How to stop being a beta?

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Just stop.

Think of all the things you know you should do but you're afraid of doing them, and then fucking do them.

This never makes sense to me. I'm a little deficient in social skills, so I can never tell whether I'm going to offend/hurt a person when doing something. And what if I end up doing something that makes me look like an idiot?

Read some books on body language and learn to interpret it manually if you have to.

As for doing something that makes you look dumb, the trick to being cool (which is what you're aiming for when you want to be non-beta) is not making things into a big deal. Be literally cool about it. Yeah haha whoops made myself look dumb that was bad you guys are right. And then move on with your life. Learn to make fun of yourself.

What's going to happen to you if you look like an idiot?

People really don't give a shit about you. They're too busy with their own problems and inane dramas. You're a passing nobody. Don't constrain your growth and life experiences because of what random nobodies are going to think.

>People really don't give a shit about you. They're too busy with their own problems and inane dramas. You're a passing nobody. Don't constrain your growth and life experiences because of what random nobodies are going to think.
user, I'm at uni and I don't have many friends. Plus, girls care if I look like an idiot.

>the trick to being cool (which is what you're aiming for when you want to be non-beta) is not making things into a big deal
When I do this I just look retarded.

>girls care if I look like an idiot.

They literally don't think about you at all.

You stop caring. An alpha isn't afraid of that. Due to reasons, I'm riddled with insecurities. But in the moment, I never seem to take the time to think about caring. Afterwards I constantly second guess myself.
But I'm also not stupid. People defer to me. Constantly. Simply because of my presence. Because I give no fucks and I go balls deep into whatever I'm doing. That's something I'm truly starting to notice lately. It's actually helping quite a bit.

tl;Dr Go balls deep.

pooping at work makes me not a beta?

Yes, unless I'm behaving like an idiot. I say this from experience, user.

>But in the moment, I never seem to take the time to think about caring. Afterwards I constantly second guess myself.
I do this.
>People defer to me. Constantly. Simply because of my presence.
I can't do this because of a lack of confidence. I never feel like I'm good enoguh (mostly because whenever I do, I end up failing/not being a good leader)

I suggest getting a variety of leftist literature all the way from books to literal twitter feeds. Read all of it and then do literally the opposite of what they say on every single issue and aspect of life. You'll be surprised at how fast the pussy starts coming.

Here is a nice video I found recently but it is from 2018 that illustrates my point nicely:

You basically have two guys at the women's march acting like assholes on purpose for their comedy youtube channel. They are acting as traditional male assholes (see gillette ad) in the middle of a feminist protest and guess what? Some fucking girl literally ASKS THE GUY FOR HIS NUMBER.

If you are male feminist beta you are probably dumbfounded and how the fuck that guy is crushing feminist pussy while you still have to wear your chastity cage just to watch Tyrone fuck your wife.

You can't possibly be a leader if you're afraid of what people think of you and constrain yourself based on fear of their judgment. A leader does what he knows is right and then takes responsibility for whatever happens.

>does what he knows is right and then takes responsibility for whatever happens.
I can do these things (and have done them before) but I avoid them so I don't disappoint people.
That, and I've scared and made people feel bad before because I was an 'aggressive' leader.

You have an excuse for every behavior you have that is making your life shit.

Your life will change when you decide to change, but that's never going to happen as long as you keep justifying your weaknesses.

And that's what an alpha doesn't do. In the moment, I don't take the time to think about what other people feel. I want it done right. I do it myself. We had a guest speaker and we all required a bit of software. When I noticed nobody but me had it installed, I stood up and just started walking the whole class through it. The key here is, I just did it. I didn't think about whether I should or shouldn't. That's the separation.

tl;dr it doesn't even take confidence. It just takes knowing someone other than you would fuck it up

>but that's never going to happen as long as you keep justifying your weaknesses.
I'm not. I WANT to be an alpha. But if I'm just going to be the 'aggressive' one, and the social outcast retard, that means I can't be myself.

smoke crack

>It just takes knowing someone other than you would fuck it up
But how do I do that if I'm scared of fucking up? I've removed the fear but everytime I've done that I've ended up failing hard.

As an addendum, an alpha also understands his own limitations and readily admits to them. In certain situations.

Get gud? I don't know what youre failing at dude. You obviously aren't going balls deep if you're failing at it. Work harder.

Your "self" is a fiction.

Your image of an "alpha" is also some bullshit to let yourself off the hook. There are many great leaders and influential people in the world and in history who aren't aggressive bullies.

>Your "self" is a fiction.
Agreed. Not one I like though.

>Your image of an "alpha" is also some bullshit to let yourself off the hook
I have no image of an alpha. I want to be myself, and that involves not having to be so passive just to make everyone feel better, which is essentially 'not being beta'.

This. It's about presence. If you're worried about having it, you won't get it

Oh that's easy. It goes lover, self, family and friends, everyone else. Always keep it in that order.

You don't like yourself , but you want to be yourself ?

You're not even making sense anymore. Sort your head out user.

I don’t like the way I’m forced to behave right now. My ‘current self’ is essentially a work of fiction.

What is that order for?

>I don’t like the way I’m forced to behave right now.

Yeah, pretty much.

Get over it.

the order is by importance. At least if it's a serious lover.

>acknowledge the fact that the beta/alpha dichotomy does not exist
>you are NOT inherently a beta, you've only attached yourself to that label and it's holding you back because you think you can't change
>no one gives a shit about you, but in a good way. No one cares if you fuck up
>remember that everyone feels like they're not as good as others, it's called impostor syndrome
>just do what you want to do within the bounds of law and stop caring about what people think, because they don't think about you nearly as much as you think about you

Thank you! You just solved all my problems.

I literally went through like 10 different objections you had and provided counter argument and all you can do is give some snarky piece of shit response. Maybe your problem is that you're an ungrateful cunt.

How the fuck is stuff like ‘get over it’, ‘sort your head out’, or saying ‘just do it bro’ 12 different times helpful in any way when my entire problem is the fact that I can’t do it?

>hurr alpha beta doesn't exist
It's just a metaphore for confidence and that shit is noticeable and unconscious.
Exercise and nofap help me the most. Alcohol works too.