Where do i meet girls. I want to change

Where do i meet girls. I want to change

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These are two very different situations, user.

>meet girls
Get off Jow Forums and go outside, coffeeshop, school, cons, theatre museum park etc get a fucking job.

>i want to change
Do it faget





How the fuck does that work?

>>I want to change
focus on changing before yourself try to get girls. Workout, look better, get a job,pick up a productive hobby, become overall happier.

>>do you have any social skills?
if not, focus on making friends to practice that and then upgrade to making relationships

>>Get off Jow Forums and go outside, coffeeshop, school, cons, theatre museum park etc get a fucking job
definitely this. literally anything to make you capable of social life.

Dont give me this bullshit. As long as if im not an over weight or obese fuck, muscles dont matter. You mighht as well tell me to grow taller.
>look better
I literally dont have acne or any skin problems.
>get a job
Yea get a fucking job. Like i would lick a capitalists asscrack. Nigger you think you can trick me?
>pick up a productive hobby
Does making music count?
>become overall happier

bro i go outside. I fucking walk. I see a stacy or two but what the fuck man.

Dating is for financial or social gains. Every fucking nigger bitch has a somewhat of a ego. They let their mind make decisions. Their mind is running rampant while my mind is calm. They ignore their heart.

Yep. Also make a comment about the weather, ask if she goes always to that cofeeshop.



if thats what you think of them, why do you want to be with them. if u dont wanna be with them, y r u on this thread

> As long as if im not an over weight or obese fuck, muscles dont matter.
Its the small things that count. being fit is just really attractive.
>I literally dont have acne or any skin problems.
your body isnt an "if its not broke, dont fix it" situation. looking better is anything from a good noon-generic haircut or better looking teeth.
>Yea get a fucking job. Like i would lick a capitalists asscrack. Nigger you think you can trick me?
ay man thats all you, just know that having a job and having ppl to interact with can really help r social skills.
>Does making music count?
definitely! what type of music do you make?

>Why won't women date a NEET failure in life it's unfair reeeeee

>definitely! what type of music do you make?

I dont make music but i want to. I would make music like diplo or major lazar etc etc. Too bad im a broke faggot and i have a shitty 10 year old laptop.

>your body isnt an "if its not broke, dont fix it" situation. looking better is anything from a good noon-generic haircut or better looking teeth.

wow, either im fucking delusional or you are.

its not about dating. Its about finding where girls are at and how to approach them.

>Why won't women date a NEET failure in life it's unfair reeeeee

Im not a neet. Life is supposed to be unfair because humans are retarded monkeys. Civilization is a great fucking idea but it hasnt happened. Don't sugarcoat it faggot

Then what are you? You just said you don't want to work.

>wow, either im fucking delusional or you are.
nah dude its u. cant "wanna change" but basically refuse to look better, refuse to get employed, make excuses to not pursue a self employed dream job, and say ur bein reasonable.

>Yea get a fucking job. Like i would lick a capitalists asscrack.
something tells me thats not why u dont have a job

rn ur NEET life with literally nothing going for u. ur on Jow Forums so im guessing ur not a 10 in the face. there is no reason to date you but if u put some effort in to one of these things there can be.
If u really wanna make music, just work at some small buisness for a month and buy a basic laptop than can run a torrented FLstudio.
if ur cool with it, thats one thing, but ur in this thread so im pretty sure you wanna change.

i do have to work and survive in a capitalist society you fucking insufferable nigger

the consequence of fucking being a NEET is homelessness

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no dude its you.
You havent taken a step back and realized how fucked everything is. That realization hasnt hit you because you are /comfy/ right now. If someone shakes you up and disrupts you will start asking questions.

Volunteer at nursing home

are there going to be girls my age

Capitalist taintlicker.

nah man ive been through a good amount of shit.
gone 3 months without electricity in the winter, got raped by a girl, struggled to find a job everywhere while my sister literally walked in to the store and got the job 12 hours later, been ostracized for my most of my life. but i improved wayy more. the game is fucked, but if u wanna win u gotta play along.

Well the field is female dominated, plus old people will try to set you up with their grandkids.

>playing by the rules
this is what everyone needs to stop doing fuck. No one has empathy
but u told me to get a job nigger. Communism never worked because everyone is an egotistical faggot.

