Why are you an incel?

So I’ve been seeing this term so much on this board, guys, so it translate to involuntary celibacy, tell me why do you think girls are not interested in you, how good or bad your experiences have been? What would you like to change? You think it has a fix? Let’s have a discussion. Let’s help y’all

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I wouldn't consider myself an incel because I don't really resent women, the few female friends I have I enjoy being around and they say they enjoy being around me.

I don't think it's that girls are totally uninterested because I've had girls interested before, but I'm very socially isolated because of mental illness. I struggle to interact with others and the world at large even though I've been told I'm very charismatic.

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Former incel here.

I stopped being an incel, and indeed stopped being a single virgin, when I came to the realization and admission that it actually wasn't everything and everyone else's fault that I was single. It was actually my own fault.

The fact you treat women like humans means you’re not a incel.
I use to think good guys only finished last because assholes cheat. But the reality was I was the asshole all along for aiming up high when I was over weight. I lowered my expectations and started taking care of myself, I got rejected and heart broken enough to be hateful but I knew better. I think the problem with incels is they’ve never been physically humbled in a fist fight, a guy needs a few ass kickings to lose that fear of failing. They curse manhood and then dwell in their own shitty life standards. Incels don’t need sex as much as they need a father figure to call them out for their bullshit.

I could be considered an incel because I'm involuntarily celibate, regardless of the way I treat women and regardless of how nice I am. I just can't talk to them unless they're either part of a crowd, if I have some professional reason for talking to them, or if someone introduces me to them.

>But the reality was I was the asshole all along for aiming up high when I was over weight. I lowered my expectations and started taking care of myself

A million times this. I wasn't a fat kid but instead the overly tall and lanky awkward kid. I also has generic Lego Hair like any good autist does and also a unibrow and my mom dressed me, etc. All that, and I just thought and acted with my dick and only tried to be with the hottest or most attractive girls. Typical Choosing Beggar behavior.

I don’t want sex outside a relationship. I mostly talk to girls online. I graduated college recently. There are no women in my workplace.
I ask out a girl every year just about. They always reject me, but a couple times I was offered a friends with benefits situation in which I rejected the offer both times. I don’t have any friends to meet girls through. I feel like I need to be in a relationship to feel motivated to get anything done. Last time I was in a relationship was 5 years ago, and it lasted 2 years. I consider those years to be the best and most productive years of my life.
What do you say, doc?

So you’re afraid of intimacy, the one thing you wish for yourself most sometimes (or all the time if you’re young). You need practice with stepping out of that comfort zone. hell im sure if you told a woman friend you like who likes you about your inability to be one and one with a female you’re interested in, she’d say the same.

I'm not really an incel. I just don't chase after a woman without a lot of motivation.

Pretty fucking stupid, honestly. I can't help it, though. I'm not that into most chicks, and then there's some random bint that saunters in just to say, "Hi, I'm perfect, you can't have me," every few months.

This last one though...fuck. I just want to knock every one of her orbiters and sponge boyfriend over with a bat. This is part of what ends up happening. I get hot pants over some chick and I have urges that are not great, so I twist myself up and avoid eye contact.

I'm not afraid of intimacy, I love intimacy and want it desperately, I just have no way of getting it because I can't interact with people. I'm constantly afraid of people thinking I'm scary (because of my paranoid delusions) and I behave strangely as well due to my Obsessive Compulsive disorder. I sometimes feel like I'm trapped in my own little world, and the few times I go outside it's terrifying because people look at me and I'm ashamed at the turn my life has made.

I worked with a guy like that years ago, nobody liked his attitude. He meant well I believe that but he just couldn’t stop with the ego flexing. I think being the fat kid showed me that society has standards and If I can’t fit in I should stand out with my art skills. Every woman who’s been with me up to my current one found me interesting because of my creativity. You got to let your talents do the ice breaking.

Do you have anxiety attacks?
That could be the root of all your problems.

I have anxiety attacks around too many people. Like one of my friends invited me to a party and I freaked out and ran out the door because it was too loud. But the anxiety is a result of my Schizotypal PD and my OCD.

I totally relate to that feeling around strangers. The “good” news is there’s women out there who have similar mental issues that could relate to yours. My girl is as crazy as me, that’s how we work.

