What's the proper way of slitting my wrists and killing myself? I know it's a bad suicide method but how can I make it work?
Proper knife to use? Can I take anything before I do it to ease the pain? I have some Valium lying around will it help?
Don't try to change my mind. I have Tinnitus and it's maddening. I can't believe I lived 20 years to off myself for this insufferable bullshit.
What's the proper way of slitting my wrists and killing myself...
Other urls found in this thread:
just hang yourself
just do it faggot
Have you tried supplementing with Andrographis? Your tinnitus may be caused a bacterial issue or an autoimmune attack of some sort. Andrographis is a good catch all supplement to take if you need to hit all bases including bacterial and viral. It's worth a shot before you start slashing your wrists.
Also, here's some information regarding supplements that will help tinnitus and the studies that support their usage: lifeextension.com
This. Have you even talked to your doctor, you fucking faggot? Not saying you shouldn’t kill yourself if it’s not curable, but there’s a chance it might be.
I don’t think it’s curable.
Have you ever considered the fact that people that suffer traumatic amputations in accidents, lose whole limbs in a second, and bleed profusely... don't die? Think about it.
What knife to use?
Please do not kill yourself. Have a look at this:
get a load of this braindead retard
That will take years and that’s even IF they are able to cure it. I’ve read positive articles that they may be a cure soon from 2006. It’s 2019 and still nothing.
Those who know ain't here to tell you. Don't listen to these losers.
Some of those cures that the post mentioned are in clinical trials, they're very close to being available to the public. The cures did bring relief to some of the people involved in the trial. Please have hope.
The sharpest one you have
I do feel a little bad telling you this. There is no sufficient cause to kill oneself. You must fight! What have you done to cure your illness?
remember: down the road not across the street
How do I contact those people? I want to be in their trials. I will give and sell everything. It’s so fucking frustrating living in a country where doctors barely even care for their patients.
I don't know how. What country do you live in?
You have a small chance of dying by slitting your wrist, dont do it, add me on discord if you wanna talk about it: ChrisMS#8532
Greece. It’s bad...
I asked some anons on . I wish you the best of luck.
Have you been to a doctor about this problem?
That won’t help but thanks for caring enough to do so.
Yes. He told me that there is nothing that can be done about it. And if it starts bothering me too much to try hearing aids. I have a feeling from what’s I’ve read online it won’t help much.
Please do not kill yourself, don't let the predictions that didn't turn out to be true by journalists in the past dishearten you, these new cures are very promising.
I don’t live in a country that I could get them.
Then you live in a country where a bleeding heart charity from the west will give it to you for free.
The cures will be available in your country after a while.
Repostan my post from /sci/ after seeing the cross link
Unironically try fasting if you have a tinnitus problem, I had a pretty bad case of tinnitus for several years, fasted for a week and it's just fucking gone. Recommended it to several people I knew who also had similar problems and wham, 100% success rate.
Tinnitus goes "away" in your head eventually. Get white noise like a fan going in the meantime, and dont focus on it. The second you do you 'hear" it again.
You can also get hearing aids to block it out.