Is 26 too old to begin drawing, or begin playing an instrument?

Is 26 too old to begin drawing, or begin playing an instrument?
Way down the line, is it more profitable to make art (f.ex. commissions) or music (f.ex. youtube revenue)?

I just want a hobby. I've been a depressed neet since I lost my job last year and can't find a new on, barely living on wages.
Videogames aren't fun anymore. I go for walks, otherwise I sit indoor and pretty much look at youtube all day. The two things I mentioned are things I'd probably enjoy most but idk if I could manage. Hell, being able to make money isn't a priority, but it would be a huge bonus.
I just feel like it's too late to start, you know? Teenagers draw better than me, and at my age they'd have a 10-15 year advantage or already be successful.

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I picked up guitar at 16 and didn’t get good until I was 24, where I actually started practicing regularly. I sincerely doubt 2 years will make a big difference.

Hobbies are what you make of them user. Just put in the practice.

-guy self learning to code at 26, made one program so far

No. The trick is that at 26 you probably don't have as much time to invest in it as younger people, so it'll take you longer to get good.
>Teenagers draw better than me, and at my age they'd have a 10-15 year advantage or already be successful.
There's always someone better than you. Being great is only a small fraction of being successful.

Never fall for the "am I too old for X?" meme. There are people 30 years older than you that have learned languages and played music and painted. The more you worry that you are out of time, the more time you waste.

You just need to be smart about the way you practice. If you do it efficiently you can easily surpass someone who has been aimlessly doodling for a decade within a year or two. However, it will take quite a bit of practice in order to get actually good and out of ngmi tier.

depends what youre aiming for. if you just want a spare time hobby then yeah who gives a shit. if you want to actually make money off it, unless you have a vast reserve of undiscovered natural talent you wont be competitive enough. way too late to start; theres 15 year old chinks with 20 years experience on you

>natural talent
No such things. Talent is just applied experience.


no, talent is an inherent ability. practice just adds on top. very few people can be the best at anything because they dont have enough natural talent to get them ahead. you could train your entire life at tennis but you wouldnt beat the top guy because you dont have the natural tennis talent he does

You don’t have to be the best at something to be successful at it, especially in this age.

definitions of shapes

>natural talent
Most of those people have been training since they were kids. Talent is a fucking meme and no one comes out of the womb knowing how to do shit like that. Also, there is no fucking need to beat the top guy in tennis if it's a hobby. Stop projecting your narcissistic tendencies on an otherwise harmless topic about having adult hobbies. You can very easily make it into the top 10% of anything if you start something in your 20's

crockpot oatmeal banana bread recipe?

Youre never too old to pick up a new hobbie user

Hell my nan learned the accordion at 72 and how to speak German at 60

I'm only now taking up bass and im 21

Hobbies are what you make of them, do stuff because you wanna and dont feel like youre competing against others, this is for your own enjoyment and fun at the end of the day

yeah thats why i said if youre just doing it as a hobby who cares, but OP talked about making money shitdick

> You can very easily make it into the top 10% of anything if you start something in your 20's

so lets take an average individual, who practicing something for the first time at age 24, youre telling me theyre going to become top 10% physicist, top 10% basketballer, top 10% song writer, etc. hahaha, why do you loomis faggots get so triggered over that concept?

bananas, condensed milk, caster sugar, rolled oats, 8 hours on low

Physical sports aren't a fair comparison to the arts, because significant physical differences do matter there. They don't really matter when it comes to drawing (unless by talent, you mean 'isn't blind' or 'has two arms.') Either way, find me a naturally talented person, and I'll show you someone who has sunk tens of thousands of hours into their craft. Unless this is the first time they've held a paintbrush and they're producing museum-worthy still-lifes, I don't want to hear about natural "talent."

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whoosh go the goalposts

get two kids who have never drawn anything to make something, and you may find that one is significantly better than the other (can still be shit, just noticeably better). thats natural talent, sorry trigger warning

what about luck

This. If you put in the time and effort, you can get good at something pretty quickly. When I starting learning guitar. I loved it so much I practiced as much as I could. I would walk around the house with the guitar and play constantly. I got really good really fast. Nowadays I barely ever practice, and I suck now.

As for making money, if we assume that you will be successful, I'd say you'll make a lot more money with music.

It’s not too late to start. I suggest first going with a hobby that is social and somewhat physically active. Learning to draw or work with audio in your room by yourself might not be a real change of pace.

I mean, if I were to draw or make music, I’d want to get out and experience the world for inspiration, instead of going over thr same patterns in my head.

Talent in songwriting is not quantifiable