How do i get asian wife? Let's be realistic boys white women are garbage...

How do i get asian wife? Let's be realistic boys white women are garbage. They are arrogant and selfish will divorce you and take everything from you without remorse. They go for black guys. Ride cocks until they are 30 and after that they are ready to settle down. Since we are foundation of our civilization we have to continue it. We must technologically progress. White women dont want this they want to kill us beat us down like dogs. They dont care about us or our civilization. They simply care about themselves and nothing else. But asian girls want us. They want our seed and to continue the beauty we created. So who is with me?

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Step 1: Make a lot of money
Step 2: Go to Asia
Step 3: Enjoy your cold, loveless marriage.

>tfw white woman
>got married at 21 to a white man

You're making up a bunch of stupid shit, user. Really a whole bunch.

yeah no this isn't where r9k bait belongs

everyone ignore it

you are sucking soul out of him. Bet he wants to kill himself every single day. You dont cook or clean.

I cook and clean, daily. He doesn't do much at home beside taking out the trash and cleaning the cars.
I prefer it that way since I work less hours than him.
And no, he's pretty happy. Very much so with me.

not bait. Truth. Swallow it white girl. Accept that you are garbage.

You mean pretending to be happy. What can he do if you divorce him you going to take everything from him. Probably made mistake years ago and now he has to smile everytime he sees you.

We have a prenup.
He's really happy, and I am as well. You're just sad.

>Thinking prenup will change anything


Bad bait

Not bait

you retards are the reason why this thread is still even up.
put "sage" in the options or don't post. it's literally that simple


I don’t mean to be racist, but I’ve heard the opposite. My brother is 6’7” blonde and he lived in Japan for a year and girls literally threw themselves at him.

He shudders when he talks about Asian women “NEVER AGAIN.” (happily married for 20 years to a beautiful white woman 5 years his senior)

bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait


As i said you either accept it or you will delude yourself more. Which is speciality for white women to delude themselves thinking they are best. You are nothing but trash.

Holy shit you're a sad cunt, go fuck your trashy asian women, fucking pathetic beta male

White roasty it seems like your time is up. Your are old and still deluded. It's time for white males to wake up and save this civilization. You are bringing us down to our knees. Im tired of you.

bait bait bait
bait bait bait

Didn't we have this thread yesterday?

Asian women are 100% about status and money. Be a doctor or rich.

Nigga date the American ones

Sort yourself out, bucko. Make a schedule.