Ex-chadlite here. Ask me anything about women

Ex-chadlite here. Ask me anything about women.

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How did you lose your Chad-card?

how do i bang a chick at work as an ugly short guy.

What was your favorite/most successful means of getting girls? Where did you pick them up and how did you do it?

1. Stopped lifting seriously, lost about 30 lbs of muscle
2. Stopped my immaculate skincare regime
3. Got a buzzcut (had medium length golden brown curls before)
4. Stopped paying super close attention to style and dressing well
5. Stopped being an instagram and snapchat popular fuckboy

As you can see from these I was never a natural chad, but basically I stopped giving a fuck. Felt like I had to move on to the next phase in my life (career and professional success). Also I now understand how overrated women are.

Instagram/snapchat and social media pretty much. Tinder too sometimes. Would chat them up, talk some random shit for a little bit and then invite them to chill at my place/watch a movie.

I don't have particularly popular social media profiles. I hate taking pictures of myself and i'm not very good at it either.

Guess i'm screwed then.

Lift, dress better. Don’t try to impress her or something. Act like you don’t really give a fuck. Do some light flirting maybe and see how she reacts. If negative/cold then you’re pretty much fucked. But all being said dont fuck colleagues.

I'm kind of the sensitive innocent type, so I have a hard time picking up on what women expect of me and need to have some kind of trust familiarity with someone before I want to go farther. However, I'm pretty good looking, workout plenty, and am generally well liked by those who know me. What do you think I should do?

Yeah I had a good instagram profile with a lot of pictures = good social/sexual market value. You’re not screwed as I am naturally like a 6/10 looking guy. With dedication and some work, most guys can actually become chadlites. Anyway if you are good looking and not really short, just dress decently well, do some grooming and try to chat up girls at the library/gym/cafe wherever.

1. Best way to bring up sex on a date, and initiate kiss
2. How to make a coffee date go from boring to sex

Well if that’s the case just invite some girl out you are interested in. Try to get to know her better. If she says no, dont be too dissapointed.

Also you shouldn’t give a fuck what women expect of you. Sounds like meme advice but literally just be yourself and act according to your own principles.

I never really actually had some mad game or pickup tricks and shit. When you are really good looking you can pretty much talk about whatever the fuck you want and you won’t look weird. Why you want to bring up sex? Well anyway don’t talk about sex too personally, brag or ask her about her experiences. Talk about it in an ambiguous general kind of way.

When you are close by and there is a silent moment look her in the eyes and if you feel it, just go for the kiss.

Bring up movies and talk about that. Then say that there is this really good movie you have been wanting to see and ask if she maybe wants to come to your place and watch it. Go over to your place, put the movie on and slowly build it from there.

>Also you shouldn’t give a fuck what women expect of you
Women expect men to escalate. That's just how it is. I'm thoroughly oblivious of what I'm supposed to do and when. I've blown chances, because they were trying to get me to do things, but it didn't register with me, because it would not have occurred to me they would have been doing so, nor would it have occurred to me what to do if it had

>Also I now understand how overrated women are.
Not all Chads have muscles, user.

From my personal experience, going for the kiss is the only intimidating/scary move you make on girls. After you've made out with a girl you've pretty much banked her. You can easily guide her towards having sex or whatever else you have in mind.

Thanks for letting us know you are pretty much unhygienic now. What’s a stupid list lmao

Ok I understand. Yeah your are right, you have to escalate. And the skill you are lacking, reading the situation/signs is pretty important. I don’t really know how to train this, my best guess is just go out there and do it and in time you will get better.

Yes you are right. I did though.
Yes, it gives you that initial confidence. But you can still fuck it up.
Nah, I still take care of myself. It’s just that before it was on this autistic obsessive level (imagine bateman from american psycho)

I have made a different experience.
Once making out, it's pretty much always on the table, but that doesn't just mean sex.
Believe it or not, most girls will not just put out immediately.
At least where I live.
I know in a certain state in the US where the promise of sucking the stress out of a girls titties is all that's needed

How do I stop caring why people like me or if they "really" like me

Develop a rock solid inner confidence, where you realise your true value and stop trying to impress others, try to impress yourself. It may take several years to get to this point.

So regarding your social media, how did you build it up? Did you start young?

Maybe I gave you the wrong impression. I had like 500 followers on instagram, nothing special at all. It’s just that I had good looking quality pics showing me travelling, with girls, in nature whatever and also shirtless gym pics which showed off my really great shape. Pics had like 100+ likes and positive comments. It all basically just established that I’m good looking and semi-popular, that was all I needed. You don’t need 10k followers or some shit.

Lol dude i have like 2 people on my snapchat. How did you even get to 100

How do you approach girls in class for dates? There's this girl in my chem class I want to ask out, but I just don't have to courage to go up to her.

Was in high school back then so I just followed people from school and they followed me back.
Girls dont really date classmates. If you’re friends on fb, chat her up. If you are a typical Jow Forums autist however, you probably got no chances, sorry man. If you ask her and get shot down you may be made fun of pretty hard.

well said

What was your lifting regimen, and what did your body look like?

I'm a 6'0" certified 6/10, my only issue is that I'm really shy.

It was a brosplit, about 5 days a week. For example chest + bis. Went heavy but also chased pumps. Looked kind of like pic related with slightly bigger arms and shoulders. Took me about 3 years to get there i think.

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Ok im going to sleep. Remember, don’t put pussy on a pedestal.

I have like 150.
I tried my best to post interesting quality content, but I just stopped after a while because trying so hard became embarrassing when people with zero posts or stories had more followers than me lol

Dude that took you three years?
I would need a little chest work and lose maybe 5%bf and I would look like that.
And I never actually lift.
Just do a shitload of cardio and conditioning for boxing.
Thanks genetics.

Age now? Age you had most success? How many whores did you get with? Where did you meet them? What was your skincare routine? What was your diet?

>Sucking the stress out of a girls titties
This guy knows the day Jow Forums learned the master key to tinder



why would I ask a man anything about women?

If you want to know how to catch a fish, who would you take advice from? The fish or the fisherman?

How to make a girl give her body as fast as possible without having to make promises and possibly without hurting her?