Help me again

what can i do to make money? entrepreneur type stuff?

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26yr hs only 1k saved brainlet.

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i can't keep living my life like this. i also live in Colorado, if that helps

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i am a retard pls send help

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my life is fucking shit

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how do i invest?

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If you want to invest you can hire an investor to handle your money or directly trade on the stock market which can be stressful and easy to lose if you don't know what you're doing

learn a trade.

I lay tile in people's kitchens and bathrooms. Self employed, it's my company.

Made 80k last year.

tfw no Jow Forumsommando gf

what can i make with 1k

I haven't gone into the stock myself so take it with a grain of salt. I would opt for hiring someone who knows what their doing but that will cut your profits, also 1k isn't too much, just don't go into penny stocks because they are useless.

Like this user said learn a trade, use that 1k to go to community college and learn a trade. 26 is still young, people older have gone to college and made a career. If you're in America depending on your income you might be able to get FASFA to help pay for college. Also, scholarships their is one for everything even stupid things like being left handed. Good luck user

thx anons very big help

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Coloradofag here...


The weed business is booming. Which part of CO are you in?

1k gets you a life lesson. Don't go into stocks; there's money in it, but you'll be in over your head and it'd just be gambling.

Most important is for you to learn to accept your situation. I don't know why you are so desperate to make money, but people prey on that kind of greed. There is simply no reliable way to turn that 1k into significantly more money; if there was, better people would be doing it better than you. Instead, try to find something that you enjoy doing that you can monetize. However, the hard part will be finding something that you can be trained in for only 1k that isn't a scam, doesn't seem feasible, desu. Instead, your best bet is just to accept your life as it is while keeping an eye open for credible opportunities.

Flipping houses
Buy houses in up and coming neighborhoods. Sit on em for about 6 months then sell them

commerce city aka commerce shitty

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you're right. i'm not greedy i just want to make alot of money quickly so i can live off it for the rest of my life. i'm pretty frugal.


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How much do you tubers make?

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i'm really considering a trade or suicide

1k can buy you a 3d printer. You can sell prints but if your model becomes obsolete before you make your money back you're fucked.

Learn how to make wordpress sites.

don't think he's gonna be able to buy a house with 1k...

You want to get rich - IDI RABOTAI bitch

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1. buy bitcoin
2. wait 5 years
3. ????
4. profit

Richfag here.

There are steps to becoming rich. The first is fixing your state of mind. It can take about three months (this goes for any "state of mind change", you'll be amazined what 3 months can do to you, think about it). You need to start thinking about money, money thoughts, money goals, money philosophy. Once you get comfortable with that, then you'll know what to do next naturally.

This is so important because if you don't change your frame of mind, then you'll lose any money you make for stupid reasons. You'll miss opportunities. If you win the lottery, for example, you'll likely squander it.

So work on your mind. I advise reading "think and grow rich" for a step-by-step guide.

Don't focus on anything else until this step is done.

Pet sittin business is boomin

thanks peanut. love ya man

fuck no, i pet sited with my aunt and i found out nobody knows how to raise pets.