Why are young white American men choosing video games over a job and family? How do we stop this exodus from society?

Why are young white American men choosing video games over a job and family? How do we stop this exodus from society?

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Why should I break my back in system that treats me like slave labor and then gives everything I own, including my children, to my wife if she decides she's bored of me?

simple. by bringing back National Socialism

>why are young men choosing a life full of leisure rather than a life full of debts, stresses and void of any foreseeable stability.

wh*Te dogs are inherently childlike cucks

Why do you make this thread every fucking day?

You can make a living playing vidja if you git gud.

Hard physical labor is fun especially if you barely make a livable wage

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>How do we stop this exodus from society?
By going back to God.

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Based and redpilled

This, OP answer this pls

give me a gf who won't leave over dumb shut or fuck tyrones behind my back. until then i'm just gonna be a NEETnigger for life so fucking cope lel.

Imagine unironically blaming Christianity for the fall of Rome. Imagine the mental gymnastics that must occur to explain away the Eastern Roman Empire.

Its a scam. The whole system. Ive been chewed up by the system. Its not good

>Why are young white American men choosing video games over a job and family?
because i have no stake in the nation and i don't care about it's future

Where the fuck do they get the money from?

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>Be white
>Somehow it's the jews fault for the actions that are directly caused by your ancestors

>implying christianity itself mental gymnastics

I have a job, I've given up video games, I exercise and eat well, yet I'm still alone. The women at work are all single mothers and are condescending because I am just a technician while they are all proper scientists. My only friends are lonely guys that play video games too, and where they work, they cannot network and find a gf.

Tell me where these women are that will give me a family. I can't find them, even women on dating sites and Tinder style apps flake as soon as I ask to meet up. On Tinder alone I have had close to 300 matches in a year's time, and still don't know what a vagina smells like. OP, you make these threads but don't give any advice to the guys like me that are trying. What is your intention? Pushing this existential pain into me just a little harder?

Make it worthwhile to participate in society again.

A video game isn't going to divorce me, take half of what I own, and take custody of my child.


What this mutt said

>advice to the guys like me that are trying.
stop trying and just focus on the work and hobbies that aren't for children

>How do we stop this
i want more of it, less competition the better. fuck em


>half of what I own

Half, oh no goy, you wish. You'll be paying through the nose for a lot of years

>to get a gf just give up

Because women are shit and our country is anti white baby

Because they are being kept as slaves, and being lied to on a daily basis.

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And without a good family structure, the genetics and future of society is going down.

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meant stop being desperate, which you fucking are if going on Tinder to begin with, it's like BO just cause you can't smell it doesn't mean they can't

what this dyke said

Thanks sexual revolution, feminism, and LGBT.

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>be white
>be white male
>be blamed for everything
>be expected hold civilization together
>be shitted on constantly by said civilization

be thankful they're choosing withdrawal, the alternative won't be pretty.

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give me 1000 a month and I might consider it

are americans actually addicted to vidya? Here its maximally a tiny side hobby unless you are a youtuber

>using Tinder means I am desperate

So how are some guys and almost all girls getting laid on Tinder? You understand how unreasonable you are, right? Trying = desperate

Playing games is far more rewarding then spending countless hours for your loved one to leave you having to start over all over again. Not even mentioning the whole divorce thing. I don't care about women enough to waste my time on them though so there is that.
Give us a reason to care about those things.

I only chose my hobbies over starting a family. I already have a decently paying job ($65k a year). I don't trust women so I'll never marry.

Autism bux. Soon to be baggin, nigger.


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This answer him OP

We need a world war to make men out of some of these guys

or drop the nationalist part entirely and just bring about socialism. i can't afford college, i can't live off minimum wage, if i go to a hospital ill be bankrupted. why should i serve my country if it has given nothing back to me? two out of the three presidents in my life got into office without winning the popular vote, i have the right to die in a foreign land but not the right to drink, why should i fear foreigners when the people robbing and scamming me are those of my own race yet they have the gall to say a literal monument to racism out in the desert will fix all the problems this shitty country is facing, not the underfunding of education or the class divide that's being propped up by temporarily embarrassed millionaires. I want the right to self determination my parents had, they had jobs that paid livable wages, they could buy a home and have children without going into poverty, they were not smart, the jobs they worked were automated by the time i was born.

