How do women really feel about dicks? It seems like most women are neutral about them while men absolutely love tits...

How do women really feel about dicks? It seems like most women are neutral about them while men absolutely love tits, asses and basically everything that comes with the girl.

Attached: hot lingerie.jpg (720x1280, 452K)

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i was just talking with my fwb about that, according to her dicks are gross

A lot of women are pretty neutral on them, but the problem is that almost nobody likes the ones that like them.

It’s because tits and asses are readily on display even while clothed. Genitals, male or female, are always hidden away. I like vaginas but I’m more neutral on them compared to tits.

girls r hot. duh

I love pussy and facesitting. I don't know about that.

>most women are neutral about them
Yes. You answered your own question.

>men absolutely love tits, asses and basically everything that comes with the girl
Historically men were forward about their desires and this stance turned into normalcy.
Just like it is normal for men to go about topless. Because we just fucking did across the ages, and people grew accustomed to it, so now nobody minds it.

On the other hand women usually fulfilled a different role in society, a more quiet and subservient. Having strong opinion or - god forbid - being vocal about them, was unthinkable.
As such, this was and is the social "mold" of a woman.
It's slowly changing, yes, but women that have strong opinions about things like dicks generally raise questions such as "what is wrong with them?", just because we're accustomed to women not doing that.
This goes both ways though. Because of the same social mold, women tend to gravitate towards being neutral on the subject, or repress any feelings about the topic, because it causes them to be viewed as a deviant.

You'd be surprised how much social order is carried on just because it self-perpetuates in society across the ages.

Now, you know why women are (or pretend to be!) neutral on the subject.

2 questions for women scrolling past
>if dicks are gross, why do you like sucking them?
>why do so many of you find balls absolutely fascinating?

Balls are our version of tits, they are a sign of how fertile you are.
Dicks aren't always gross but even if they are guys REALLY seem to like having them sucked so it's kinda good for our self esteem having such a positive reaction and therefore a turn on.

Yeah I always thought it was weird that gay men will literally pay money to suck another dude's dick, but women don't get any pleasure at all from it, they just see it as a way to get a horny guy off their back without having to fuck.

not true, some actually enjoy it.

Eh, I'm not a woman but from what I gather some do some don't. Some girls have literally asked for dick pictures, and fangirl over them. Some don't care so long as it's not too big or small.

But like, why not just be gay then?
>Balls are our version of tits
Wait, really?

probably the way most men feel about pussies. they're weird until they're in the mood, then they become the best things on the planet

just watch this talk by a neuroscientist who researched it

not in the way that fags do. not even close.

My girlfriend loves my cock. My balls, on the other hand, and now referred to as ET.

What makes you think that? My mate has actually cum from sucking dick and just grinding against a pillow. And I personally once dated a guy for over a month just cos I liked sucking his dick so much.
We just don't openly talk about it much cos of the taboo.
I mean sort of yeah, not exactly but that's the best comparison I can make. Some of us like tight neat balls like tight neat tits and others of us like ones that jiggle when you run down the stairs.
Also I'm bi-sexual so tits are great and so are balls. Both have some pretty good things going for them.
When a guys about to cum and his balls tighten it's kinda like the same feeling as when you see a girl get turned on and her nips go hard.

>My mate has actually cum from sucking dick and just grinding against a pillow.
Isn't that like, how most girls masturbate when they first discover it?

True but for a lot just rubbing won't get them anywhere, they are thinking about things, for her the thing she was thinking about was the dick in her mouth

Yeah fags really care about dicks in general. For girls its more about the same package. If you read erotica meant for men everything is described in a very specific and visual way, erotica for women almost never even a acknowledges the dick's existence

Honestly I think girls just don't have a sexuality as strong as men's nor as visual.

I've heard girls say that they don't mind dicks, that they find them funny, even scary, but never outright hot. it sounds stupid but it's a bit of a problem since men like when people like our dicks. For example I always make sure to tell my gf painstakingly just how much I enjoy her body (during sex) yet I never get that kind of feedback back and id like it if I did. In general it just seems like women don't just get turned on as heavily by visuals as men, or maybe I'm just an extremely horny dude because a naked body just drives me absolutely nuts

Personally, I've had multiple women lust after my cock to the point where I felt objectified. Now I know how women feel about being ogled or physically used.

Nah it's that, and the fact that women are just passive as hell when it comes to sex. It's really annoying to spend all that time focusing on her and making her feel good, only for her to never do the same for you.

This. I hate dead fish girls so much. Men want to feel wanted, too.

i enjoy looking at a dick only because i know how good it will feel but it's not "hot". all a woman finds hot is personality and looks. or, for me at least, certain parts of a guy's body. or if he walks in a funny and sexy way and stuff like that.
but like, balls instead. balls are straight up ugly. I'm not even neutral about it.

Bullshit, you know you love dick hoe

I'm a woman so I can give you my anecdotal opinion (to be brief -- I love uncut and "nice" looking ones and find them very alluring but all cut and generally unattractive ones of course can be "gross")

Most girls I've talked to are pretty neutral about them and are superficially concerned with the size. I've never heard someone say dicks are gross though.

