Sex is fucking gay

I hate sex, I have very deep and negative views on sex. I do not enjoy it. My libido is almost dead, but my bf has a very high libido. They are unsure if me giving them bjs would be enough. What fucking do? I have ptsd I guess.

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Break up with him so he can find a girl that isnt as broken as you

Break up with him and find an asexual guy.

Get counselling to find out what has turned you against sex and how to recover

>Sex is fucking gay

Well, it is for other gays

Both of you are degenerate autists. Not everyone is a brainless child that only dates for sex, I told my bf I had low libido before we even dated. And asexuality is a literal mental illness.

No money. We are poor and live in a tiny apartment. We only use money on food and savings until I get a better job.

>Not everyone is a brainless child that only dates for sex
I don't only date for sex, I can go months or years without it without a major problem. But if my partner and I had some really major incompatibility (he likes sex and I hate it), which make things unsustainable in the long term because his needs aren't met if we don't fuck and mine aren't met if we do, I'd break up.
If you don't have sex with him, he will grow resentful of you. No person with a libido wants to not have sex for 50 years just because you don't want to, and will lead to him cheating of you or breaking up with you, or at least hating you a whole lot.
If you have sex with him, it will make you suffer.

> asexuality is a literal mental illness.
Unlike PTSD, which is a sign of having a pristine mental health.

What an idiot. Sex is the one thing that separates a relationship from a friendship. In a healthy relationship, it doesn't occupy much space, it is just organically part of the dynamic. In a dead bedroom relationship, it doesn't take long before it eats up every other positive thing and the whole dynamic turns completely dysfunctional. You sound quite self-centered. Consider counseling/sex therapy and learning how to feel empathy for your boyfriend, who's struck with a bad case of Mr. Nice Guy syndrome.

>Sex is the one thing that separates a relationship from a friendship.
Objectively untrue. Intimacy is what separates a relationship from a friendship, which sometimes involves sex, but more importantly involves a deep level of trust and openness.

>Sex is the one thing that separates a relationship from a friendship.
This is not true at all.

Again, it's possible to be in a romantic relationship with two people who don't want sex, it's unhealthy to be in a romantic relationship where one side wants sex and the other sucks it up.

As someone very much like you, break up. Sex is a part of relationships and if you don't like it, you shouldn't be in a relationship.

Also, stop forcing yourself with the sex and the blowjobs, you'll just generate deeper aversion for sex. Therapy and baby steps first. You are probably not actually attracted to him, even if you feel you love him. You might just be afraid to be alone and have an unhealthy attachment style. He probably makes it worse in his own way too, thinking you'd be in the mood if he does x or y for you, only to feel resentment when it of course doesn't happen. Lots to unpack.

Find a guy or girl who can fuck you right.

False. Intimacy is part of a friendship.

Not in the same way it is between lovers. I don't have the same level of absolute, complete belonging I have with my SO with any of my friends.

And if sex is the only thing that separates people who love each other from friends.. .You can have FWB too, does it mean you love them?

You sound just like my ex.

It's simple. If your boyfriend needs sex and you do not want to have sex, then break up and find a person better suited for you. It's just like any other disagreement, find a middle ground and if you can't then you're probably not suitable for each other as partners.

I never said I'd have no sex for 50 years.

What's kissing? What's cuddling? What's holding hands? What's sleeping nude together? What's foreplay? Do you do all these with your macho guy friends too? Damn, that's pretty gay, dude.

>Consider counseling/sex therapy and learning how to feel empathy for your boyfriend, who's struck with a bad case of Mr. Nice Guy syndrome.
All these accusations. Calm your man tits. Maybe you're selfish and shitty for not considering
>"oh, this person has ptsd. Yeah we should just throw all ptsd people off a cliff, they should never date, lol"
Who knows. You might be wrong too. I don't have money to go to therapy, because me and my partner have to both save and buy food for each other to live and pay rent.

You're motivational, user. Thank you.

Yes, let's throw all the people who survived rape off a cliff because they don't deserve to ever be happy ever again. Who's your inspiration, user? Hitler? Oh, no, even he had more sympathy than you. You're literally worse than Hitler. That's funny.

Cool blog post, bro.

Everyone wants sex unless you're female. I am not a dyke.

Where did I say we should throw anyone off a cliff? I don't like sex either, I'm just mature enough not to condemn some poor girl to living in an unhappy sexless relationship.

dump him. sex is very gay.

I always liked my hand better anyway.

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>tfw I love sex but my fucking awkwardness makes interaction with others difficult despite being attractive
Break up with your bf dummy

Stop hurting each other. If you don't want it just tell him and if the relationship can't work end it. Not wanting sex can be a blessing.

>Everyone wants sex unless you're female. I am not a dyke.

That's just not true. There are men who are not interested in sex, you just have to find them. Consider yourself lucky that you're heterosexual because that means you have a much larger dating pool available to you.

>if the relationship isn't ideal, leave
If we all did that, everyone would be single. They chose to stay with me even though first thing I warned about was my dead libido. They also are clingy and would never want to break up, they even sometimes ask if I'd leave him. Also consider this. Any girl can one day at random change and her sex drive can compeltely vanish. So you should literally leave the person immediantly just because their body randomly chooses to lsoe their drive? It's out of their control.

