>tfw 25
>tfw highschool drop out
>dead end job
Are some people just doomed to fail?
>tfw 25
>tfw highschool drop out
>dead end job
Are some people just doomed to fail?
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>Are some people just doomed to fail?
You can be victorious, but it will be tough.
Literally me except I'm a NEET and a LEECH as well and at least have gf and a few girls on the side
I don't know. Have you tried doing something to improve your situation? Finishing highschool, getting better job or asking girls out?
If you never try, it never gets better.
>If you never try, it never gets better.
Also this. You can’t know if you were doomed until you die
>as well and at least have gf and a few girls on the side
I dunno if bait, but on the off chance it isn't please kill yourself.
I suppose we can't all be winners.
I don't even know what 'victory' means anymore. When I was younger I wanted to live an exciting life, and I guess I still kind of do. But I just don't know any more. Only concrete goal I have is moving and finishing my kung fu.
>Have you tried doing something to improve your situation
I recently got said dead end job. I'd be optimistic but it's a night shift at a broke ass 7/11 in a small town.
>Finishing highschool
I'll admit I'm terrified of it. My highschool years were pretty bad and it'd take me years to catch up.
>asking girls out
I live in a very small town(just over 5k people) so dating at my age is a shitshow.
Have more milf elf in the meantime.
>tfw 20
>tfw 3rd grade drop out
>best job I got was dishwashing
I've decided I'm going to live in the woods. If I die then so be it.
>tfw 3rd grade drop out
How the fuck does that even happen?
You aren't at fault because you'd be fucking eight, but seriously, how the fuck.
What were the circumstances that made you drop out of high school?
Well yea, winners can't exist without losers
Basically a lot of shit at once. I was an undiagnosed depressed fat kid who was bullied a lot. Eventually I just stopped going, and as such the work would pile up and I'd skip more to avoid it.
It was a pretty shitty cycle.
>tfw 21
>8/10 since I started lifting and dieting , acne cleared up
>still virgin
>flirted with 7/10 big tiddy server I've know for awhile
>she gives me *her* digits
>she's best friends with girl I've known since hs
>this 7/10 girl likes me too apparently
>we're going out to get hammered next week
>they both flirt with me
>tfw there is a real chance I'll lose my virginity in a 3 way
They definitely can though, there are a lot of things to win and lose. One man can't lose at everything without him just choosing to do so
It depends on the extent of the damage people do to themselves whether it's by the choices they make themselves or choices they make because they were influenced by others. Some individuals grow in social bubbles that prevent any external influences from reaching them, so if you're trying to talk to someone you know is heading the wrong way and they don't listen to you there's not much you can do but hope they wake up themselves or find a way through that bubble to let them see different perspectives.
The people doomed to fail are those that are too late to see reason and too late to let changes they make take effect around them. It's not always a matter of making the right choices, it's a matter of when.
I was disobedient to the point of becoming physically violent therefore I was expelled from school. I've actually been socially isolated my whole life.
Problems in your life? I've seen a lot of kids like you in my schools since I was in grammar stage.
Pick up a trade or get a CDL
Don't trades require a diploma?
A trade school maybe, but you can probably get an apprenticeship without one if you can convince them you're serious and have a work ethic
From what?
See, here's the upside. If I do get a diploma I have a hefty secondary fund, so I very well could go to tradeschool.
Shame I don't know what trade I'd enjoy.
I can't really explain my behavior when I was younger. It was like a trance that I snapped out of. My mom and dad divoriced before I could remember but kept living with each other for years. My dad was bipolar and addicted to pills. My mom is an achoholic and I suspect she might have some form of psychosis or schizophrenia. When she drinks her personality changes extremely. It's really quite scary.
>what trade I'd enjoy
Chances are you won't enjoy any of them. Your best bet is to go for the one that will fuck your body the least. Electrician is probably one of the better ones
There are school options where you go to school only on weekends or like once per month. Distance studies was it called.
Now you are older and maybe you even know what you want or how the alternative looks like so you wont drop out the second time.
Dude i got a college degree. Bachelors and i am in a dead end job. Ypu only hear about the ones that succeed, not how the ones fail and pull out of it.
How old are you? You might want to get evaluated by your shrink, schizo can be inherited from what I understand. Make sure you know how stable your psyche is before you go out there and live your life. Sorry to hear that, user my neighbors were pretty toxic themselves and had a bunch of kids noticing all the drug abuse and abuse in general. I wanted to help those children but it seems DCF took their side because their grandmother was well connected with the state. You have no idea how much I despise that woman for allowing her grandchildren to live the lives they had with those trashy parents they had.
What did you major in?
Why though? Everyone, including millionaires that have everything and always get laid, hates life and thinks everything sucks. These people had a relatively easy time, and yet they still hate their existence.
Why bother putting in the effort when it ultimately will be the same
Until she finds out your massive red flag of old virginity, and then laughs and ghosts you
Having more things means putting in more work usually, unless you're letting someone else do that work for you and they don't mind. If you're paid more for a job chances are you'll have to be more responsible.
You sure sound like a fucking winner
>It's not always a matter of making the right choices, it's a matter of when.
This, I went 3 years in college and I should have dropped out at first year. I was considering it but my parents and aunt said "why, you did well unlike @sibling@ who failed first exams and changed education". But I felt at that time that I had given it all and still was just average.
It was a limbo, after a year i kept telling myself, yes, i finished first year and part of sophomore i made it but i still continued until I finally threw in the towel after 3 years and it was the best feeling ever.
Just to get out of academia and get my first shitty job, nowadays i still blame myself for listening to my parents and my friends when I've always known my own limits and especially that I am stubborn when I finally give in.