
>Within the next two days I will be attempting my first acid/LSD trip
>I also have shit tolerance to weed and hardly do drugs.
>I will be taking half a tab
>it will be alone(possibly at night in a dark room)
My brother will be home, but he doesn't come out much.

So, my questions are:

What can I expect to see/ hear?

How will I know it's not 2CB and safe(or that it's really LSD)?

Will you know if it kicks in or when you come down and if so, how may I sober myself up(I don't want to get caught)?

How can I ensure a good trip, but also, how may I ensure my safety?

Thank you in advance!

Please no trolling and I don't really care about all the spiritual bullshit.

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>doing acid by yourself alone at home probably underage, afraid you’re going to get caught and unaware of how to deal with if the trip gets bad

acid isn’t for kids, and it’s contraband for a reason

the visuals are hard to describe. dont expect hallucinations, more like moving pattern and neon colors. sounds are slightly distorted and much more intense. you cant really sober yourself up in my experience. trying to fight the acid will probably lead to a bad trip.

I am just looking for answers, I know there's risks associated, but I have to ve careful.

If its bitter its a spitter. Also don't hold it in your mouth, swallow with chlorine free water. There are many active chemics you can fit on a blotter, I don't know of any that are active orally other than L or its analogues. Also this is a dumb idea.

I am just looking for answers, I know there's risks associated, but I have to be careful.

I am not here for a lecture or someone to talk me out of it.

>What can I expect to see/ hear?
You won't hear anything. You won't really see much in terms of hallucinations.

I'd recommend doing it during the day, though. Much better.

Why not hold it in my mouth?

I would suggest shrooms for your first psychedelic experience. acid is always an adventure but not necessary a pleasant one

The first time I did acid it was super fucking comfy, really comfy to the maximum. I was snuggled in covers with my girlfriend, playing with the cat, just fun stuff. The second (and last time) I felt like things were coming at me, I kept seeing horrific images, and I vomited the entire time. Good luck, hope you have a good one!

Protip - If it has any taste, its not real acid.

This. Do it an hour or so after waking up and eating. LSD lasts a long fucking time and doing it as early as possibly would be ideal so you can possibly get sleep.

Because the nefarious substitutes are only active sublingually while real cid is active sublingually and orally. Thusly if you have an nBOME blotter you will simply not trip intead of potientially having a seizure.

I am doing it alone because I do not want to get caught, my brother will be home, but he doesn't come out much, my thing is, do you know how I can guarantee not getting caught?

Also, how should I safely take a tab?

If you plan to smoke weed while under the influence, take way less than normally otherwise you can get stuck in thought loops

If its bitter or otherwise tastes bad, or has any metallic taste, get rid of that shit. Acid is hella fun, just enjoy the ride. You might feel anxious during the come up but thats normal and expected, just buckle down and browse dank memes. Jow Forums is fucking nuts when youre tripping, its so surreal, youll be laughing at every meme and stupid post that normally you dont even notice. Theres not much visuals with acid at least not with a low dose like that. Imagine being high on weed, like the highest youve ever been - except you dont feel stoned. You are absolutely high as a kite, but without the slowed down, intoxicating feeling. Youll be high AF but still be able to act sober entirely.

So how do I safely ingest a tab?

Also, you're saying that me ingesting it the right way can prevent seizures if it's bunk?

You won't be going nuts or screaming or anything. Can you go on a walk in a park or something nearby in walking distance from your home? It's much more 'positive' when you take it during the day.

Just keep the tab under your tongue for a minute or two then swallow it. Don't over think it. You can't know if it's real LSD without testing it.

Don't smoke weed the first time you do acid, if ever at all.

Just put it on your tongue til it gets soggy and swallow. Dont worry about the tab.

As for getting caught thats on you homie. You wont look high at all with a single tab, youll be 100% presentable and normal looking although inside youll probably be overly paranoid and focused on trying to “act normal”.

As the other user said be careful with weed. It will make you trip WAAAAY harder. It makes weed hundreds of time more potent too. If you wanna smoke wait til like halfway through and smoke a little bit, itll be like a whole different high. Personally i hate mixing the two when in public but then again i dont like be stoned in public in the first place. By myself tripping and smoking are great.

Are you stoned or anything like that rn?

Put it in your mouth. Does it taste bitter? Does it taste metallic? Does it make your mouth numb? If you answered yes to any of these questions, its not acid, spit that shit out.

Truthfully theres no way to be certain without a test kit. On the bright side, bunk acid is faaaar less common as it was even 5 years ago, people wisened up and the fake shit stopped being as profitable. Theres also 1p-lsd which is not only legal, but metabolizes into lsd when you ingest it so the effects are practically identical - technically it is fake but its basically the same shit, also tests cant tell the difference between lsd and 1p-lsd

have some good albums at hand, so you can loose yourself in the music when things arent going as planned

Just eat it (swallow into your stomach like a piece of food.)