>date girl with anxiety
>has anixety attack and ignores you for 3 weeks
>comes back
>ghosts you out of nowhere because anxiety

How does one go about meeting girls with the same mental illnesses though? It's not like these are just personality quirks, I take multiple medications and go to CBT for this stuff.

If she loves you then she’ll communicate, sorry man.

I’ve been there too, my kids mom is like that. Broke up with me and then I was diagnosed with cancer. Instead of asking when I’d be back from the hospital, she was more worried about continued support money.

You got to go through some hard times before luck can shine.
My current girlfriend found me, I gave up on love after that one two punch to my life. I’ve never had someone talk to me as much as we do, long distance can do that.

I feel like I don't understand how relationships even friendships properly work if everyone is suppose to have had sex by a certain age.
Women are nice to me and say nice things about me but I've never had sex with one.

Sometimes I'm bitter about my lack of success with women, but ultimately I know the problems are often with me. Not always, but fairly often. How do I stop from being a butthurt faggot?

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That’s the fucked up part, you can’t just join a support group and expect to find the right one. It’s all about being kind and helpful to people who share similar interests as you. Join fandom groups, be yourself and just be open to new friends.

>So I’ve been seeing this term so much on this board
I don't remember the last time I heard somebody actually call himself an incel. It's been turned into a generic insult by twitter norms, standing in for "loser".

Also it’s not about matching your exact illness, it’s just being open to helping someone get better as they help you.

AFAIK there aren't even support groups for psychotic disorders and OCD. I'm in a number of hobby related groups, but I still can't talk to anyone there.

Right? It’s so stigmatized but for a reason, a lot of the people who do call themselves incel are so negitive that they make people like them look bad.

You can talk to people, it’s your illness fucking with you saying you’re not good enough. Fight that shit, fight it like it owes you money.

It's not like an anxiety disorder, it's not social anxiety that's preventing me from talking to people, it's like wanting to do something, but being physically unable to do so, like the neural impulses to do it just don't work. That's how I would describe Schizotypal PD, I can psych myself up for months to try to talk to a girl, but I can never actually do it, even when I've decided to.

I’m unfamiliar with that, I mean I feel for you man it’s just impossible to know what it’s like. I hope things eventually work out, that’s all I can say.

Personally its because Im a pussy. I have barely ever asked out girls in my life. Most times Im just terrified of making a move. Hell, Im terrified of acting sexual in front of a woman. I can flirt but I suck at touching and talking intimate. When I start getting intimate, when I see the girl quietly looking at me and getting closer, I start pushing her away, I fear my own sexuality more than I fear rejection. Often times when I think about asking a girl, I dont really care what happens, I just think to myself "ahh she lives too far, what will we do I dont know her town?, where will we even have sex if it comes to that because i live with my parents" etc, I just make excuses.

I post incel stuff online all the time but I don't actually believe them or treat girls badly.
I just know I'm too broken and inadequate for any girl to possibly take an interest in me. It is 100% my fault and my fuckups that led me here, but it feels liberating to incelpost sometimes.

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And even worse than that, because of that along with my OCD, my life is lived in constant fear, and I have to abide by rigid rituals to live in any kind of comfort, that's the kind of stuff that would be really difficult to explain to a girl. It makes me feel like no woman could ever love me the way I would want to love them.

Do you know if it’s something you where born with? Like a genetic predisposition to ocd? If it’s from being traumatized and ptsd, then I would suggest trying hallucinogenic mushrooms. They give them to soldiers coming home with disorders. It’s under a professional therapeutic environment. You could look into that.

It's something I was born with. I was only diagnosed when I was 19, but that's only because I thought it was normal to have intrusive thoughts and fears. Looking back, it was obvious, and I remember being afraid of these things since I was very young.

I found this

Hallucinogenic mushrooms give a higher risk for Schizophrenia, and since I have Schizotypal Personality Disorder I'm already at a very high risk for it.

>be 4/10 women
>get on tinder and co
>get attention from 8/10 men
>get fucked by 8/10 men
>dont want anything in my league, i can get better
>start to think i'm an 8/10 women
>start to only want attention of 8/10 men in real life too
>8/10 men pump and dump
>now hate men

the current state of life

I have muscular dystrophy.