>muh anecdotes muh individualism
When will people stop saying "oh this exists cuz 0.2% that's different exists" it is really aggravating and it doesn't mean anything just because one anecdote happened. No offense, but hearing the same argument style over and over gets very tiring. They aren't going to leave me despite lack of sex, they are clingy and insecure and often asks if I won't leave him. Just was wondering if there are other ways to improve the situation. Even if I did meet a 0.2%male who doesn't like sex, it won't last forever. Dated an "asexual" but later on he became extremely horny and disgusting. Most self identified asexual males are sjw types too, it's not my thing. I'm also my bf's only actual friend, and they're the only friend I can be honest without drama. We have everything ideally set besides our sex drives. Also a girl literally at any time can suddenly lose their libido and almost never want sex, so should everyone immediantly dump them?

Listen to this guy OP. He is very likely to be correct. Fix yourself - it's your responsobilty and if you really love your guy then you should feel motivated by his wellbeing.

We don't know your bf but in 99 out of 100 cases his frustration will eventually manifest in some way and it won't be nice for neither of you. Hopefully he doesn't fall into depression.

You're doing it wrong, degenerates.

That's pretty much what happens, but drawn out. Welcome to modernity.

A large part of a romantic relationship is saying "I'm going to have sex with you and no one else". In my opinion it's not worth it to engage in this kind of "contract" with someone who doesn't even like sex.

>deep level of trust and openness
I have that with my friends.

You're incompatible with him.
There's two ways to go about this: Either you therapy that prejudice you have about sex out of you head, or one of you leaves the other. There's no other way. Sex is very important in a relationship. Yes, it's not the end-all be-all, but without sex your relationship with him specifically will be dysfunctional, and he will either leave you or get depressed, with all sorts of self-esteem issues and shitty temptations boiling over inside him. If you care for him, then fix the issue.

This. What happened to you, baby girl?

Sex is lovely. It feels amazing. I was molested as a child and I didn’t want oral sex until I had a man give it to me right.

You’ve just never had a real man who knows how to fuck. I hope you find one.

>I have very deep and negative views on sex

>When will people stop saying "oh this exists cuz 0.2% that's different exists" it is really aggravating and it doesn't mean anything just because one anecdote happened.

Are you frustrated because this wasn't the advice you wanted to hear? Nobody can give you a magic pill to make you enjoy things you don't enjoy. It's not one anecdote, it's a response to your negative beliefs about not having sex. You're talking like a gay man who is in a relationship with a woman and realized he preferred the same sex, but doesn't want to date a "homosexual" because of their beliefs about what that label means. You're not unique, you're just framing yourself in that way on this issue. Off the top of my head you could date a religious celibate, an asexual, or someone with a low libido.

You outlined that you had different needs than your partner:
>My libido is almost dead, but my bf has a very high libido
so the first response is going to be to break up because you're clearly incompatible as partners. If you were a foodie would you date someone with anorexia? Of course not. This is similar to that.

>Just was wondering if there are other ways to improve the situation.

Try to enjoy sex then? I don't know what other advice you'd be fishing here for. If it's more psychological then go to a therapist and explain that you want to enjoy sex. If it's more physical go to a doctor and ask about your low libido, or a gyno if you're experiencing any pain.

> I'm also my bf's only actual friend,

That's your boyfriend's problem, not yours.

>and they're the only friend I can be honest without drama.

That's an issue you have with your friends, not your boyfriend.

>We have everything ideally set besides our sex drives.

This means nothing. Divorces are great marriages except for the problems.

>Also a girl literally at any time can suddenly lose their libido and almost never want sex, so should everyone immediantly dump them?

That's a different issue. Climate is not weather.

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Mainstream sexuality that's based on exploitation (mutual or not), routine servicing/expectation (we're in a relationship, it's expected that you perform x sex act) IS negative. In sexually healthy relationships you do it because you want to and it's what you want to do, and nobody has to make the other person do things to/for them.

Personally I don't think that it's a compromise that you should make just because it's normal.

>if the relationship isn't ideal, leave
Nice strawman, that's not what I said. I said that if you don't like sex, don't get in a relationship. You literally said this isn't about your libido, it's about your negative views of sex, which us completely different. That's not out of your control the same way your bodily functions are.
It's not fair to keep someone in a relationship when you want such completely different things.

>I hate sex, I have very deep and negative views on sex. I do not enjoy it. My libido is almost dead, but my bf has a very high libido. They are unsure if me giving them bjs would be enough. What fucking do? I have ptsd I guess.
First, stop having sex, if you expresed yourself correctly, you reaally dislike it.

Lol OP got slammed

>I was molested as a child
Then it's not terribly surprising you turned out to be a whore. Not your fault that you were molested, and whoever did it should be shot, but it's most certainly your fault what you did next.

well put, very based user.

Roastie got roast

Have you NEVER had a libido? Stress might be the trigger for you. My gf loses all libido when stress hits.
Also, do you find any type of sex enjoyable?