How do you know if you should get married?

How do you know if you should get married?
I'm completely in love with my gf, I'm 100% emotionally set on spending the rest of my life with her.
However I'm also terrified of making emotionally charged decisions, and I want to be certain mentally. I keep thinking of all the things that could go wrong or things that I simply don't know. Am I just not ready? Am I trying to be too safe?

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How long have you been together? Have you had any major fights?

Do you want the same things for the future (kids, where to live, etc)?
Do you have the same values?
Do you communicate well? Do you solve arguments easily? Do you argue over the same things over and over?
Do you both put effort in the relationship?
Have you been together for 3+ years?
Are you each other's best friend?
Do you put each other before anyone and anything?

It's okay to not be 100% sure now, you can wait a little more. No rush, it's one of the most important decisions of your life.

My philosophy teacher once put it that way:
If you date someone and think "I love that person, there's just this one thing that bothers me about her." but you think you'll be able to change that or get used to it. You wont, and you'll break up because of it.

Unless you are 100% certain there is no such problem, yeah, go for it.

Otherwise, nothing forces you to get married.

8 months and yes
Yes to all of those except the arguing over the same stuff and the 3 years

A big factor in this is that in a couple months I'm required to move away for 3 years and that distance is going to be brutal. I don't want to rush into marriage but holy shit I dont think I'm strong enough to handle 3 years.

>dating for 8 months
>considering getting married and moving away from wife for 3 years
This is all kinds of wrong

Terrible idea.
Also if you can't handle a little hardship like a LDR in 2019 (when communication is easy, travelling is cheap, etc), don't get married.

If you think there's any chance you'll leave then youre not married, and she has to promise the same

(Military flag here) she can come along if she's my dependent

Married guy here. Don't do it. There's zero benefit for men to get married and many benefits to stay single. The only benefit is for the woman.

You might be a bit lonlier as a single person, but that's better than being married to the wrong person.

All this advice is bullshit.

The real answer: You can’t know. Try to pick someone decent. Don’t expect perfection. Both you and your partner will change. Things will happen, good and bad. If you marry, stick it out if you can. Try to be patient and forgiving. Don’t expect much. That’s about the best you can do.

3 years? Wtf? Bail on that or bring her. You don’t leave her like that.

Thanks dummy that's exactly what i'm as


>getting married

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Most important is to have been with her for over 4 years.
And marriage puts strain on a relationship, so it'd never recommend it.

What is her most annoying personal habit, however trivial?

Could you live with that?

>Getting married in the current year

And asking about it here no less. I’ll do you one anyways.

Go on /bis/ and ask if its wise to sign a legally binding contract to an emotionally unstable party

>How is her mother’s character?

>Is there a father figure present, if so does she despise him?

Am serious. You might just spare yourself a life time of misery and servitude.

stressed decisions....
8 months.....
If you spend more than 12 hours a day with her, and you talk regulary about anything, yes, marry her
3 years is a loooooooong time, some people just choose to stay single, in the meantime And when they return they check if they are still on

That’s not at all how you framed your question. Are you asking should I dump her or marry her and bring her along? Are you asking should you give up some opportunity for a three year thing or bail on it to stay with her? I don’t know what you are asking.

Jack off. Post nut clarity is a powerful thing

Be more positive. Fuckin marry her take her with you and live happily ever after.

Or dump her and wonder what if for the rest of your life. My parents got married 2months after meeting. 20 years later and theyre still happy.

Do you like having a home, and not having to donate your sperm and blood to make alimony and child support payments, if yes, don't get married.

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