This guy got trolled, hard

This guy got trolled, hard.


Attached: nazitrollree.png (853x255, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you think he is backpedaling? Even if so it sound strange.
Lets think for a moment about this problem purely from logical standpoint. You know if you're coming with the sword - it's not the sword that makes you the threat, but your intentions. Trolling itself is a sword. Now you have to understand that it's impossible to draw the lines. You know how little children come back from hospital and start playing doctor. What do they understand about "hospital"? So it's a messy messy situation. Don't expect anyone to sort it out for you.

Have an upboat, my fellow redditor!

Attached: Download (2).png (225x225, 5K)

wait, am I the the guy or the knife?

Apperantly, satirical department of our TV network managed to pretend to be an online journalist and publish some articles in New Norwegian (yes, it is a thing) that contained parts of Breivik manifesto as it was an opinion of the one who wrote the article. Nobody had problem with that lol.

Just another way of saying you can normalise certain ideas by using humour. It's not some massive epiphany or some dark nefarious tactic. It's just a useful method of communicating ideas. This guy is a moron.

at what point does he realize that hes anti-White and the definition of KEKOLD

Attached: delusion.jpg (954x819, 131K)

So basically arrest anyone I find scary regardless of whether they break the law or not?
Hot take

Thought this post was about Islam till two thirds down.

Trolling is not the sword, it is the fake sword in this analogy. It is impossible to tell people's intentions, that is why sane societies don't try to enforce thought control and punish action or attempted action instead.

yabba dabba doo

>Trolling is not the sword, it is the fake sword in this analogy.
it is sword. watch all those pranking videos on youtube.

BTW you can type this into search and see for yourself that the topic of this is the 'okay' hand sign.

Nah, bud. Reread the text its clear for native English speakers that trolling is the fake knife he refers to.

yeh like doctor is giving wrong medicine to the patient. even if its sugar pill. imagine nazi concentration camp gas cameras where targets are convinced they will be gassed, but it's just oxygen being pumped in. How many do you think will die from heart attacks and similar gaslight problems? Think about demise of donny in "big lebowski"

Nice Trips. Unfortunately, everyone is a Nazi according to these people. There's going to be so much more radicalization but it won't be because of right wing extremists. It'll be Leftists and other dysgenics calling moderate conservatives Nazis for believing in upholding basic laws and meritocratic immigration. I can't WAIT!

> How many do you think will die from heart attacks and similar gaslight problems?

A very small amount.

>A very small amount.
exactly. but thats how some of the hot and fuzzy options of weapons of mass destruction are being implemented by CIA lemon party gestapo. death by gazillion papercuts. if the world wasn't globalized it would be obvious to point fingers at swastika worshiping lands of brexit empire such as japan or indochina. but world is globalized so nobody is off the hook. brexit is also not possible.

fake sword

It's kind of funny, honestly.

This person is so thoroughly triggered by how and why these events happened that the existence and power of places like Jow Forums, places that essentially allow something approaching free speech, necessitate destruction. That their solution is to disrupt or restrict these engines of free speech. In spite of being passionate about this, in spite of clearly fearing and giving a fuck about the mechanism that can allow people like the NZ shooter to do what they do, they're so completely devoid of self awareness and the mental wherewithal necessary to address their fears at the root, that they will never be able to actually tackle their problems, through acknowledgement and discourse with us. Instead, they default to the worse knee-jerk reaction possible, the one that essentially perpetuates the very thing they're afraid of; crying thought crime and trying legislate us away, possibly the single most effective way to galvanize the intentions and spirit of the board. Fuck, we've been in a state of perpetual asymmetrical warfare with sand farmers and goat fuckers for decades with little permanent progress. These principles apply to psychological warfare as well, yet these people learn literally nothing.

tl;dr we're not going anywhere, and being violently inflammatory is not helping.

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>Instead, they default to the worse knee-jerk reaction possible, the one that essentially perpetuates the very thing they're afraid of;
This is exactly what he engineered this event to take advantage of.

Who is this guy?

>New Norwegian
What's that supposed to be?

Just some top voted reddit comment.

Sounds like he thinks shooting Tamir Rice was justified.