And yes, nbomes (which can cause seizures or even death) are only active sublingually (which means by passing thru the mucus membranes in your mouth). In order to trip you have to hold the tab in your mouth for 5-30 minutes. If you just swallow a nbome tab it will harmlessly pass thru your digestive system. BUT real LSD will make you trip if you eat it.

its pretty underwhelming if you go into the experience expecting what media spoonfed you to be the effects of lsd
and the experience that you get is blown way out of proportions by people who abuse it, you could trip once every year and get what you need from the trip
microdosing is also a better way to go if you want to ease yourself into the experience, you can find the results all across the internet

please check if your family has a history of mental illness, safe travels user

Yes to the park, and thank you.

You should take a full tab imo for your first time. Playing it safe seems normal for most drugs, but for LSD you only get one first time, and it will be the most lifechanging. Target at least 250ug IMO

>What can I expect to see/ hear?
You'll see colors more vividly, patterns will be strange (flakes in the wall, feathers, your cat... etc).
You'll hear thing you don't normally think about. Doors closing, toilet water flushing in pipes, lawnmower.
The things you hear will approach a deeper part of your mind.

>How will I know it's not 2CB and safe(or that it's really LSD)?
Test it with Ehrlich and Marquis reagent. You can buy it on amazon or from elevation chemicals.

Ehrlich turns a deep and sudden purple, marquis will not react. Anything else, throw it out.

If you don't test it, then follow the rule "if it's bitter, it's a spitter". LSD has absolutely no taste. If you're further suspect, then just swallow the tab. Your stomach acid can destroy some materials, but not LSD. I don't advise swallowing it however. If you have doubt, don't take it. Just wait a while and buy better tabs.

>Will you know if it kicks in or when you come down and if so, how may I sober myself up(I don't want to get caught)?
You'll act and speak oddly for the remainder of the day.

-put it in your mouth
-30 minutes later, you feel effects
-next 2 hours, "high"
-next 8 hours, "comedown"
-next 48 hours, fatigue

>How can I ensure a good trip, but also, how may I ensure my safety?
Just realax. Don't control anything in your head. Learn to let go. Bad trips are caused by trying to control too many things. The natural response we have to fear is to control. If you don't want LSD to elicit fear, then don't control. Just let go.

I had a recurring nightmare my whole life. Very bad, very scary. It revealed to me on LSD and I was at first afraid "shit I need to stop thinking about this NOW or I'm fucked" but then I realized "Remember what your friend said, no control"

part 2

And then I just let go. In my head. The nightmare came up. and boy was it clear.... but it was strange, I wasn't scared. The same events in this nightmare were happening to me, but it was like a game. a silly fun game. I couldn't believe it, this thing that scared me my whole life... I'm just standing here (in my head, eyes closed IRL) playing with it....

I've never had that nightmare since. No fear anymore.

So really, if things start going down for you, then hear my voice. The calling of Peanut Butter telling you to let go ;) Enter my realm and you'll be safe here.

As fo safety, don't leave your house or spend money. Do that stuff after you've taken LSD a few times but not the first. Just stay indoors all day.

Also buy good food. Not junk food. Get berries. Lots of berries. A tuna wrap. Natural food. Thank me later.

>implying that a psychedelic virgin should take 250ug on his first time while he is without a trip sitter and is afraid of getting caught

wew, yeah on second thought I miss those random moments on the news where you hear about some kid losing his shit on drugs

Don't listen to music on LSD. It will impair your ability to think and dive into yourself.

Save music for your next trips. The first will be the most lifechanging. Don't ruin it for some cheap pleasure.

Yeah he should. It's not as bad as you think. You don't even trip out until >400ug anyway. He'll have full control of himself even at that level. You'll gain nothing under 250 other than some odd thinking and curiosity.

Thank you very much for the advice!

I have more clarity now.

I was under the impression most acid nowadays is dosed at ~100 or less.

No problem. I've only done acid once - but it was super nice. I remember walking down the sidewalk to the gas station in the winter, and saw a guy helping some other dude get his car unstuck from the snow. I started tearing up a little bit, and thinking to myself "we're all in this together on this earth".

You'll love it.

If you want to have extra confidence in your trip, go to a doctor and get a script for 1-2 xanax/ativan. Tell the Dr you're going on a flight and are nervous and they'll give you a couple pills. Take em all if you freak out.

But you likely won't. It's hard to freak out on acid unless you're in a really bad space.

it varies from person to person, not everyone reacts the same
>its not as bad as you think
spent my early 20s drugging myself to oblivion, for a first timer go 150ug and when you sort of get familiar with the irks of an acid trip feel free to go with a higher dose a few months later
don't play with your brain, seen too many friends give in to the trip because they thought it wouldn't be too much for them and now they suffer from ptsd

My last question is just really that I don't really want to get into this shit hardcore, just want to try it because I heard it has benefits, so I was just wondering how much would be in a half tab?

>was under the impression most acid nowadays is dosed at ~100 or less.
The tabs I buy are 250ug each and I generally take two at a time.

Watch this video.

I timestamped a part where he explains dose size.

OP doesn't sound like the type of person drugging himself into oblivion, nor seeking senseless pleasure. I suspect OP is the curious type and is obviously very cautious. I think the reward outweighs the risk for OP and he should take an effective dose. It would be pitiful if he lounges around for 8-10 hours wondering "did I take enough?" "is this it?"

