Why are pretty girls self entitled

Are most pretty/hot girls like this?

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When you grow up as the centre of attention, you naturally learn to think that the world revolves around you. No big mystery.

That’s the thing. She didn’t grow up as center of attention.

Was she not pretty/hot until recently?

She became hot after high school

Then now she thinks shes bad shit and deserves to be owned by a man who buys her everything. Basically she sees what hot celebrities get and thinks she is going to get that too.

So she put in some effort and feels that justifies her entitlement.
Anyway, wy are we even talking about this. She seems like a bitch. Just drop her without a word.

Everyone is different but if you treat her as if she is anotjer species with a chip on your shoulder expect someone to react and defend themselves. I'd like to see the entire conversation because it seems like you aren't telling the whole truth and want the same type of guys to say what you want to hear.

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What context could possibly make what she said OK?

Part 2 or 3

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You don’t need to be or date a celebrity to land a rich or above average income man if you’re a pretty woman. Believe that.

Okay I am reading them. It seems you are dating her? Is she your girlfriend or you just getting to know each other? I need some more background information but from this alone it seems you guys don't fundamentally agree on a few things..

She is used to going out to expensive steak and seafood restaraunts at least once a week. She dates older, rich men. She loves me and I love her. But I only make about 35,000 a year.

I think she is used to the sugar life. So her expectations are usual for that sort of thing. If she loved you she would realize that and have a real relationship with you. Give up the sugaring. Not expect you to be the same as those guys but love you for you. I'm not sure I understand how you got together to be frank.

You love a girl that is going out with older dudes? Does she fuck them as well?

How cucked are you, man, seriously? Doesn't matter how much you're making and if she wants expensive food, learn to cook good food. I met my gf making $30k a year, now I'm in the low $100s and still prefer to cook good meal for my gf than go eat some "expensive steak."

No. She is only going out with one older dude and doesn’t love him. She works a part time job and he pays the rest. (She doesn’t like working full time because it worsens her depression). And she only has sex with me and him.

We both suffer from depression and connected on a deeper level and that is how we got together.

Yeah, we're a valuable resource.
Dick is cheaper than pussy, but sometimes you can even the playing field with steak every weekend.
Also does a girl good if she has low iron, because we bleed every month.

Wtf does low iron have to do with anything

This is female logic for fucking older dudes for steak lol.

I'm gonna start using that as a pickup line.

Trust me she doesn’t just fuck her sugar daddy for steak. I’m her boyfriend. She loves me. She fucks her sugar daddy because he supports 80% of her income so she can have her own decent apartment. And iPhone. And whatever else, getting her hair done. She doesn’t like getting her nails done for some reason.

She better be doing them herself or she'll find herself in the sugar trash.

Unless sugar daddy like fingers in the booty.

Can you shut up. You’re annoying. Either make sense or gtfo.

And I don’t want your advice. You’re a girl.

There is 100% chance that's a dude.

>She didn’t grow up as center of attention.
Women naturally feel as the center of attention even if they didn't grow in such an environment. Especially once they realize they can control men to do whatever they want for sex.

Honestly, I don’t give a shit. I just really need advice. She’s way hotter than me. I’m just a 44 year old balding dude that makes 18 dollars an hour in the Midwest.

What kind of cuck would share his bank info with a girl?

What are you talking about. I shared how much my whiskey costed.

If she’s dating you
>I’m just a 44 year old balding dude that makes 18 dollars an hour in the Midwest.
Maybe she’s just as fucked as you are, maybe she was hot at one point and received a lot of attention but now, well, she only has you so why not make her realize that? Or she’s just playing you and see you as a $ sign
I hope I didn’t offended you that much.


Lmao she doesn’t only have me. She’s 26 years old. She won’t even lose her physical beauty until more years down the road.


If it’s her money she spends, why do you care?

She’s 26!!! I’m 44. No way dude. She has more options, way better options. She is dating a CFO of a company, his net worth is 2 million alone. But she loves me and she’s only using him for lifestyle support.