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>1 post ID
>this thread made every fucking day
>retards respond to bait

is this even true?


White nations that were white males to inherit were given to shitskins

No, it's not. It's a shit shill thread that gets made everyday.

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Why would you buy a primitive system like a switch to play at home? Just buy a PS4 ffs

Better dead than red cuck

Because the family courts are corrupt and anti-male due to feminists.

There's little benefit to marriage and too much liability and risks of having your life, family destroyed if your wife divorces.

Let it happen because they were not real men anyway.

It smells like fish.

I would fuck the hell out of her until we had to replace her heart with a pig heart so she could become the braphog she was always destined to be.

Whites are fine. I sincerely hope the pic triggers you.

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Taking away women’s right to vote and stop educating them would solve the problems in the West.

They're not choosing, you retards, they are incels who are just using gaes as coping, why don't you ask your slutty daughters to date a guy who isn't some rich Chad, or nigger thug, eh, Mr. Tradcon asshole?

>muh catchy jingle

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>Spend years in college, studying your ass off for your STEM degree, don't get any assistance from the state and have to pay a lot of rent (because the housing market got fucked hard after the refugee crisis) and mandatory health insurance and state tv fees
>Meanwhile shitskins come into this country and get their rent + any expenses paid and on top of that more than 500€ to spend freely every month
>After finishing your STEM degree all companies expect you to crawl into their asses and happily work >50h a week for ridiculously low wages (especially compared to similar jobs in other countries). More than 50% of your wage directly goes to the state which spends all the money on pampering shitskins and other bullshit

Yeah, fuck that. Last year I quit my job and now live on social assistance. I'm now able to live a relaxed life based around working out, hiking, reading and educating myself on topics I'm actually interested in. At this point in time supporting our current system through paying taxes is nothing else than treason.

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I am jealous of your social safety net. I used to have nightmares in my teens and 20's as an American about what would happen to my family if i didn't succeed. Too bad that socialism only works in white ethnostates.

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no idea.

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Diminishing returns

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Pretty much this

70.5% of my take home pay goes to rent not even including utilities.

17,000 a year after taxes.

1,000 a month for rent = 12,000. Add in another 500 a year each for electric and wifi and now your at 13,000 (no AC) to get electric cheap. Put in food and now your at 15,000. Bus pass puts you at another 500 so about 1500 a year disposable income.

Vidya is the only hobby I can afford to do.

i like how there's a bong and a bunch of weed too

And I don't have health insurance. Honestly my only luxury is my wifi so I can play online games.

nice trip, here fixed it for ya mate.

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>theres 2 things that smell like fish
>one of them's fish

Based and redpilled

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You're a man, you should figure it out faggot. This post is why unless men are married it should be illegal to work/have a paying job.

Video games and porn are a massive problem. 3rd wave feminism wouldn't exist if young men were out dicking these hoes.
Fringe sjw groups are giving a spotlight by jewish funded conservatives to create an anti students for justice(In palestine) Mob.
You can't disprove this so don't bother

Cringe and bluepilled

Based and redpilled

Gib fresh and 15 year old young pussy to marry and having ten children and I would have worked till death.

Who said Asian guys are beta? Be Smashgodxxx i.e handsome as fuck able to
slay girls of all races.
Get banned from Twitch for being too alpha. Proceed to make money streaming
Tinder dates on youtube.
Defying the haters saying asians have small dicks and can't get girls on
the regular.
Why aren't you doing the same?
Pro tip: Cause you can't!

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It's not supposed to be the focal point.

not real capitalism

OP btfo

This lifestyle and the alternative both seem pointless to me. Currently wageslaving to buy property and go off-grid completely.