The last time I even tried was in highschool 10 years ago. Here's my experience with girls:

>First girl I liked led me on for ~2 years, using me for homework help. Turns out she had a boyfriend the whole time. I got the furthest with her, a single hug which was nice at the time but I now resent.
>Second girl just was never interested in me as anything more than a friend, but she also didn't lead me on, so I actually still like her.
>Third girl stood me up twice with fake excuses. She then agreed to go to senior prom with me, then canceled because she "broke her arm". I later found out that while that was true, it didn't stop her from attending a prom at another school with some nigger. I hate her and hope she got AIDS that night.

>framing the question as a choice
>clear intent of loading a question

your ignorance is showing, normal

Too shy to try

Who knows. I keep putting myself out there but it's rejection after rejection.

I don't really subscribe to leagues but I see the actual truth in this scenario. Like, some women I know don't do much else but work, go home, sip wine and watch Netflix. They don't socialize much, don't do much, have depression and anxiety, and their body reflects a substandard diet. Yet despite this, they're human and if you get to know them they're not actually awful people and can be nice company. But then they go and friendzone people who would pair well with them, and chase after people who are fit, outgoing and have all this stuff going in life, only getting frustrated with rejection. It comes across pretty lazy, like yeah anyone can just sit around and want some hot person to be with them but are you actually trying to be hot yourself?

Because I have no female friends and the few male friends I have aren't good friends at all so I'm trying to distance myself from them. I want to find new friends, but I don't know where to start. Pls help.

Story time user. What changes did you make?

I just have kind of a shitty personality. I'm kind of neurotic and brash, which has sabotaged a couple potential relationships. I'm going to therapy and doing my best to change so hopefully it's not a forever type of thing.

I'm schizoid so I kind of fit being incel but rather than blaming it on others it is on me but there's not much I can do to help it.
I dont crave intimacy, I'm not interested in sex, I am fine being alone. I can sort of get the need by actively thinking said matter but once I stop and focus on something else it's gone.

While I could probably get a gf if I really tried I dont think it would work for very long due to my condition especially if the girl is emotionally needy. My neglectful attitude would most likely be fine soil for affairs behind my back too.

I get panic attacks when I get too much attention from women. I also tend be extremely confused as to why any woman would be attracted to me when I notice one is.

Because I know a women's true nature.

I can relate to this but I’m also afraid of commitment, besides being afraid of intimacy. I always feel that I have work to do towards goals that will make me who I want to be, or something, and that relationships will be easier as I move forward, but deep down I know that I’m running circles around some neurotic complex cell I’ve constructed of myself. I think I could work through a lot of my problems but I just don’t quite feel the motivation to, and sometimes I romanticize the absurdity of my life and continued journey down an obviously doomed path.

Not a virgin or an incel but never had a serious relationship.

Volcel or bust. I have never put a great importance on having sex. If I meet a woman I love and want to spend the rest of my life with then we will have sex but outside of that I want nothing to do with it.

I stopped being an incel when a woman was actually attracted to me.
I guess I really wasn't doing anything wrong, I was just unlucky.

I'm 28 years old with the social skills of a brick wall, no real hobbies or interests (of any kind, not even video games), and a shitty full time job that pays less than half the median wage and is so stressful it's starting to make my hair fall out. Not ugly, but not in shape either, and I need (very expensive) dental surgery to fix my teeth before I'd feel comfortable smiling at strangers, which is how you bridge that gap between human beings.

I'm unfuckable, and will probably remain that way forever.

I wouldn't see myself as part of the incel crowd, because I blame myself rather than women, but it's technically correct that I'm a virgin and not because I want to be.
The reason is simple: Lack of trying. I've only asked one girl out ever, and consequently only had one date ever. But it was quite recent, I think I'm improving.
Perhaps I also have too high standards. Once per year on average I develop a huge crush for some girl (but except for the last time this happened I was always too scared to act on it), but maybe I need to consider dating a nice girl who I'm moderately interested in, instead of just crushes? It feels a bit weird though, I'm not sure if such a relationship could evolve to a point where I would really love her like what I would feel for a crush. I suppose I just don't know hoe love works.


I learned it was wrong for me to have crushes on girls back when I was in school because I was ugly and unpopular. I asked girls out in college and they all said “no “ (Well, none of them said “no” exactly, they said “gee, I’d love to but ...”) and then I ave up. I’m 40 and so alone.

I don't understand where people even meet each other. I haven't even had a conversation with a woman around my age for years and don't expect it to change.

Really? How?
I have many female friends. In fact that’s never been a challenge for me. I often wonder if they perceive me as “the gay friend” or something.

