Have normal girl friends, can talk normally, not ugly or annoying to the point where girls avoid me...

>Have normal girl friends, can talk normally, not ugly or annoying to the point where girls avoid me, girls I'm friends with actually think of me as a friend

>never had any girl show interest in me in my 19 years on this planet.

What am I doing wrong anons? People here often say that you need to be able to be friends with girls to even think about getting a girlfriend and that then it'll just happen. Is it just a matter of time?

Attached: 63zcEZW.png (728x410, 461K)

The people who say that are lying to you.

Girls rarely show interest in boys. And even when they do, its so fucking subtle you need shitton of experience to notice it.

You are the man. If you want gf, you have to be the one who works for it and pursue girls. Go and ask girls on dates.

Attached: losers and truth.png (680x904, 286K)

Well it's Jow Forums that's been lying to everyone then it seems. Every >tfw no gf thread is filled with "just start being friends with girls/ you can't have a girlfriend if you don't even have female friends..." followed by "Those friends don't have to be potential girlfriends it's just that you need to be friends with girls in general first"

I'm the exact same, what I realized is that I was comfortable with being around women under the frame of being a friend but terrified of showing romantic/sexual feelings towards a girl. So that could be your problem.
Looking for advice as well

Yes. To the surprise of no one, we give useless advice here.

I can tell you it doesn't work if your desperate because you'll just end up wanting to date your friend since they're the only female who shows interest in you and you'll confuse it for romantic love instead of friendship.

By showing interest it doesn't have to be asking me out it's just going out of their way to talk to me for example.

I don't think I'm scared of romantic feelings. I just don't get any signs of interest from other girls. Like, do they just not show signs even if they like you very very much? If a girl would 100% be with you aren't just going after her will she not do anything?

That won't happen, I have my boundaries and I'm strong mentally in that aspect. I would never be with someone just out of desperation.

Have you tried asking a girl out?

Do you need a girlfriend? Why does it matter? Have your friends, live your life, and stop worrying about stupid bullshit.

No because I get no signs of interest from any.

oh hey it’s this nutter again
anons don’t waste your time with him, he keeps making these threads where he refuses all advice because no girls “show interest” in him

That's, like, most of Jow Forums my guy

It's literally my first thread about this here.

Why do you need doors on your car just be happy you have a car -you
Why do you need to ride the roller coasters just be happy you're at six flags at all -you

It's not the first of its kind though, and the problem is the answer is 'stop needing romance so fucking badly because you're just coming off as the creepy, desperate guy'

>it'll just happen
I don't agree with this. The whole notion of that perfect girl randomly showing up in your life and then you live happily ever after is a bluepilled meme mothers like to give to their sons. This isn't a damn disney movie or an anime.

If you want to get girls, you need to actively go out and put effort into getting girls.

I'm definitely not that desperate, I mean, I'm not trying to get with anyone just for the sake of it.
But what more can I do, I'm literally friends with a lot of girls but nothing more.

>stop needing romance so fucking badly because you're just coming off as the creepy, desperate guy
I see this answer everytime a thread like this comes up. I don't think you really get it. I'm reasonably certain that I don't need romance any more than my peers, the difference is that I've never had any, and it's all anyone ever talks about. People's lives revolve around their partners, it's not weird or unreasonable to want to experience that, especially when you're constantly bombarded with media telling you that you should find someone. Like there's no movie that ends with the main character becoming a mgtow and walking off into the sunset. That would be ridiculous.

I completely agree with this

Do you like any of your friends? If so, then show interest. Don't wait around for them to show interest, they probably think the same as you.

I like them but not in a romantic way. I know my boundaries and I know what I want. A relationship with girls I'm friends with is not what I want. They are same to me as my male friends.

You're right, very right. But at the same time, it's the reality of the world. Being an incel not only sucks, it also tends to be a self-fulling prophecy.

