GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

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I’m really sad cuz I can’t turn back time and do one thing that keeps me up most nights...

I keep getting sick..
I think it's hard to overcome emotional trauma. And the pollution. And the stress. And maybe there's something physically wrong with me too. I just have trouble wanting to be alive anymore and I can't do anything more for myself than I'm already doing. So this

Another sick user here.

I have a virus and two exposed wounded heels that I have to guard against bacteria

I spend all day practically on my back and taking remedies to ease the pain and treat the symptoms. This waiting game sucks

I'm going to try and go to sleep now. I hope you feel better cause I wish I could feel alright right now

hungover and feel sad because i'm fucking with the self worth of my ex-gf

I fucking miss you...

How do I last longer in bed?
Been with current gf for 5 months, shes a tiny jap. At first we had bedroom issues where I couldn't penetrate, all the foreplay in the world wouldn't get her wet or to relax, and not being able to fuck properly would kill any hardon I'd have
Fast forward a few months of easing into it with condoms and lube and practice and she's fucking like a trooper. Difference is, shes on the pill now and we aren't using lube. And she likes me being on top and giving it to her hard (Typical asian shes hella submissive).

But, thats like the sexiest part for me, I wanna last longer for her (And me) when Im on top and doinking her. How?? Should I look into cock rings? Practice edging?? What works. Without lube shes so god damn tight its almost impossible for me to go longer than 5 minutes.

At this point I've mastered the art of changing positions and taking a break to do shit like suck on her tits while I finger her etc.

I'm so upset. I'm mad that I met you. Mad that you showed me how beautiful life could be. You showed me that you were just as weak and had all the same fears as I did, just in time to use them against me. And still I don't hate you. I dream of the chance to talk to you again. Literally. It hurts so much more than any of the other times I've been betrayed because it's so fresh and we connected so fast. Every day without you hurts so fucking much.
But honestly I wish you nothing but the best.

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Stop talking to my sister you pedophile traitor fuck.
Come fucking read this, you won't. I should never have let you into my home you fucking vampire. I know you're trying to turn me against my loved ones, and i know you think it's funny.
Every girl you leave in your wake is left a ruin. You will hurt and play with and manipulate and dehumanise her. Unless I stop you.

Know i'll have the last laugh you sack of shit, I only haven't fucked with you yet to avoid embarrassing her. Kill yourself you fat faggot

I think you getting to see how much it hurt me and almost walking away might in the end make it harder for us. You are acting different, warmer, and you even seem inspired to try to get better mentally, but how long will it last? That's what I fear, that all this is just a facade brought up by the fear of losing me. I am wary, and I don't think that's a good thing.
You got what you asked for, will it fix what was wrong with you?
You seem happy, and I'm glad to see that but why am I not feeling good?

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Damn, I officially give up on you today
Im moving on and it feels good

I love life and people, it's very comforting, knowing that there's a whole world out there. I want to change something, be significant, even if only to a single person, and I'll do it!

Was talking to this girl on a dating app last night.
We exchanged numbers but she insisted I call her to prove we're both real. I call and then get an automated message telling me to state my name.
I come to find out it's some Google feature I've never heard of but didn't feel comfortable since ive read people get scammed this way. She ends up getting unnecessarily pissy and starts name calling. Scam or not, I feel I dodged a bullet.

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Been there a few months back. Youre a bit slow but im glad.

No matter how I feel I gotta do this. I can't give up or forget how important it is.

why are you not feeling good user?

If I mean nothing to you then I should stay away.

I hate you secret gov. You destroyed the best parts of this life. May you be exposed. You lie, use, exploit, manipulate, and squander our future. I hate you! Die.

thanks user.

lads don't want me around but don't tell me, feeling like shit due to schizophrenia and being isolated from the ones I care, but don't blame them, just hurts a shit tone.

How frequently are you having sex?
Doing what your doing works. If you can more than once a day for awhile, it should help build your endurance

That's what I am trying to find out. My gf has been in a depressive funk for months. Since about last November I think. All that time I have been trying to get her to pull out of it. Spending time with her, talking, games, even blew a few thousand dollars to visit her. Yet she kinda was letting herself sink in. Sure, it sucks to fuck up a few classes and such but she has resources everywhere on her campus. All she would do is mope and complain. I stopped talking to my friends, did less with family might have even gave up a job or two. Which to be honest, I know is my fault. I konda grew to care too much about her, that at some points I was living her life. So, I kinda quit, stopped playing as much attention to her and noticed I enjoyed the time I wasn't with her. She was just getting worse whether or not I was there or gone. So I kinda told her all this and she went into beg mode. That's things will change and that I didn't communicate enough I was feeling like this. She pulled the suicide card and it makes me feel weird for saying it did have a little sway with me. I stayed. Now, a couple days after that she's all energetic. Writing and drawing stuff, she tells me she's inspired by me playing guitar while we talk. Something I had done countless times and yet now it does something? I think I feel like I'm not sure about this version of her, like it's only temporary and things will go to back to the sad mess.
I got what I have been trying to see from her for months, now I guess I have it. Yet, I am not happy. I'm not unhappy, just numb from the all this.

