i finally confessed to my bf that i had a desire to have a mmf threesome... he told me he wouldnt do it because a) he would be too "jealous" of another man touching me and b) it would feel "gay" for him to be naked alongside another guy... i told him thats toxic jealousy and also homophobic as fuck and we had a huge argument and havent talked ever since, for two days now
You got what was coming for you Should you just bail? Oh sweaty, he already bailed.
Gavin Kelly
You have to respect the wishes of your partner when it comes to sex.
You obviously don't care about his feelings on this matter because you would have dropped it as soon as he expressed that he did not want to do it. So yes you should leave him or apologize.
Chase Nguyen
3/10 bait
Ian Mitchell
Oliver Young
Offer him a ffm threesome, maybe.
Calling it toxic jealously was disingenuous, though. He's not jealous about you hanging out with other guys, he'd literally be jealous about you fucking other guys.
That said, yeah a little homophobic, but not everyone's comfortable being naked around other men.
Gabriel Rodriguez
What the fuck user. Your boyfriend is in his right. If he wanted a FFM threesome and you refused would you be guilty of something? Respect his choice instead of labelling him with negative terms
Caleb Phillips
Based roastie trying to force faggotry unto her boyfriend. I can't wait for this bait to get 100 you's.
Landon Ward
i would not do that because men and women think differently about sex and i wouldnt let another bitch fuck him. in my case i know he has nothing to worry about
Wyatt Davis
What a selfish little whore you are
You don't care about him at all, you shoudn't be dating
Look up for the word "empathy", cause you have none, honey
Jason Hill
good bait
Easton Foster
He should leave you. Go find a fag who can’t provide for you while he goes out and lives a fulfilling life with a wife and kids.
Nicholas Adams
You sound like a selfish bitch. If my girlfriend ever told me that , I would instantly leave her.
Easton Ortiz
You can't possibly be this stupid.
Juan Green
>toxic jealousy dont womansplain away my emotions shitwhore
Camden Harris
s4ge grows in all fields
Leo Brown
You're the fucking toxic one. If you get a mmf then he gets a ffm you cheapass
Cameron Brooks
Obvious bait, or OP is a selfish bitch who deserves nothing but to rot :)
be fucking real honestly. im a woman in my 20s, my partner count is double digits thats all im gonna say about it. my bf however has only been with one other girl besides me, so every time is like a magical little thing to him women are more accostumed with sex and dont put as much meaning into it as men, thats a fact. we are more comfortable.
Elijah Powell
Just wait til ancient Rome traditions resurge.
Zachary Evans
Are you a lesbian. Bend over and get fucked, property.
Wyatt Ward
>OP wants mmmmmmmmmf with a pack of niggers I fail to see the problem
Jackson Thomas
I hope to god this is bait cause it is a good one.
If it isn't then holy fuck kill yourself unironically you ungrateful slut. I hope for his sake he already decided to ditch your dumbass
Robert Sanchez
It's bait specifically tailored to trigger the Jow Forums crowd. It worked too.