As a beta man who just got her first gf a year ago, how would you accept your status as an inferior, disposable being?
As a beta man who just got her first gf a year ago, how would you accept your status as an inferior, disposable being?
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By not getting a girlfriend in the first place
Can you explain the whole cuck fetish to me? I really don't get it and am pretty empathetic to where some fetishes comenfrom but that one has me stumped. Both from the cuck and female partners pov. Is it an actual thing or something the internet made up?
Go to a therapist. Your obvious depression, anxiety and insecurity issues will eventually eat you alive if you insist on pretending like its just a normal part of life you have to learn to live with.
Its due to internet pornography and the "shocking" value that it adds to it. Millennials and Generation Z grew up with years of watching males fuck women they find attractive. Once they started to ejaculate, their brains became wired to watching other men have sex with women they find attractive. The teenage years are important years to sexuality as this the period where our dopamine receptors and brain growth is at an all time high. Our ancestors got married in their teens and made families. Our generation is wasting that time period on watching men fuck other women.
Fast forward to the 2010s we have HD porn which releases more dopamine and signals the brain that watching men fucking women you like = pleasure.
That isn't enough for some. As far as the addiction goes, some want to go extreme and watch their girlfriends/wife get fucked infront of them. The current political climate as well as the tribal mindset we humans have, makes interracial porn look more shocking.
In a sense, watching porn and cuckolding dehumanizes the user and his masculinity, as watching these mediums is subconciously telling him he is not fit to be a man. If he does not the habit, he will always find pleasure in watching men having sex with his woman.
by this theory, is watching POV, femape solo and other categories that do not feature the man as prominently, better?
Humans have a tendency to sexualize their traumas. Incorporating our dysfunction into our sex lives allows us a certain amount of control over it; it is essentially a self-soothing mechanism meant to link our traumas with our pleasure centers. Subconsciously, its easier to associate trauma and negative feelings with sex because with sex there comes pleasure and release. Its our brain's fucked up way of coping. So it isn't a generational thing. Sure, the internet has given us access to all sorts of communities and fetishes that we previously did not have access to but sexualizing trauma is a mechanism as old as man. Men who feel like shit about themselves fetishize that trauma and incorporate it into their sexual preferences. Women who were abused as children gravitate towards rough sex and abusive partners. People who were molested as children have a much greater chance of becoming child molesters themselves. Its just how the brain works.
Nothing you said made any sense.
Its a really dumb, presumptuous theory. I have no idea what logic he's using to connect all these dots.
Bro i was born addict from 13 to THIS YEAR when I quit and when one of my girlfriends got caught cheating I broke it off immedtialy. Porn fucks up your brain agreed but I always jist blocked the dudes out mentally and imagined myself
>Nothing you said made sense
>Spouts Freud-tier pyschology
Spotted the retard
>Abloo bloo bloo you're addicted because you have truama
I'm white, lived a good childhood, parents loved me a lot, went to a good school, and yet I still got addicted to porn. Explain that.
>by this theory, is watching POV, femape solo and other categories that do not feature the man as prominently, better?
No because
>POV doesn't include your dick, it includes someone elses
>Solo/Female doesn't count because you are not have intercourse with them. You are using your hand to get off.
If you're really wanting to masturbate, just find a girl.
Psychology is an observed science that has been calculated, studies and quantified by men and women much more intelligent than you or I for hundreds of years. If you want to dismiss an entire field of science and the collective works of hundreds of scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists then you're going to have to do a bit more than spew memes and give yourself a pat on the back. If you disagree with specific psychological principals then explain exactly why and provide a better one. If you can't do that then I guess we know who the real retard is.
>I'm white, lived a good childhood, parents loved me a lot, went to a good school, and yet I still got addicted to porn.
Addiction is primarily genetic. Being loved and supported and provided with good education can most certainly help steer people away from the onset of addiction but if you have the brain chemistry then you have it. There is no childhood good enough that can magically zap the addictive brain chemistry out of someone's head. Alcoholics, drug addicts and even sex addicts can come from any family background. Like I said, being exposed or not exposed to drugs and alcohol and other addictive tendencies can determine their onset but addiction is primarily a matter of nature, not nurture.
>Fast forward to the 2010s we have HD porn which releases more dopamine
Precisely what science are you using to make the claim that the higher definition the porn the more dopamine is released? You're making a lot of very definitive scientific claims and I have no idea whether or not this is based in any kind of observable data or if you're just pulling this all out of your ass.
I agee that porn has changed or the way we mentally receive it has changed. Porn addicts were always a thing, but now they everywhere. if it hadn't the nofappers like me wouldnt be so prevalent.
women are memes, id rather get off cleanly and be done with it than entertain them for just a simple nut.
Psychology at the end of the day is a brainlet """career""" that ignores all science and focuses instead on feelings. I bet you also believe the sexology studies of Albert Kinsey, the degenerate who shoved a toothbrush up his penis. You think anyone should trust you, knowing that you seriously take advice from such a man? Kys.
>scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists
lol good one. Psychologists only study study behavior aka "my feelings".
>If you disagree with specific psychological principals
Actually any rational smart man rejects psychology as whole as it is nothing more than a psuedoscience. Also the DSM can changed easily if the psychology community recieves death threats, threats of violence, and political pressure. So why should I take you seriously again?
>I agee that porn has changed or the way we mentally receive it has changed
Oh it absolutely has but if someone is going to say that the higher definition the porn the more dopamine is released I'm gonna need to see a study because that's a very specific scientific claim. This guy's post is filled with a lot of very presumptuous claims about how the brain is wired and how porn programs men to think and feel very specific things and I'm just wondering what he's basing all of this on.