Is it just me, or do women always assume that when you want to talk to them or when you want to get to know them, all you're really looking for is pussy?

Like it's impossible for me to actually want to get to know somebody. Do they just see the world through a lens of who's hot and who's not and who will be a better social status for them?

I thought I had cured my depression... BUT NOW IT CAME BACK!
For fuck's sake is there a way on earth to defeat this thing!?

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He actually wants me. Like, genuinely, romantically wants me. I'm so fucking happy but I've been totally blindsided. The setting up of things is going to have so many external problems but I genuinely just don't give a fuck right now. Elated and terrified. Fuck I never planned for this.

I don’t know what to do. I wish you’d say something. Is this what you want?

I wish I could see you again. I’d smile.

Funny. While writing this, I flipped my desk calender at work over to today.
This could be why, I feel she has grown way too dependent on me. Acts as if I'm her onky reason to live and happy. I don't know why but I am not quite fond if the thought.

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Are you sure they don't like you? Don't push them away, they might just have a bad day.

Oh god I'm alone, there's no point to trying. I've tried for so long but I'm nowhere further along than when I was a teenager, I've not felt "energy" in years.

>The girl's name? Albert Einstein.
What if my goal is an object?

I fucking hate that you tell me about your plans together and then say "oh. We would've invited you but..."
Just tell me you don't want me there...tell me you want to keep the wedding party small...tell me you only have enough room in the car for 2 people, or you only have 2 tickets and I just didn't make the grade...just stop telling me "we would've invited you, but..."
You know what, maybe you're right, maybe I wouldn't want to come because there'll be alcohol, maybe I wouldn't be able to get off work, maybe all of the maybes and ifs you came up with for not inviting me were true, but you took away the option that maybe I'd be able to make time for you guys.
Do you really think I wouldn't try to make time for you?

Not sure user. Mind you I do love the girl, but she's not my reason to live. Not the reason I get up in the morning. I do stuff for me, and maybe that's what I neglected to work on all this time. I really dislike the idea of a person putting so much on to me. I think this leads back to my current state. I have to talk to her once I get home from work. Might just read her the posts. See how she takes them. Though I do feel bad since she is riding higher due to the knowledge that I had chosen to stay. Not sure where to go, but where I am now I am not content.

I am so angry at my younger brother for befriending an acquaintance of mine.

He knows how much of a wreck my social failures make me, then he goes and becomes close friends with someone I once tried to befriend, and never once bothered to try to include me in that. It's literally just playing boardgames, what, he ultimately cared more for his social status than about helping me in a fairly trivial way?

Please message me today. I don’t want this.

Finally figured out a desktop wallpaper and lock screen that I like. This has been an ongoing struggle for years.

you definitely dodged a bullet

I'm tired of wasting so much time online with fantasies that will never be. I'm excited about my future and my social skills are getting better after years. Instead of being awkward, I just make stupid jokes and they seem to go over well. I can be funny and charming when I try...I think most people just picked up that I hated people before, which is true. I'm trying harder to value everyone I'm in contact with...I'm not sure why I was so pessimistic about people before. I want to start to make new friends and expand my social network. There are many people that are so interesting in this world. I'm finding that those who aren't online all the time are the way more interesting.

it's your turn, though...

You really disgust me. I'm not going to try to hurt your feelings by expressing why that's so but you are the biggest creep I've ever come across.

No one will message anyone because you're all enormous cowards. You like to whine instead of taking any action. You deserve misery.

Bitch why you such an enigma?

Damn son... im impressed, try zoomquilt

Nothing good is ever going to happen to me.
I think at this point it going down hill from here.

Please give me hope, I know my dreams are big, but I managed to get this far.


You wouldn't guess how much I loved you, all the way, paradise to agony and back.

Asshole, I just am.

At least you have dreams my man. You just need to appreciate the small victories because they're all single steps towards your big dream.

That's not useful when I don't even know you.

don't want to message anyone, though, user. if someone doesn't contact me first for a while, even if they respond to me all the time, i just quit and don't feel bad about it

thanks for the useless advice, cunt, let me larp as i wish

yeah then don't whine about it here since it's your doing

Jesus Christ, is this the caliber of male on Jow Forums? if it wasn't so pathetic, it would be hilarious. The guy can't even speak properly and he is a leader of men with 2 views?

