Redpilled movies thread

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redpiddled movies are redpiddled

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Dark City
The Island

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Ran by Akita Kurosawa

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Fuck off, boomer!

most bluepilled movie I've ever seen. completely misses the point of personal freedoms

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Fuck off, faggot

Too many films to name. Who's afraid of virginia wolf is the perfect film for Jow Forums due to shitposting. Rebel without a cause, honey i shrunk the kids...

fuck you, I'm keeping the thread bumped and it was the first one I had available. also it's a good movie

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Easy Rider?!?!
The boomingest of all boomer movies?!
It spawned a generation of geriatric biker gangs.
It is about as based as a tampon in a transvestite.

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This movie.

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degenerate garbage


the american mindset

Uhhhh try looking into the Fondas before you jump to that conclusion.

actually better than the original

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Uncultured idiot.

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Perfect film and music. Both are masterpieces. Would easily date you.

well I'm sure your high brow ass loves the protagonist being killed at the end, but yeah I like the hero to be rewarded for his struggle. it's how the real world works

that + they live + wag the dog

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Chinatown and l.a. confidential = masterworks.

I hate this movie, it's a liberal strawman of conservatives. the "water" thing is implying we don't understand science well enough to understand the climate

Mad films.

Douche bag boomer.

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my nigger

That’s Better, though the romance seemed forced.

I hope Bogart shoves his entire fist up your ass when you meet him in hell

The sad reality is there are no redpilled movies except for maybe Its a Wonderful Life which is too wholesome for Jow Forums

Also the religion angle will repel their fedoras so theyll never get the actual message of the movie.

Same movie but with bigger budget

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Watch Kurosawa.

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>"We should rip Barron Trump from the arms of First Lady Melania Trump and put him in a cage with pedophiles."
Jesus, Fonda. Not even to my worst enemy.

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Personally like this one

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As well as the re-telling

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Of the same story

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Obviously he meant "rapists" but it's a lot to ask for liberals to make the distinction

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I haven't seen M but (((Fritz Lang))) did make a movie red-pilled enough for Goebbels to offer him a job instead of a train ticket

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Thelma & Louise. Two roasties abandon their responsibilities and with their new found "freedom" make such a fucking mess of their lives they decide to drive off a cliff.

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>I haven't seen M
I really don't suggest it. and despite being on the right side cultureally, Goebbels was a really bad judge of art.

Donzoko is my favorite.

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underrated and correct answer

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mein neger

This is the opening disclaimer for Ilsa

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I like the hero to be rewarded for his struggle. It's how the real world works.
Hitler would like a word with you, user.

fuckin' based

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He was an admirable man, but he was mad: bipolar similar to Kanye. he would never allow himself to have a good life, because of his madness.

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In what fucking world is Easy Rider quality culture? It is absolutely not "redpilled", both Fonda and Hopper have shady histories and were part of the government's efforts to undermine legitimate anti-war sentiment of the time.

Based and redberried.
Also lonesome dove

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you need some perspective on the difference between an actor and the characters they play

Blazing Saddles.

You need some discernment to recognize propaganda for what it is.

The Jewiest most anti-white movie of the 20th century. thanks for your input.

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censored already lol

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Thanks for this awesome thread idea, I got deep into a lot of great movie memories.
God bless.

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Disgusting anti-conservative kikery.