How do you stop addiction?
I don't mean just quitting one drug. How do you get the concept of this shit out of your head?
How do you stop addiction?
A God sent miracle.
Wish I knew what the answer was. My brother constantly steals money from everyone. Today he took $600 to go buy drugs. Kicked him out for the 3rd time and he's probably somewhere out right now popping pills.
I think your answer is in your question. Traditional ways are doomed to fail. I have seen people get clean, raise a family, and throw it away again. The words "functioning addict" are used for name calling but the "concept" (your words) is one to be considered. I know I have control. I know I can take care of my family. I know I can keep straight. Sometimes I want to use. It doesn't mean I'm a failure or my life has to fall apart. You listen to others tell you what is good and bad and you relinquish control. You can act responsible and make your own rules. Like anything else, it takes practice.
Thanks man, I copied these to my notes
There's no way to cure addiction, like this user you replied to said. Its a constant internal struggle. Not to say once you have some clean days it doesn't get easier. The problem with drugs is th
>How do you get the concept of this shit out of your head?
Shock therapy might be the closest thing you can get to that.
By not doing it in the first place before it begins.
From what he said I take that it gets easier over time when you practice. And when you get really old you either aren't interested in drugs anymore or you can do them without hurting people around you.
The whole point is kinda stupid but just don't do drugs. Being an addict means you can't control yourself and ergo that means you can't do drugs. If you could control yourself you wouldn't admit in your OP that you were an addict.
So what do you suggest? Instead of trying to get out of addiction just roll with it untill you die from overdose?
My advise is to not take drugs ever again. I don't know how you construed my advocacy for using drugs and just giving up by what I posted. The only point I tried to make is that is a difficult thing (so difficult it drives you to come on Jow Forums and ask idiot anons what to do) the answer is simple never ingest psychoactive substances again including alcohol (feel free to use tobacco and caffeine)
>the answer is simple never ingest psychoactive substances again including alcohol
Sure. Today I can do that, because I care. But there comes days when I don't give a fuck about anything, and the only thing I want is to get some direct pleasure from a substance
Right, that is pretty much the default setting for an animal mind. Remove yourself from that, and set a goal. Be sober for an extended period of time ( because drug abuse has by your admission negatively impacted your life) and take another look at this conversation.
I'm here for the smart anons like yourself.
I will, thanks
I am the "he" you refer to and you caught my drift just fine. Most of this thread is horseshit and fear mongering. If a dieter cheats now and then, that's ok, they deserve it. And they expect perfection from an addict. I have complete control and somebody's gonna talk shit. I do not let any substance rule my life anymore and I worked around it pretty well when it did. I may still pop a Vicodin every once in a blue moon or have three shots now and then. I wake again the next day the same guy that I was before I popped the Vicodin. Why am I going to be defeated by myself? You must get to the point that you could never do it again but you can't fuck your self up by accepting that you are a failure if you do. I saw my brother a couple weeks ago and haven't seen him for ten years. I thought it was occasion to smoke weed, which, I haven't done in twenty years. Since then, it has been business as usual.
My pattern is a bit different. I'm sober most of the year but when I do drugs it's a binge-month. And I hate the fact that at that month the drugs make me a completely different person, I do really stupid shit, last time I attacked 4 guys in a bar, and got a nice skull fracture from it. If only I could just pop a few pills and be done with it.
Sorry about the he part
Ween yourself off, not quit cold turkey
Also find distractions
This is a good post: And honestly, the best way to quit any unhealthy way to cope is find healthier ones. That's always it.
We'll you sound like a whiny ass noob. Just knock that shit off before things get fucked up.
...a higher power..
doesn't have to be god. just something you believe in more than addiction.
the logic really does make sense... nothing real is "better" than what you're addicted to... but the idea of something can be.
if you put your faith in something else - yourself, your future, god, buddhism, your family.... you can have use your believe in the idea of it to will yourself back to clarity.
Yeah I just got into kickboxing, that should help.
This is an advice board, I came here to whine pro druglord
And just like being an atheist. If you disbelieve in addiction, it has no power over you.
I'm just trying to help by telling you to quit being a pussy.
Yeah I know man
Thanks, really, to everyone for their words, it means a lot