I've never had a female friend. My closest group of friends has been pretty much the same since high school and I'm 27 now. I have a master's in computer science and working at a small company where every woman is older and married.
So, I want to ask you the same question: how? No girl has ever shown any interest in being my friend.

>every woman is older and married
The older thing can seem intimidating. Maybe it’s that “gay friend” vibe I give off, but I’ve never really had trouble striking up conversations with women. But then there’s never been a serious lack of them in the circles I run in (science fiction fans, atheists.) Frankly, I find it harder to make friends with guys since making any effort comes off as gay. Or they don’t want to bother if you’re not furthering their quest for pussy.

Weird, I always found it relatively easy to make male friends. Conversely, I feel like I never have any reason to talk to women, and I don't really start conversations with anyone in the first place without a specific purpose or interest. Women sure as hell never initiate them with me.

Incredible amounts of insecurity And anxiousness+not ever really trying.

Just fuck already.
At least you both can make friends, of either gender.

Is it that easy? Can't be.

I just have really weird philosophies on sex and relationships because of my mental illness.
For me, sex without meaning is just using another human as a masturbatory aid.
Which in my mind, cheapens both people involved.
Mentally reducing someone down to a dildo or fleshlight can't be healthy.
So I try to develop a relationship first and establish a connection, but all of the women I've clicked with so far have already had boyfriends or weren't interested in me the same way.
Not a big deal, staying friends is fine by me.
And it isn't like I haven't had the opportunity for flings before, I just didn't take them.
Suppose I'm just waiting for somebody I want to be with.
But I think it's too late for me to find them now.

Bump for this

When you get stung, it hurts. If you get stung a lot, you go into a depression. If you come out of that depression, getting stung won't hurt anymore.

Alternatively, if you get a big fucking punch to the face you'll go through the same thing.

Either way, when you come out the other side, you will be stronger, happier, and more confident than you've ever been before.

You have to go through the crucible user, there is no other way. But I promise you it will be worth it.

I realize where I'm unattractive but value myself too much and women (but also society in general) too little to be interested in changing myself to become attractive or a normie, or however you want to call it. Regardless, I'm fine being alone as I've done it for 22 years roughly. If I ever post women-hate shit it's more so for the response I get and also as a generic critique of society. I don't really care one way or another. women could all be loving, monogamous, virgins and I still wouldn't be interested in changing for them; I would just have less to criticize.

Not that user. But shit, I've been in that depression for about 16 years now. At what point should I just give up?

Women tremble and disperse in fear and terror when they (finally) notice my lack of stature

im scary :3

A life of bad choices and unchecked mental health issues have lead to me being a trainwreck of a person. I'm the problem. I'm the one standing in the way of my own happiness. Being self-aware about this but being stuck in a downward spiral of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and possibly mild autism (I was never officially tested for that one but it would explain a lot) that leaves me incapable of doing anything about it only exacerbate this problem. Honestly I'm such a mess that I don't think I have the strength get myself out of the rut I've dug for myself alone. There's honestly too many problems to list in a 2000 character post while also providing the proper context. It's overwhelming. I don't even really have anyone else in my life even if I mustered up the courage for some kind of cry for help. I'm constantly worried that this is my forever. At this point part of me wishes on the regular that something fucking horrible would happen, like an tragic accident or getting fired from my job/losing my apartment, just so that I'm force to completely uproot my life and start again.

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I never tried, was always awkward and scared of girls, lacked confidence because of bullying.
I have no friends and am not currently doing anything, so I don't see anyone.
Even if I did see some people, I don't know how to talk to girls, I'm not very attractive either so I can't compensate with physical appearance.
And most of all, given my issues I'm fairly sure no sane woman would ever want to have anything to do with me.
It's starting to hurt really fucking bad but I don't know what to do.

I'm a novel in the regard of not able to get a girl. I don't treat them wrong, or itemize them in anyway. My issue is I'm shy, nervous, and anxious to talk to a girl. The three times I've asked a girl out, they gave me the most generic responses you could think of. "I just out of a relationship" or "I don't want a relationship because I want to live my life." Now these are legitimate reasons, however, because of my insecurities I assume that what they are telling me is to just shoo me off. May it be my height, my weight, or my face, I will draw the conclusion that I one of those is the reason. I'm fucking 20 years old and never seen a tit in person. At my rate, I have to consider wizardry.

