What the fuck to do?

I have no idea what to do with my life. I have no goals or things I want to accomplish, I'm just lost.
I'm 21 years old, flunked out of a good college, went to community college for a bit and now I'm doing nothing. I think throughout my entire life I've had people telling me what to do or peers that I can copy and follow along, but now that I'm not a dumb high schooler I have no idea what to do
i'm depressed as hell, I can't imagine living past 22, sometimes I think I'm not even a real person
how the fuck do I just exist normally?

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Sounds like you've never lived for yourself. Do you know what you are truly interested in? Or the things that you truly like to do?

Hey man I just turned 22, kinda in the same boat as you are. Both of my parents were pushovers so they never did and still don’t care what I’ll amount to be. They’ve always been broke and bad with money.

That being said; work an unskilled job that brings in tips if you can (work full time, pick up shifts from co workers and try to get overtime as much as possible). I’m not sure what your living expenses are but if they’re low then you can start saving huge amounts of money for your future. I’ve saved over $11,000 from working valet for 5 months, idk where I’m going either but I think it’s the right direction, at least for me.

>Do you know what you are truly interested in?
no idea, i haven't done anything in the last few months outside of pointless shit like playing video games, watching TV or listening to music. I can't live off playing video games or being a lazy slacker. As a kid I could never answer the "what do you want to be when you grow up" question, not even with some dumb child answer like being a firefighter or astronaut.
I used to be working and saving up but I quit because of physical pain, and then blew all the savings over a year on food, drugs and MtG cards. Recently, I had a part time job in a deli but I quit real quick because I couldn't handle being there. All my coworkers were in their 50s, could barely speak english and they all hated each other. It was soul-crushing and I'd rather be dead than continue live like that.
I live with my parents so I don't pay rent, but I cant stop thinking of myself as this piece of shit leecher. My parents arw approaching 60 and still working to support me while I lie in bed all die. Sometimes I wonder if I'm even really depressed or just a lazy slacker manchid looking for any excuse to be coddled

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>how the fuck do I just exist normally?

honestly a big part of it is picking a direction and seeing how much you like it. i went through a film program in high school and just got my bachelor's in ecology and evolution. still feel disillusioned but i have a stronger sense of myself and what i don't like because i've done things.

you also have to remember you're not coming here from thin air. you've taken classes, you went to college, you've had jobs in the past. what elements did you like from the jobs or classes and what didn't you like?

Are you an overthinker/highly sensitive individual?

I’m in the same boat as you OP. I go to school part time and work in my family’s restaurant as a cashier (due to me not putting any effort anymore) I’m now approaching my 4th year in community college with a total of 9 credits under my belt. I feel like I do nothing but exist. I just turned 22 a couple months ago and can’t find anything I’m particularly enthusiastic about in life. I wish I could help but just letting you know you’re not alone

I would say so, why do you ask?
I wish you good luck man

You just remind me of myself, I tend to overthink as well.

If you’re really not doing anything except living day by day, then consider reading a book cover to cover. It doesn’t have to be a great one but make sure it’ll take effort to finish it. You may appreciate yourself a bit more if you can commit to it, you’ll also learn a lot.

I hated reading until last year, sure beats playing video games late into the night.

You should learn to love yourself, user. has a lot of truth in "appreciate yourself a bit more". Find fulfilling pastimes.

Well first find what you do enjoy doing. Test out as many hobbies as you can, give them an earnest try. Once you have that, just find any old job to supplement those enjoyments. If you can't love your job, then at least have something else to love (on top of yourself, ofc)

you need medical help, psuchologist or someone like that

user ignore all these nerds, just start lifting and going to the gym. If you manage to continuously do this you will have meaning in life or at-least something to do.

maybe you should search for a job that is in your opinion a meaningful thing to do, then work towards getting that job, and if it's for some reason unreachable, take one that is similar to that.
For example, I want to get a job in the police because I think it's a job I could be proud of, so at the moment I'm getting in shape to pass the physical test. Should I not make it, I'll go to the military.
Something like that could give you a direction to take, but you can't half-ass it or you will not move from the starting line.

> I have no goals or things I want to accomplish

Well there is step one. Make some goals. Literally just fight through the lack of motivation and make s list fo goals and fight to achieve them.

I don't think you're here anymore, but when I was young I was fascinated with snowboarding and I thought it was so cool. I never did it, I just thought people who did it were cool. When I finally tried it I wished I did it sooner.

Is there anything you feel similarly? Try the things you think are cool. Maybe you play FPS and think guns are cool? In my city there's a claymore class that trains how to use claymores. Maybe even just a trading card game community? Maybe you want to make a game? I love fish, and I finally learned how to keep shrimp. I also got my open water diving licence even though I didn't love it, but I had fun not that I look back and I want to do it again. Maybe you have a similar animal you like? You could learn about them and care for them? Maybe that could even lead to working at a zoo? If you're tired of your society, live in another one for some months. Vietnam is cheap and they want English teachers, and pay well. The world is your oyster. When you feel like shit and you have nothing to lose, it's a perfect time to drop everything (nothing, really) and do what you always wanted.

Reclaim the holy land

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Join the Navy

hey user this is bullshit i go to the gym everyday for hours and it is fucking pointless like anything else. i hate it but it keeps me healthy.

>get a job you like
>get a car
>get your own place
>like actually buy your own place don't be a rent slave
>find gf thats wife material
>get married and have kids
>be dad and husband
>grow old
>be nice comfy grandpa

There is your plan
I'm 24 and just bought my first car, I still live with my mom and I need a stable job so I'm heading to the employment office next week.
Never had a gf and my social skills are beyond autistic but I'll worry about that once I have my own home and a job

Take one day at the time and don't stress it.

I feel you bro. Was in the exact same boat like a couple weeks ago.

But I got a job that pays a decent wage and is reasonably white collar and has a fairly broad list of responsibilities, meaning I can take this experience anywhere and spin it in future jobs or rise within the company. I opened a savings account with my tax return. I think I’ll move to the city for a little while once I have enough for an apartment saved up, go on an adventure, maybe get my MBA, write editorials, get involved in municipal elections or a church, take creative writing classes or do community theatre and meet new people and have dinner parties, move to LA someday maybe. IDK man I don’t have it all figured out but we are young and the only advice I can give you is to take it one day at a time.

“You have heard your sentence. So, you see, you will have to learn to listen to more of the radio music of life. It’ll do you good. You are uncommonly poor in gifts, a poor blockhead, but by degrees you will come to grasp what is required of you. You have got to learn to laugh. That will be required of you. You must apprehend the humor of life, its gallows-humor. But of course you are ready for everything in the world except what will be required of you... You are ready to he executed with all solemnity. You would be ready, no doubt, to motify and scourge yourself for centuries together..: As if there were not enough unhappiness in all you have designed already! However, enough of your pathos and death dealing. It is time to come to your senses. You are to live and to learn to laugh.”

-Herman Hesse, Steppenwolf

try Peterson's Understand Myself and Self-Authoring, seriously, it will help you start to get a better perspective on things, and then start to fix them. good luck dude.

same as you user except im 26

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