You're a fool for picking this one out of that crowd. Eventually there will be drama and the relationship will quickly deteriorate. End it now or end it later
Those are the exact people you want to socialize with if you think you about it. You just can't handle how hardcore they are.
How can you possibly have a gf with that superiority complex?
She was always the "black sheep" for being different, but that does not mean that I like her friends. She also has her past, but never reached the extremes of her peers.
Has she decided her present for herself or did you interfere with her “overcoming her past”?
You're not doing it for yourself. You're doing it for her. You can't suck it long enough to hang out with her friends once before you start insulting them and writing them off? If they do something stupid or dangerous when you hang out with them, use that reason to explain to her you don't want to be involved with them. Or hell, mention that shit to her beforehand and talk about it.
You are a dickhead for immediately and inexplicably turning down an offer to spend time with your SO and their friends solely because you think badly of them.
I don't feel like a superiority complex, I just want to surround myself with people with a lifestyle similar to mine. I am a very selective person with my friends, family and environment in general.
If it’s because you’re afraid of being dragged into something you don’t want to be a part of, I think it’s fine.
>If they do something stupid or dangerous when you hang out with them, use that reason to explain to her you don't want to be involved with them.
they are irresponsible people who have sometimes put my girlfriend in danger, to which I obviously have to intervene. I really care about her welfare, and it bothers me that her group of friends is like that.
>Has she decided her present for herself or did you interfere with her “overcoming her past”?
She realized her mistakes and has amply demonstrated that I can trust her.
If you can trust her ability to stay out of trouble, how would you going with her and her friends be any worse? If anything, the two of you should be even safer together. Do you put up with her doing stupid shit only because it isn't on you?
I have never put any problems for her to see or invite her friends to the house, it's just that I do not want to interact with them. She don't do stupid shit anymore, but I'm still bothered by the knowledge that they led her down a wrong path at the time.
So you don't actually worry for anyone's safety, you're just holding a grudge against them now? Listen, you're a dickhead until you at least have a talk with her about it. If you explain it to her and she understands, you'll be an excused dickhead and everything will be fine.
Yes, I do not want to have contact with a circle of friends that was a bad influence for a loved one at the time. I guess I'm a full dickhead.
I think you have a right to choose who you want to hang out with and who you like/dislike. You’re not a dickhead for not wanting to associate with them on that level.
Would it be nice for you to put your feelings aside and hang out with them for your girlfriend’s sake? Yeah. Do you have to? Nah. And she should understand that. You’re never going to be best friends with them, they’re HER friends, not yours. Just be friendly to them and keep your thoughts to yourself until she asks to avoid conflict.
Lots of people are dickheads, don't worry.
Woman detected.
No you're not a dickhead OP. If thots and potheads aren't your crowd, then you shouldn't have to be around them. My wife's friends are all bible thumping sheltered female equivalents of incels, and she knows it's totally lame to be around them even though she used to be one of them.
Is hardcore synonymous with degeneracy and STDs?
You don't really understand how it feels to be surrounded by people with such lower life standards. It's jarring and confusing.
Everyone has their vices but some vices are more intense, like drugs and sex and other degeneracy. If you can do those things and still be a functional person, that's hardcore.
You can't be functional while intensly stoned or else you are a wasting your talents