Fucking retard.

Never tought of it that way, oh well nothing gained nothing lost

yeah, no one cares

been ignoring her texts, answering days later
we were dating for 2 months again, or rather more of thel ines of fwb with me wanting more
now we're back to texting without any form of emotions, a week ago we were snapping and stuff

i feel shit for having to be like that to her

I'll never forgive you for everything you did to me. How you ruined my dreams and deliberately tried to make me feel terrible about myself. You fucking asshole, you deserve all the misery that your life is. Don't even think I will care about you ever again. I don't care what you say, you're rotten to the core.

I'm trying to fix a situation when I don't know any of the details and I'm not even sure if it's worth it anymore. I'm trying but I don't know what to do. Also I know you were stalking me before and I thought it was endearing but extremely weird.

Then stop abusing her and messing with her self esteem. Be good to her or nothing at all.

too much of a coward to let her go, don't want to let her go
and at the same time i'm being an ass to her
i should go apologize

Stalking as in looking at some social media? If so, that's what people do. Social media is to be looked at by people. If you don't want to be "stalked", make it private.

I look at exes social media because they talk about me still and it pisses me off. One traumatized me and I hate him for it. I gather information for future use.

I just realized I haven't been able to improve my life because I actually don't want to improve it, at all. I don't want to live safely and happily until 80, I'd rather live a hard, yet interesting life, and not care about when I'm going to die.

Men are such assholes.


isn't it your turn to make a move?

I have a choice right now. I see it clearly. Either I give up online crap or I die a raging unhappy alcoholic. It's that simple.

The most interesting people are those who can improve, discipline and refine. Lazy fucks are so very common, dull and selfish.

Seems like a pretty easy choice..

I know you tried to make it sound like it was for me by listing my vices. Then you add a few compliments in there to try and make me forgive it. Then you'll turn around and say it wasn't for me, that I'm delusional and laugh your demonic laugh. Fuck you. I don't give a shit about you. Die.

One day you'll wake up and see how time you wasted. Time you can never get back. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Just be grateful, Jesus Christ!

I feel like I'm finally becoming happier and following my dreams. I'm moving out of my city, going back to school, discovering new things and all that. But because of all that I think I'm losing my friends and all I've ever known. Is it normal for your friends to be angry with you not having time for them anymore while you're trying to focus on yourself? Am I being selfish for prioritizing my own goals over them?

>thread theme song

Trying (and succeeding at) being somewhat successful only made me miserable, but I get your point. I've realized it just isn't what I want in life.

For some BS love that doesn't impact me in any way? I think you're the one that should be grateful to me....for being your muse.

I've got an 8 inches long dick. How's that for "BS love that doesn't impact you"?

Successful...what is that anyway? Making lots of cash to impress other people with? Unless you are making it to change this world in some way, you aren't successful in my books. So if that's what you mean, then I sympathize.

You know I like you. I want you to say something, because my gut feeling is that you feel the same way. I can't understand what it is holding you back. Shyness?

So just tell me...I won't mind..

Thanks user

I miss you. I said I'd be more open and outgoing but I still feel shy and insecure about chatting you up.
I hope I get to see you for your birthday this week. If not, I'll definitely take you to dinner or lunch to make up for it

Having moved people through my work and art counts in my book. I was never exactly rich, but I've made many safe choices in my life. I just want to do what I actually want and live how I really want to live, and thus take a harder path.

It's important to be authentic and true to your self.

I've written a 1000 goodbyes and none of them matter. Only actions do.

When should I tell you?

Gril, you ain’t fooling nobody. You can’t fix whats not broken. Just go and paint your little toes cause it’s over.

I'm not even sure I'm talking to who I think I'm talking to. First initial.

Ive been obsessing over this total cunt for like 3 years now becuse she keeps leading me on and showing interest and affection with me but she then goes and becomes a worthless ghutterslut and fucks my friends and then once they break up she starts talking to me again and my dumb ass starts it all over but its hard to get away from her becuse shes fucking forced herself into my group of friends

Why tho?

I'm still holding on to hope that you will come home.

I somewhat agree

Distance yourself from her. She's using you and you even know it yet you still let it happen. Respect yourself and your time.

Get rid of her, she's not into you, and she probably use you as a ego booster. She will never be yours.

Someone just asked me out on tinder and idk what to do

Say yes for the lols

Thanks for not forgetting about me.

Go fuck yourself, you're garbage.

Fuck you! They’re amazing.

I did lol

Today has been weird. Another one asked to meet up tomorrow for a coffee and then unmatched me before I could reply dafuq lol

Fuck them too, you were all garbage.