Incel get autocorrected into novel

This is also me 100%. I am TECHNICALLY an incel by definition, but not an incel by today’s standards.

I feel like it's because of my age and life circumstance. I'm 31. I'm not a virgin. I spent most of my 20s in a relationship where I sacrificed school, friends, career to keep it going. Finally left but by then I was 29. I'm trying to finish college, but lack of foundational knowledge makes classes hard and I'm busy all the time. I'm decently fit but since I hit 30 it feels like college girls won't touch me with a ten foot pole. I stopped getting invited to parties and stuff too. Despite being in college and around people it's way, way harder to make friends than it was in my early 20s.

On top of that I'm living with my parents until I graduate.

On top of that, I can't see myself wanting to start a new relationship with anyone older than 23 or so. The average woman my age has been out of college for a decade and has an established career and probably doesn't want to hit the club on a wednesday night. What could we possibly have in common? From a personality and lifestyle standpoint, I can't see how a relationship with someone my own age or in their late 20s would even work. But I'm not exactly pulling any young pussy so...

I guess that makes me "agecel" but I don't really hate women, I don't even really hate my ex despite everything. But I ruined my own life by staying in that relationship.

I am 26 years old, never had a girlfriend, not even close.
Closest I have gotten is going on 2 dates with a girl.

I have had sex a total of 2 times, both times close to blackout drunk. Second time was actually pretty good.

I am not sure what my problem is, but I feel like women are very VERY rarely attracted to me and I don't really know what to do, since I have no experience.
I don't understand the things people say when they say their relationships just "happen", cause I never got that close to anyone. Ever.
In 26 years.

I have few friends, but a fairly active social life.
Most of it is superficial relationships and drinking buddies.

When I try to initiate contact with a girl, I usually give up pretty quickly, when I notice my advances are not welcome.

Look at this recent example
>Meet girl in bar
>Chat a bit, she adds herself to my instagram
>Days later, think I spotted her, not sure though, so I don't walk over
>Write her the next day (paraphrasing)
>Me:"Was that you there?"
>Her:"Yeah it was, I saw you too haha"
>Me:"Sorry it was kinda dark when we last met"
>Her:"Haha or you might have been kinda drunk"
>Me:"Yeah maybe, but I wouldn't forget a pretty smile like that *winkyface*"
>Her:"What's with you *laughingtears*" (more harsh in my language, dismissive)
>Me:"I ask myself that a lot *contemplating*"
>Me:"Anyways, it was nice meeting you, hope to see you around"
>Her:"For sure *smile* but just some friendly advice: No normal girl is into lines like that, not even when you then say you were serious"
>Me:"It was really just supposed to be a compliment *shrug*"
No further correspondence after that.
This was like 3 weeks ago.

Girls might indulge my messages to some extent, but are never interested enough to actually respond to advances positively, I am just a weirdo to them.
Lookswise, ratings from reddit, /soc/ and photofeeler make me think somewhere between 6 and 6.5.
Not enough to get a lot of tinder matches or anything but not full on ugly.

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Tell myself I'm scared of sex, but I've never gone out of my way to avoid it, so I guess it's just me justifying being an incel in hindsight.

Had one girlfriend in high school, met her online, but had no idea what I was doing. We dated for almost a year but didn't get too sexual beyond kissing. Broke up and I was single again from 17 to 23, then I got another girlfriend and had sex. Broke up with her a year ago and haven't had any luck since, worried about how long I might be alone again. I got a decent amount of attention from women and was friends with several, but I just never really learned the unwritten rules of dating. For the most part no one really tells you how to flirt, gauge interest, ask people out, maintain a relationship, escalate sexual situations, ect. Some guys pick it up quick while some of us struggle with it throughout our youth. I've also been in a lot of oddly specific scenarios where girls would flirt with me while they had boyfriends, some of which were guys I was friends with. I got sexually harassed and humiliated by a female classmate when I was 16 so that may have left some underlying damage, but I think a big problem is feeding young boys this idea that men are constantly bothering women and that they aren't really all that interested so we should not even approach them.

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Quit lying to the guy, he's clearly not fit for reproduction. Not everyone is, big deal.

>flirt, gauge interest, ask people out, maintain a relationship, escalate sexual situations, ect
Are there any self help books or guides on exactly that topic?