You won't trip out, and drug nerds won't say you had a 'real' experience, but you'd definitely enjoy it, and time enjoyed isn't time wasted. You can always try more later.

Whatever you do, OP, don't listen to this guy. He's a known idiot around Jow Forums.

Ask your dealer.

Tabs from my experience are either 100ug (or near) per blotter, or 250ug per blotter.

There is no other way to tell. It's manufactured by a guy carefully dripping it onto paper. So the size of the blotter or anything won't give you a clue, it's all about the size and concentration of the drop that landed on it.

don't listen to this nigger trip faggot, OP. He's a jew faggot nigger who think's he is worth merit because of the shitty advice he gives along with his username

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Thank you, I am just glad you confirmed I will still be able to function as if I am sober.

Care to explain his reputation?

By the way, thank you everyone for explaining this to me.

A few weeks ago, there was a (silly) thread of a girl saying her boyfriend punched her cat in the face. Obviously the thread was in jest, but I came in and said that humans have dominion over animals, and if they ever threaten us, we can kill them at once (and still be moral). This drove a bunch of animal lovers mad, the thread blew up, and it turned from silly to serious very quickly.

Meanwhile one clever user took a screencap of another post of mine, where I was helping a guy with anger management problems. I confessed that 10 years ago I hit my girlfriends a few times. He screencapped that post and took it out of context and posted it to the cat thread.

Since then, a mob has been following me around this site, insulting everything I say but not offering reasons. Just "don't listen to him" "he's nuts" etc...

It's been going on for weeks now, I thought they would relent, but it's getting worse desu.

What the fuck? Don't even read this shit OP.

>it will be alone(possibly at night in a dark room)
>My brother will be home, but he doesn't come out much.

Yeah don't do that.

He's a tripfag. A tripfag on adv of all the boards. That is all you need to k ow.

OP, try not to stay in a dark room, that's a bad idea, maybe go out with some nature or even a park will be nice.
I think the main thing is not force yourself to do stuff you don't want or be in a place you don't wanna be. Feel free and comfortable in the world that surrounds you, avoid bad thoughts, learn from yourself, try to see the best side of you.
Stay positive, and always be aware that you are on lsd in case you feel not so good. You won't see pink dragons or hear voices, that's bullshit trust me. It connects you whith your enviroment and that is why you should be outside, I would preffer daytime with trees, animals, people...

Sorry for the shitty english, i suck at it.

Are you sober right now?

>following me around
Nigga you literally (nonliterally) wave a giant flag around saying "HEY GUYS! IT'S ME PEANUT BUTTER!"
Nobody follows you, you're just an attention whore with a persecution complex.

>a persecution complex
Seriously? Like 40% of my posts are nibbled at by pirana trolls. It's not a complex when it's true.

I don't come to Jow Forums much, but when I do, I A L W A Y S see you posting some horrendously stupid shit. People attack you because you're an idiot. It's not a conspiracy, it's the logical outcome of being recognizable and retarded. Retarded posts made anonymously get made fun of but you don't know if it's all the same person. With you, we can see a pattern of behavior.

He's flat out retarded. A pseudo intellectual. Pretends to know a lot more than he actually does, and refuses to listen to any argument against him.

Plus he has a username, which makes him an even bigger faggot. We know him better just from the first few seconds.

You know if you posted anonymously like every one else no one would nibble at your posts because we wouldn't know which posts are yours.

Wouldn't that be fun

>A pseudo intellectual
One. Stop derailing threads for no reason.

Two. I never once claimed to be smart. I am not, just average or a little above.

Bruh, I'm the guy that you're talking about, and I am not the guy you're replying to. It's not just one guy that you piss off.

you're a dumb nigger, stop trolling on advice dumbass

>not smart
>average or above
pick one

Anyway, IQ doesn’t have anything to do with being, um...silly.

Basically, in our world there are social truths (social contracts, common ideas about how things in society are shoposed to go down, etc.) and scientific truths which some people either choose to deny or just were never made aware of.

Being high all the time, and doing acid in a hasty, secret way with instructions from Jow Forums is generally considered bad, but what the fuck do I know. OP wouldn’t tell if he’s high rn.

I posted the link to People say good things about it, better things than about Jow Forums.

Yes, sorry for the late reply, I will be doing it in a few days.

I am sober right now, and I will take the acid while sober.

I don't have a tab yet.

How old are you, OP?

Good luck, guy.

When I was doing a lot of existential questioning, I sat in on sober for a day or two. Being a tourist in irc is interesting. I really liked the room I was renting at the time, so my mood was pretty good, and I got a good impression of the tripsit users I saw..

If you manage to stay cool in your mentality, unwanted mental experience will eventually blow over you. You can’t ever be sure about the mental experience you’ll have, LSD or not, but you can control how you take it.


>mfw I think this might be my little sister
what the fuck I hope I'm just being paranoid

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dont drop acid alone unless you are looking for a real bad trip my guy trust me you at least want to be on the phone with a friend or better yet walk to the nearest place that serves ice cream bc ice cream is a great thing to have on acid


Don't make the mistake I made user and talk to her, help her make good decisions.

Fuck off.