Congrats on staying a virgin then with that mindset.
>It's disgustingly annoying and hapoens all the time.
Stop blaming the women for once and look inward.
I'll humor you, OK. Say these women ARE boring as a sack of bricks. Are you really such an amazing person yourself? Because I sure as shit don't get that impression seeing you type.
You suck at conversations? Go get better. Talk to men AND women. Bit by bit. When you're comfortable just having regular conversations, learn to make to them laugh. Once you make them laugh? Invite them out to casual events like just grabbing lunch together.
>Everone just forgets me.
EVERYONE. Feels that way. Do you know what some do? They work on themselves. They try to be a decent human regardless. Stop acting like a sad puppy.
You suffer from isolation issues but don't know how to describe it? Go see a therapist.
>I know girls like fun guys, but what does a fun guy even mean, i have no idea.
You're treating girls as this "obstacle" instead of who they are as people. Learn to have just "fun" with everyone and people will naturally come to you.
What do YOU value as "fun." What do YOU value as "important" in YOUR life?
>It's like everywhere i go I'm some kind of a niusance with me actually saying, doing anything..
Do you want to know why your friends think that? It's because you keep perpetuating this NEVER-ENDING cycle of negativity.
And negativity spreads like a disease. You're on fucking Jow Forums you should know this. Put yourself in other people's shoes, imagine meeting a person who does nothing but blame others and blames himself 24/7.
That person isn't "fun," that person isn't a good person to relate to. Why the fuck would you date them?
Fix it. You KNOW the answers. Stop pretending like you don't. I GENUINELY want you to figure yourself out user but it pisses me off when I see your type of negativity. It's why incels/MTGOW exist/why people see them the way they are.
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