Yeah but I never used any. They couldn't hurt but reading about behavior usually doesn't compare to real experiences. I'm starting to get somewhat competent finally and I'm less picky that I used to be. Also losing my virginity made me way less weird about sex. The best thing you can do is force yourself to talk to girls and eventually ask them to go on a date with you or for their number at the very least. If you're the guy in the situation 9/10 you have to get the ball rolling and make things happen.

>reading about behavior usually doesn't compare to real experiences
Could still save you time and embarrassment once you actually get to those situations and you already have some pointers as to what is supposed to happen as opposed to being totally clueless.
Also, you could be so kind as to name the books.

The only one know of is called The Game by Neil Strauss, I haven't read it though. You can also check out this website, it has some decent insights: goodlookingloser.com/

>Could still save you time and embarrassment
Maybe, but you kind of need to get yourself to a mental place where you don't worry about that too much. Just take a chance if one comes up and don't get hung up on one girl, if she says no just move on.

Nah man I aint talking about that PUA shit.
I am talking about the kind of stuff a father would impart upon his son.
Real stuff and advice on how to interact with girls and how to lead a healthy relationship.
Specific stuff on what is expected of you in the situations. It would take a lot of the scare out of them for a lot of people.
Like the other user said the "unwritten rules of dating".

>had a steady trickle of girls at least affirm I am not weird, possibly approachable, even likeable after I force myself to do things to improve my life and end up outside
>fuck it all up, or miss my opportunities, or do nothing when they approach me
>they were all qts too

I am the other user, I don't know of any books. I've just heard that book is useful. That's why I suggested forcing yourself into interactions with girls whether awkward or not, it's the only thing that helped me.

Anyone else stuck in cycles of improvement and subsequent regression?

Good bait.

Planning too much and waiting for the right moment is the kind of stuff that keeps you an incel because the moment you're waiting for might not come. What's expected of you is to talk to girls and ask them on a date. If they are single and interested you can't really screw up, they'll probably find your awkwardness cute. If you don't try anything they will think that you are not interested and this is how most guys wind up friend zoned. It's like the idea that women like assholes. Women don't like guys who are assholes, assholes put on a facade and are just the ones who are usually first to ask them out and the women find out later what they are actually like.

Nobody is saying planning shit out.
But when you are at an age where you are supposed to have experience in these things, why the fuck would you not save yourself the heartache and embarrassment and get some pointers?
Literally NOTHING would speak against that, what you are saying is almost completely unrelated.

I am 26 years old and have never called myself this, I have only been called this by others. I won't call myself this, but I would be lying if I said I didn't hate women. I definitely hate women.

By the age of 11 I had become obese, with absolutely no support structure to get better. From junior high on I was made fun of it every single day. I rolled with the punches on the exterior but in reality all I could think about was how I was overweight. My self-confidence wasn't destroyed, it never grew to begin with. I have none. The entire time I was overweight I started to believe that I shouldn't even bother trying to ask girls out for no reason but because I was overweight. When girls came onto me I thought "I could do better if I wasn't overweight", so I brushed them off or simply didn't realize what they were doing, but the ones I brushed off I don't even regret because they truly were nasty.

It wasn't until spring semester of junior year of COLLEGE that I finally had the control and discipline needed to lose weight. It was the hardest thing I had ever done. At 6 feet flat I dropped from a high of 240 lbs. to 178 lbs. I kept telling myself that I wasn't going to attract anyone unless I was a normal body weight, as I watched literally everyone around me experience not their first relationships, but many casual relationships borne out of nothing but mutual attraction. I was late to the game but no worries, everyone has to start some time. Then I made the realization that even though I had improved, the only prospects for me were the same disgusting desperate hamplanets that were there from the start. I had missed the boat, and this was all I was going to get.

I graduated to a lucrative career, and became very well off. At this point the women that WERE attractive that weren't remotely interested in me became interested, conveniently after they were no longer attractive.

There is no solution to this. It will never get better. I will have no normalcy in my life.

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Getting the top of the crop women is not "normalcy" it is reserved for the top of the crop men.
Which you are not. Deal with it, most guys never get with a super model. Stop thinking you are special or owed ANYTHING.

Now that I read over this, should I maybe text that girl again?

hit the text limit, might as well keep going

After losing weight, I went on a single date. Back then I was naive enough to be unable to spot if a girl was fat from her Tinder photos so when I finally saw her I realized what had happened. The date started with a hug and ended with a handshake.

