How do I be a nicer person and let go of hate

How do I be a nicer person and let go of hate

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you are asking for too much

why not world peace while you are at it?

just as likely to come true

>Meanwhile--Nuclear testing

i just want to be a kinder person and not hate jews

Stand up and get off the fucking internet

Let the hate form you

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1)understand where the hate is coming from
2)understand that you're as much flawed as other people

watch OSHO

Why jews directly? What as a jewish person personally done to YOU in this life to make you hate ALL jews?

Why you hate Jews?

Become detached, but not indifferent. Whatever happens always accept it without clinging onto your belief of should have have been or what should be in that present moment. However this doesn't mean you reject change or that you can act to change what you don't want but you must first accept that the way things are are the way things are, only then you may act to change the way things are.

Answer this.

Idk, everytime I think about it, it makes no sense, yet I do it.

Thought process: There are some Jews that take advatanage of their power, and cause harm. The thought proceeds to all Jews doing harm. I then think about all the good Jews who stand up against the current government. I try to be kinder, but then I realize that without my subconscious hate, it's almost like they get away with their dirty actions (the bad ones), thuis starting the cycle over again.

There is nothing wrong with disliking Jews. Most Jews, blacks, etc. are a certain way that offends the Aryan spirit. That is fine. The problem is being consumed by your hate. Think about the well-being of your friends and family, and cultivate your life to be free of undesirable elements, and maximize the good elements. Focus on loving what you love, not hating what you hate.

Find a nice Jewess to fuck OP you'll feel better

This. Don't give your enemies a "rent-free" place to live in your head.

>There are some Jews that take advatanage of their power, and cause harm.
What about pedophile Christians, do you hate all Christians as well?
Or Muslims, some a terrorists, so everyone must be one, right?

I'm a Muslim. I hate the evil Chritsians, Hindus, athetists, etc. The main problem ehre is that I assume that a few bad apples ALWAYS ruins the bunch.

But hate has motivated people to incredible heights.
The key is not letting hate destroy you. Use it to empower yourself, drive yourself to be better.

Hate makes you human.

So you have no REAL reason to hate a certain group of people. You hate them based on information that you heard off of the internet and not based off of personal experience?
Was your father a white supremacist? People who grow up thinking thoughts like this are usually the spawn of parents who are also the spawn of other people who beat this into their heads.

So you hate a group of people that you have never personally had an interaction with. Think about how fucking stupid that sounds when you say it out loud. You hate something you know nothing about because you have never directly had a reason to hate. Just internet stories from Fox.

You got no problem with christians and catholics and muslims, do you? You're fine overlooking all the heinous crimes that they've ever done through history, but fuck the jews for doing something that doesn't even relate to you, right? Fuck people you've never had a conversation with. Fuck people who you've probably never even met in your whole life because you surround yourself with like minded people and you're too afraid to get out of your safe bubble.

Read the Enchiridion by Epictetus.
You can do it.

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did you read anything I said...