Why? Because of this:
>You're an incel
>Being an incel becomes more and more frustrating as time goes on
>Frustration leads to desperation, neediness and anxiety
>Girls hate guys who are desperate, needy and anxious
>Your desperation, neediness and anxiety makes it even less likely you'll land a chick

This cycle goes on and on. The longer you go without sex/romance, the more difficult it is to get it. That's why some virgins often refer to a ''point of no return''. Now to be fair OP, you're a long way out of being at that point. You're 19 y/o, you still have many years to get laid.

Exactly, which is why the "it's a matter of time" meme is complete bs. The longer you wait, the more proactive you have to become.

Well what more can one do, I don't want to seem desperate but if I go out there trying to pick up every girl I see that is being desperate.

You have to make acquaintance (not make friends) with lots of girls and ask them out after a short while. Less than a week.

You really do sound like the protagonist of The Tatami Galaxy. Your post reads just like the book.

Something which might help you is working on your 'game' by being outcome independent. Don't try to talk to girl with the purpose in the back of your mind that you want to stick you dick in her wet hole. Rather, talk to them to try and see if their is chemistry. If you think there is chemistry, ask them if they're down to hang out with you. Again, not like some horndog, just like a human being meeting another human being

It's settled then, only thing I need now is a girl. I can make plans to rob a bank but first I need a bank.

Should I take it as a compliment? Watashi seems pretty smart.

Is it worth going for if there isn't any chemistry? I tried something with a girl I liked a few weeks ago and talked to her in school but we just didn't have anything in common to talk to. It was like 2 deaf people throwing meaningless words at each other.

>Is it worth going for if there isn't any chemistry?
Meh. Unless you're in a nightclub with loud ass music and you're trying to pull a one night stand, going on a date with a girl you have zero chemistry with is probably a waste of your time. But don't be too focused on this though. First dates are in fact primarily about finding out whether the chemistry is there or not.

I got pretty bumped out recently when I said to myself that I had enough and went out of my way to talk to a girl I found cute in school. Started talking about school related things but then slowly turned casual, turns out we just can't talk to each other. It's not like she hates me or anything it's just that we don't have any chemistry at all.
That really discouraged me.

Dude, you went over to a random girl and started talking to her? That in and of itself is a very admirable achievement. Most guys don't have to guts to do this.

Started over social media but didn't want to make it an online only thing so I caught up to her in a hallway one day and talked a bit.

Also, what the use of that achievement if I can't do the most important thing and actually make it a relationship?

Because you took the first step. Which i believe is the scariest part of any relationship you have with anybody. The moment you say ''hi my name is user, what's yours''.

>You are the man. If you want gf, you have to be the one who works for it and pursue girls. Go and ask girls on dates.
And then get labeled as "creepy" and "rapist" and watch your social life die.

>I'm literally friends with a lot of girls but nothing more.
I dunno how comfortable you are with it, but ask them about single girls they know. Do the same with guy friends.

Well now I don't know if it's me or if there just wasn't any chemistry, I really tried I did. Even escalated things nicely from texting about school, to casually texting after texting about school, to talking in real life.

NOoo, that just makes me desperate, isn't the point to not look desperate?

Unless you are abnormally ugly or autistic people won't burn you down for politely asking them out. And even if you are abnormally ugly or autistic you probably don't have a social life to begin with so what do you have to lose?

>NOoo, that just makes me desperate, isn't the point to not look desperate?
Don't ask EVERYONE, obviously. But ask a good friend or two. That's actually how most people meet their partners, through mutual friends.

The best I could do is subliminally hint at that, just jokingly you know, so they think about it. I can't ask them openly.

Don't be a faggot, man. Girls like balls. Show some balls and ask.

What have you got to lose? All the sex you aren't having?

Have you ever shown an interest in them?

read some PUA books

Lose of respect,embarrassment and feeling awkward every time we're near each other.
Yes, plenty.
No, that's not me.

last bump

I think you know what you have to do now.

Ask my friends to get me girls? Nah, too desperate.

I just got 5 matches on tinder with one photo bro. Só easy

You have to be really attractive for that.

I hate tinder, it's basically everything bad and hard about getting a girlfriend just multiplied.