I don't want a relationship. I don't want to go on dates and do a little song and dance to try and get sex.

I want sex. On the basis of mutual attraction.

>Stop thinking you are special or owed ANYTHING.
you are undoubtedly one of the mentally unstable obese cows that repeats this meaningless statement on this board ad nauseum
you must say it for no reason other than you personally take offense and need to get a rise out of people

doesn't matter
all my friends, everyone around me, and basically everyone had normal sexual experiences with normal attractive women and now my words get to be twisted into an entitlement complex involving supermodels by an ignoramus
there's nothing to be entitled about, everyone got on with their life and I didn't, and there's no cognitive behavioral therapy or pill that will repair it

Prostitutes is your only option if you want to sleep with good looking women.
You are clearly no prize yourself and unwilling/unable to put in the work required.
How about instead of listing all the things you want want want, you could list something that you offer?

if women at 26 are no longer attractive, you should move to another place with normal women. preferably change that third world continent of yours when it comes to these things (assuming north america here). enjoy.

Don't tell this guy to move around, he might come where I live and harass local girls.

Is being a volcel any worse?

>im a conservative atheist
>i live in texas
>i like heavy metal
>this area likes country music
>i live in a town with about 5k population
>so very rarely do i find people i get along with
>so very rarely are there things i like to go out and do

and on my end...

>was very shy in high school
>didnt start pursuing until college
>socially inept and awkward sometimes (but i own up to it, and i dont blush or turn red)
>mostly use online dating apps
>incredibly insecure and have low self worth
>i keep all my emotions bottled up
>i dont shower girls with messages, i dont show how much i truly am interested in them either
>yet i never get past the second date
>i used to think it was cuz i was ugly/skinny
>photofeeler and /soc/ been rating me 7/10, and i found other guys that look like me and i dont believe im bad looking
>however i get told i look like a highschool kid
>im convinced i just have a shitty personality at this point
>im also generally a 'nice person'
>i dont care about sex either, i find cuddling such a turn on

I see a psychologist because im so depressed. Had cops called on me for a check up cuz i was about to kms at one point. I was deprived the basic validation everyone else seems to have gotten from the opposite sex. I feel like im worth nothing because i cant even get the fucking minimum.

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Isn't it ironic how you go immediately from suggesting prostitutes to implying that sex is an economic exchange where I have to offer up some kind of credentials to be accepted? It's almost like that silly little redpill theory about sexual market value is actually real.
I don't know what I can offer, because I'm stuck wondering what it is that all the men in my dorm, the apartments I lived in, and the social circles I was in had to offer as totally average twenty-somethings to get casual sex so easily.

I don't understand what you are saying? Is this that typical yuropoor schtick about calling the US a third world country? That's fine, I'll go ahead and move to a different continent to a completely foreign place with a language I don't speak and a culture I don't share common experience with so that the women look less shitty by the time the graduate college. Good plan.

>You think it has a fix? Let’s have a discussion. Let’s help y’all
>proceeds to belittle
oh so this thread was actually just made to torment people who already have problems, of course

I don't know any girls. I work a job with no women within 15 years of my age. I hate going out and I am extremely picky about who I want to spend my time with.
Any girls I have shown interest in have been colossal let downs. Any time a girl showed interested in me I panicked because of anxiety and lack of social awareness.

I am 25 years old and have never held a girls hand.

Hey man thanks for sharing this. I hope it works out with that girl but if it doesn't, know you're a high-status guy.

Stopped being a virgin about a month ago at 24. I honestly didn't want to lose it so bad until about the last six months. I had casually dated a couple girls sporadically and never made any moves out of some combination of fear and shame. Almost a year ago a co-worker who was moving out of town confessed her feelings to me. I was too much of a pussy to do anything and deeply regretted it. She ended up coming back to town briefly for the holidays and we did hook up, but I didn't have the nerve to go all the way because I was so embarrassed for my virginity. I didn't feel as bad this time though and I settled to change it. I contacted a girl I went on one date with last year and she was down to meet again. I like her but I know in my mind I wouldn't spend the rest of my life with her. We got to fucking pretty fast. The first time was still tough but subsequently it's improved a lot.

I've been someone who's able to take care of himself for a long time, but what's changed recently is I've realized two things
1.) My belief that I'm good enough for women is more important towards getting women than any material possession.
2.) There are a lot of lonely women out there