Sounds like a shitty person you're in love with based entirely on her looks.
Most people are shit. Hot people get away with more so they tend to act shittier but they're not really different.
It's a lot easier to find an average looking woman with a nice personality than a hot one but they both exist.
I'd advise looking at yourself to figure out why you put looks above how she actually treats you.

She's a thot and you're a cuck. It's a love story for the ages

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You’re both wrong. She doesn’t need to be dating me at all. She is dating a CFO who has a net worth of 2 million. I currently have a net worth of 300 dollars? I don’t even have a car because my license is suspended. She makes me pay for her gas though.

not all, but many do this.

If she actually loved you she would change her lifestyle to not require being a thot. And yet, she remains sucking off old dick for cash and you don't have a problem with it

Ergo she is thot, thou art cuck. The world keeps spinning, you're a genetic dead end.

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Ouch. That’s an even worse insult than this one:

You’re a virgin that can’t drive.

That’s a negative way of looking at it. Sure.

Polygamy never works

>guy starts dating 10/10 girl in a sugar daddy relationship
>surprised she wants money

How can some men be so pathetic to think they can turn a high-level ho into a housewife

She doesn't love you. As the other user said, if she cared about you for more than money or fun, she would be with you

Our society allows women to be as awful to men as they want, so long as they're not committing severe crimes, and get away with it. Thus women who are attractive learn to view men as something to be used for their benefit and disposed of. Since people also never dare to tell them that sex isn't the literal meaning of life or something, they also think that any man they're fucking is lucky to get that and to ask for more or to object to anything they do is an insult.
tl;dr she's a cunt, so are all women in the west, dump her ass

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I’m not surprised she wants money and she deserves the best but I simply can not give her what she wants.

Everything I know about women I learned from Jow Forums incels: the post.

Ah yes, if a man knows about women he must be an incel. Your eggs aren't getting any fresher. Better freeze a few before it's too late.

Lol “knows”. How tired your excuses are that anyone who disagees must have a vagina. Have fun staying bitter.

You act like my advice isn't from experience, which is predictable because you people can never admit that you have flaws. If you could you'd probably have less of them.

Funny you say that when you dismiss an entire gender based on your very limited “experience”. Please elaborate further, I’m dying to know how badly you’ve been burned.

>I’m dying to know how badly you’ve been burned
Why, so you can laugh or call me a liar? This is the internet cunt. Go find your own entertainment.

Because they hold something of high value. Obviously.

It's one thing to be entitled, it's another to be just a valuable person.

Thank ya

Their high value being what. Looking pretty? A vagina? Both? At the same time?

>wants high value woman for little value
>she's not settling for less than she gets from a hundred different guys
>waaah waaah why won't she do what I want MOOOOOOOOOM!!!!

geez dude. she's out of your league, accept it and move on.

Meat has high quantities of iron to replace lost blood. It’s not that hard to understand desu. I crave blood and meat on my period

Honestly I did the sugar shit too and she sounds like an asshole. I get it if she’s doing it not judging her but the fact that she expects you to spend all this money on her when you told her you can afford it. Seems inconsiderate. I did the sugar stuff but if I’m dating a guy who I genuinely like I wouldn’t ask him to spend a bunch of money. Because I’m not using him for his money I just want to be around himbecause I like him. If I’m sugaring I’m using them for their money and I don’t give a fuck about them. There’s a difference

Three fiddy for bait

only the ones with anglo surnames

Leave. Run. Get out of there. She's a category 9 gold digger. You can get a hot girlfriend that doesn't do that shit, or better yet, one that makes their own money. Get the hell out of there and stop wasting your life with this woman.

Lol all women are gold diggers to a certain extent.

All women have a princess syndrome

Just the pretty ones

Nope; generally only the Anglo ones

All women are whores. If you run from them when you see the inevitable 'hole access for favor x, y or z' you'll die alone.
I'm not saying get taken for a ride by the worst offenders but you need to have some perspective.