Capitalism is one of the reasons why women are such whores.


people have empathy. theres three different worlds. the first one is the one where finding a partner is EZ but a lasting relationship where they love u is hard. The second one is the one where people take a while to find a partner but it lasts. the third is one where ppl are alone either cuz they didnt try, gave up, or dont wanna do it. Thats the one ur in, the second world is still available, its hard to play but i swear to you, there is empathy and people who can care about you, just try.

the dating world as a whole isnt the shallow first one. trust me

where do i try mannn
i have fucking trust issues. Robots and normalniggeers are turning me schizophrenic

i already told you where to start.

focus on changing before yourself try to get girls. Workout, look better, get a job,pick up a productive hobby, become overall happier (to elaborate here, i meant do some stuff to improve ur mental health like turning down the internet time a bit to focus on ur brain).

Get off Jow Forums and go outside, coffeeshop, school, cons, theatre museum park etc get a fucking BETTER job

about the social life, focus on making friends to practice that and then upgrade to making relationships

i'll start working out at home. Idk about looking better, what does that mean?

I'll definitely look for a job because i love licking capitalists asscracks. and i guess i'll buy some instrument and start practicing

good to hear. as for looking better, that just means the style stuff uve heard 1000000 times. the way you walk, develop a fashion sense, find a haircut u like instead of one you put up with, etc etc

You have a terrible attitude and it almost feels like you are baiting. There is a reason people who work out end up happier in the long run you know.

First of all, don't expect people to 'fix' you. No one can fix you, only you can fix yourself; use people as resources to help you fix yourself. Because it sounds like you want to hear someone tell you some magic words that you can repeat to a girl and somehow she'll want to fuck you. I respect the fact that you want to change and improve yourself, but you gotta change your attitude because that's gonna hold you back quite a bit. But to answer your question: if you want the absolute best results, pay someone that knows what they're talking about, either buy a program from a reputable company or individual or get someone that's qualified to coach you -- use google. Alternatively, you can try to learn yourself but that requires a bit more effort and willpower with the added fact that you're going to get rejected a lot before you start seeing consistent good results, not to say you won't get any results in the learning process - a mistake I learned the hard way hehe, but judging by the way you wrote your question and how you responded to other people, you're going to have to work on yourself quite a bit while also learning how to get good with women. Pro tip: a girl isn't going to change you or fix you either. Godspeed, user.

Lol nevermind read some more of thread. You cant get gf because youre a loser. Peace beta nigga!

>I'm going to be really socially uncalibrated on the internet and also ask why I'm so socially uncalibrated irl
hmm...maybe stop being a nihilistic child, grow the fuck up and not ridicule anons, (who know more about this stuff than you btw) who were generous enough to spend time helping your pathetic ass. That's probably the best advice you'll get because you're probably a fairly intelligent individual and can easily find the answer yourself but you have a lot of personal issues or ideologies that are either limiting your potential and/or holding you back.

>it's about finding where girls are at
If this needs to even be a question, you don't go outside the house enough. Get out of the basement and check out places with people in them.
>how to approach them
I thought this was a complicated question too when I was a NEET, then I realized it's not a big deal for normies. See someone and just do it. Say, "Hi" and introduce yourself, proceed to a normal conversation. I'm going to assume you'd like to eventually fuck said women so again, have a regular conversation but make it slightly more man to women, be slightly more flirty, etc. If you don't know how to have a regular conversation then..well..baby steps my dear user.
Also, don't say, "nigger" in public.

I'd recommend joining a gym. Being in social situations helps in a lot of nuanced ways, there might be some low income options but this varies depending on the gym and geographic location, just ask...as for looking better, find some celebrities that share similarities with you: height, hair and eye colour, weight, etc. and copy their clothing and haircut. To save money, shop at thrift stores and show the barber a picture but this is also why having a job is a good idea. Believe what you want, I don't care about changing your mind about politics, but having money to help improve yourself and your surroundings can only benefit you, a lot of jobs are piss fucking easy and just require your time; I doubt you're doing anything better with your time and you'll find other ways of earning money later on. You're going to have to do things you don't like in order to get results and improve, among other stuff. This applies regardless of the state politics; a rule of life if you will. Welcome to adulthood, user.

a fucking dancing or yoga club or something jfc its not that hard