>I bet you also believe the sexology studies of Albert Kinsey, the degenerate who shoved a toothbrush up his penis. You think anyone should trust you, knowing that you seriously take advice from such a man?
This is the lamest fucking strawman I've ever read.
>Psychologists only study study behavior aka "my feelings".
I can see you have zero idea what the study of psychology actually is.
>Actually any rational smart man rejects psychology as whole as it is nothing more than a psuedoscience
As I said, its really easy to just call something a stupid and a pseudoscience but thats not an argument, is it? Its just you trying to dismiss an entire field of study and all the hundreds and thousands of trained professionals who have spent their lives studying it without using your brain. You've still failed to articulate one single reason why you disagree with the specific findings of psychology or give a better explanation for why we've been able to link specific environmental factors to specific behavioral patterns. All you spew is memes. Someone gives you a theory that is widely accepted and verified through a community of thousands of trained professionals and you think you can just dismiss all of their work by saying "wow pseudoscience I'm so rational ur a brainlet"? You're a real moron. I can see that you have absolutely nothing of value to add to this conversation.
>Addiction is primarily genetic.
You are so fucking stupid
>What is dopamine
>What is Delta Fos-B
>but if you have the brain chemistry then you have it.
Everyone has the brain chemistry to get addicted. EVERYONE. You seriously can't be this dumb.
>There is no childhood good enough that can magically zap the addictive brain chemistry out of someone's head
Therefore Truama doesnt cause addiction. Thanks for proving that other user's point.
>This is the lamest fucking strawman I've ever read.
Not a strawman if it's true.
>I can see you have zero idea what the study of psychology actually is.
I doubt you know it either. You don't even hold a degree in ""psychology"" so why are you even spouting out meme advice?
Also didn't bother reading the rest of your garbage post because it didn't refute what I said. You went on a emotional rant and yet have not disproved how addiction is primarily based brain chemistry, not genetics or any of your psuedo intellectual tier explainations. Further more, psychology nowadays is used for abuse and to make absurd billings to insurance companies.
>You are so fucking stupid
It is. Google it. Its just fact, whether you like it or not.
>Everyone has the brain chemistry to get addicted.
Learn the difference between chemical addiction and addictive behavior. Anybody can become chemically addicted to a substance. Behavior, however, is different. A person without the addictive gene can enjoy a drink on the weekends or watch pornography and not be affected because they realize that drinking every day or spending $1000 a month on porn and camshows has consequences. These people have the ability to create self-imposed limits because their jobs, lives and relationships are more important to them than these vices. Addicts, however, are unable to stop regardless of these consequences. A gambling addict will spend their rent check at the casino because psychologically they are so powerless to their compulsions that they can't stop even in the face of dire consequences. This is the basis of addiction. Chemical addiction, such as opioids, is different.
>Therefore Truama doesnt cause addiction. Thanks for proving that other user's point.
I never said that. I'm not sure where you're getting that from or what that has to do with anything. I said that the human mind tends to sexualize trauma. Whether an addiction piece is there is completely dependent on the person.
>Also didn't bother reading the rest of your garbage post because it didn't refute what I said. You went on a emotional rant
So you know for a fact that what I said was an emotional rant that didn't refute what you said but you didn't actually read it? You really are some kind of stupid aren't you.
>Further more, psychology nowadays is used for abuse and to make absurd billings to insurance companies.
Ah, you're one of those tinfoil hat bros. It makes sense now.
Psychology is bullshit. Self fulfilling prophecy.
>Hurr durr google it
How about actually read books on how the brain works instead you brainlet?
>Learn the difference between chemical addiction and addictive behavior.
Implying chemical addiction isn't the cause of addictive behavior
>A person without the addictive gene can enjoy a drink on the weekends or watch
Now this is just plain bullshit. Anything that gives us pleasure has the potential to get us addicted because of dopamine. Dopamine feels good which is why we do certain things. People who overdo such things is because they get addicted to the pleasure centers their brain rewards them with. Not because of some stupid truama.
>Addicts, however, are unable to stop regardless of these consequences.
Because they get pleasure it and once their brains are wired, they will continue to do but it is possible to break said habit as the brain is plastic.
>are so powerless to their compulsions that they can't stop even in the face of dire consequences.
That's the most retarded explaination I have ever heard. Gambling addiction happens because the brain signals dopamine when money is earned. Money is a resource and if the brain continues on this habit of abusing the dopamine system, it will get addicted to doing it. There are studies confirming that earning money releases dopamine.
>I said that the human mind tends to sexualize trauma
Which is another debunked theory that was first said by Freud. Are you going to tell me that I want to fuck my mother too? Because Freud said the same thing.
>I said was an emotional rant that didn't refute what you said but you didn't actually read it?
Because your defense is that truama is the sole reason for addiction, and that kind of argument is an "emotional rant" which why I said I didnt bother to read the rest of your shit post. Also your reply wasn't that much better and just as easy to refute.
Psychology is not a science.
One can take the study of subject behavior and put it in biology and the study of how hormones and chemicals affect the brain and put it in physical chemistry.
Also subjective non-verifiable personal experiences such as truama isn't science. It has to be a formalized methodology, idiot. Not just personally observing things from your perspective without a standardized method.
>the higher definition the porn the more dopamine is released
>What is the coolidge effect
To add to it, if psychology is a real science why can't so much research be replicated? (which is an important part of science?)