In HS my virgin 100% virgin dumb friend said multiple times that her ideal dick would be 9 inches and when I actually showed her a 9inch dick she changed her mind and said something like "oh like 7 then I guess"
And I live in the US so all that I've asked prefer cut which sickens be but what are you gonna do. Why worry about, it's not like you can change the way it looks!

>I'm a woman
I believe you.

Attached: pongdingus.png (1840x256, 43K)

Who cares? They don’t have one usually

The problem is women usually like what's attached to the dick, which makes the dick far more interesting by proxy.
If your experience with girls is that they don't love your dick, then there's a good chance they're not all that impressed by the whole package.

>people are wont to find people they've invested in more attractive
It baffles me that this would come as a surprise...

Girls don't usually luv dicks, but they absolutely 100% feel the urge to have dicks inside them the same way men feel the urge to insert them into women

It's more like a tool. Girls aren't attracted to dicks in an object way, they're attracted to how a dick feels inside them (good/bad/great/worldbending)

"your dick" is like a loose idiom for "you fucking me." usually. some girls loooooove dick.

ah but why dont any girls love my dick

My current gf loves cocks. She asks me to send her pics of my cock all the time. She loves blowjobs more than sex.

In my experience most women are not this way.

Last guy I was with was pretty fucking insecure about his dick size and just sex in general. A lot of really bad experiences with other women molded him into that. I wish I had been way more enthusiastic about sucking him off (I guess my answer to him wasn't good enough and he brushed me off from doing it completely). Ended up being an awkward experience (we both been alone for a long time before that) and he dumped me shortly after, not because of anything I did but his own insecurities. Wish I could make it up to him and make him feel better about it.

Dicks are fine. I like dicks. I prefer other things aesthetically about men, but nothing wrong with dicks. This pretty much nails it. Don't worry so much about size. Bitches that make fun of it are just that...bitches.

>if dicks are gross, why do you like sucking them?
I don't
>why do so many of you find balls absolutely fascinating?
They are squishy. Like stress balls

>They are squishy. Like stress balls
What the fuck don't ever squeeze a man's balls

Random dicks in porn/movies or imagining a random guy's dick does nothing for me, but I love my boyfriend's dick. I like feeling it in my hand, mouth, pussy. I love how it feels hard against my back in the morning, the way it pulses when he cums etc. I think it's more about the feeling the dick gives us, not about the looks (like how it is for guys with boobs and ass). I do love my man's ass though, it's really pleasing and I always get the urge to touch it. So in that sense I guess it's the same for girls.

Nah, in my anecdotal experience, women are more than happy to share their bullshit opinions on the most inane shit. Sure, women can be amazing at reason, and empathy, intelligence, but that doesn't hide the fact that anthropologically, women mostly want to flock together and gossip about bullshit, while expecting men to provide for them (even if subconsciously)

Also sameposter.
Women see dicks as power symbols, not as sex symbols, that's why they don't give a fuck about them sexually, instead they talk about a man's dick as a representation of himself. I mean it makes sense right? Dicks are literally life creating appendages. The man who can create the strongest life, is the man with the best dick.

In my limited experience this isn't true. I have a very high sex drive, usually way higher than the girl I'm with. But if during the intercourse i manage to make her feel real good, she simply loses her mind, and suddenly her sex drive is off the charts. I think that it's way simpler for a male to get excited, so we're usually horny all the time, but when i were with an "excited" girl, she probably was way hornier than me

>women are just passive as hell when it comes to sex.
Holy fuk man, so much this. It's like I can make her horny by escalating everything, can make her do stuff, pin her down, rip her clothes off and fuck her, can really appreciate her body and get turned on by her being in my presence.
But the only thing they like is what actions I take sexually. And when I don't do that, when I'm tired, when I'm somewhere else with my thoughts, well then that's it, nothing happens. Me being horny for them and initiating everything is apparently the prerequirement for them to appreciate me sexually

Men are obsessed with dicks not women. Men think about their dick and seek out other men, who are just as obsessed with their dick, to discuss their dick, its done on Jow Forums hourly. Men assume women share the obsession. We don't. I'm looking at the man, his shoulders, arms, butt, thighs, his (flat) stomach and chest.

Isn't penetration pretty whatever compared to getting eaten out anyway?

T. Not a woman

I think the male body is absolutely gorgeous. It's unfair how hot men can be sometimes. And yes, that includes dicks too. I know that many women find them gross but I've never felt that way to be honest. I think they're absolutely sexy and fascinating. A dick pic can instantly give me the tingles even if it's a picture of random dude I don't know.

If only you were a woman.

Most penises are kind of boring looking. I only really care if I’m sucking on it or it’s inside me.
I will say I prefer cleanly shaven.

Oh but I am, really. I don't know why it's so hard to believe there are women on Jow Forums but okay. I really do feel sorry for guys in general when some women go all "ewww" regarding dicks because I imagine it must be hurtful. But I'm sure I'm not the only woman out there who appreciates every aspect of the male body. We're out there, you just have to find us.

I can only assume that, for most women, most of the time, sex is a mediocre chore.

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Of the three women who have seen my dick, two told me they like it and are attracted to it the same way I'm attracted to tits and ass.
My current girlfriend likes my dick and will get turned on seeing it, and especially likes my balls for some reason